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Making cake for a same-sex wedding = just like the Holocaust


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There are some Christians™ that should be hauled off to the nuthouse. This guy is about as unchristian as a person can get and still call themselves a Christian™

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Allow me again to express my delight that this douchebag shares his name with the renowned gay actor Anthony Perkins.

Oh, and I'm obvs on my way to hell in a handbasket, having made the cakes for two gay weddings.

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You know what is like the holocaust? Denying people the right to do something simple as go to pick up a cake for the wedding. Restricting access to really simple services. Slowly but systematically taking away rights and freedoms until you ship them away to "deal" with them.

You know what isn't? Making cakes for a gay wedding.

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You know what is like the holocaust? Denying people the right to do something simple as go to pick up a cake for the wedding. Restricting access to really simple services. Slowly but systematically taking away rights and freedoms until you ship them away to "deal" with them.

You know what isn't? Making cakes for a gay wedding.

Bravo! This historian would like to compliment you on understanding history. The first step the Nazis took after coming to power was not camps and gas chambers, it was segregating, restricting access to goods and services, education, jobs, and taking away basic rights of citizenship.

The exact actions that Perkins and his ilk are advocating they be allowed to take against gay people and anyone else they don't like.

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WHEN is TLC going to decide the Duggars aren't worth the bullshit? Seriously. ANY OTHER reality show "personality" would find him or herself in a world of shit for working for someone like the aforementioned Mr. Perkins, but they continue to turn a blind eye. Does Jim Boob have naked photos of the CEO or something?

In the meantime, nice to know Perkins can draw the comparison between the systematic extermination of six million people and a merchant who demands he be allowed to practice the most basic bigotry. It would also be nice to see the FRC come up with another comparison besides the Holocaust -- they've trotted it out for every "outrage" under the sun over the past five years or so.

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Gay wedding cake sounds delicious!

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WHEN is TLC going to decide the Duggars aren't worth the bullshit? Seriously. ANY OTHER reality show "personality" would find him or herself in a world of shit for working for someone like the aforementioned Mr. Perkins, but they continue to turn a blind eye. Does Jim Boob have naked photos of the CEO or something?

Jill and Derrick's Relationship has brought in record numbers for the series. Things are going to have to tank HARD for TLC to call it quits, unfortunately. They cracked 3 million last episode...which is double that of Michelle's miscarriage (I don't have numbers for Josie's birth). I imagine the wedding will draw in a large crowd....especially since TLC brings in a tonne of viewers on wedding programming. The money train is chugging for TLC right now. They do their best to cover up the Duggar's political affiliations on the show....but its still sketchy as hell.

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In the meantime, nice to know Perkins can draw the comparison between the systematic extermination of six million people and a merchant who demands he be allowed to practice the most basic bigotry. It would also be nice to see the FRC come up with another comparison besides the Holocaust -- they've trotted it out for every "outrage" under the sun over the past five years or so.

Everybody sing!


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Allow me again to express my delight that this douchebag shares his name with the renowned gay actor Anthony Perkins.

Oh, and I'm obvs on my way to hell in a handbasket, having made the cakes for two gay weddings.

I had no idea that Anthony Perkins was gay. Probably because I don't generally think too much about a person's sexual orientation since it doesn't effect me :shrug: He was an amazing actor though and I like to watch Psycho at least once a year (usually around Halloween).

That handbasket is going to be filled with FJers, so at least you will be in good company ;)

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Jill and Derrick's Relationship has brought in record numbers for the series. Things are going to have to tank HARD for TLC to call it quits, unfortunately. They cracked 3 million last episode...which is double that of Michelle's miscarriage (I don't have numbers for Josie's birth). I imagine the wedding will draw in a large crowd....especially since TLC brings in a tonne of viewers on wedding programming. The money train is chugging for TLC right now. They do their best to cover up the Duggar's political affiliations on the show....but its still sketchy as hell.

Not to mention the Christian Conservative/fundie-lite crowd is pretty formidable in its own right. Hell, between them and the people who are there to watch a trainwreck, bringing out the political stuff could attract MORE viewers.

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You know let them not make a cake for someone. but make them follow the bible if they do. others will be able to deny them services. do unto others and you would have them do unto you. so if your happy discriminating against others then you need to be happy when they do the same against you. but of course really what you would get is a scream of persecution.

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Not to mention the Christian Conservative/fundie-lite crowd is pretty formidable in its own right. Hell, between them and the people who are there to watch a trainwreck, bringing out the political stuff could attract MORE viewers.

I agree. TLC makes their money off anything that can be seen as odd or different. It's hard to remember they are actually called The Learning Channel, but I think that title lets them get away with a lot of freakishness and controversy. Controversy brings in viewers and they can always spin it that following the extremist Duggars is no different than learning about any other strange group or kink.

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These guys should try googling "pink triangle".

More on Nazi persecution of homosexuals: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso ... Reich.html

Thank you very much for this. If, of course, we should not forget jewish victims of the Shoah, let's remembers the other people who were persecuted : Gypsies, gays, etc...

The genocide of gyspsies is called "porajmos"

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porajmos . You will not often hear about it in Europe, because if being hatefull against jewish is called anti-semitism, being hatefull against gyspsies is called "telling the truth"

Sorry for the digression. Hate against Roms in my country scares me. People have forgotten or do not know they were also genocided, so they feel entitled to be racist and to threatened them.

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Quote - I’m beginning to think, are re-education camps next?†Perkins wondered aloud. “When are they going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians?â€

Anti-LGBT activist Bryan Fischer compared the ruling to the Holocaust and slavery earlier this week in a blog post.

“Meet our new overlords, the new owners of the American plantation, the gay mafia,†Fischer said. “All hail Big Gay, our new slave masters.â€

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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This comparison makes me stabby. Does he not know that 500,000 gay people were put in concentration camps, too? Requiring you not to discriminate is nothing like that suffering.

The worst part, though, is that after liberation, the gay people in the camps were forced to serve out the rest of their sentences (if they survived) in German prisons. Some section of the law (I think 529) still made homosexuality illegal after WW2. The gay people were called "529ers," IIRC.

The last gay concentration camp inmate died in 2012, but I wish he were still around to slap Tony Perkins into next week.

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I hate when people compare things that they don't like to tragic events. A cake is nothing like the Holocaust. Just make the damn cake. Gee you would think people would view gay marriage as a good thing. Business can get more money and people can marry who they want to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Christians complaining about being forced to bake cakes for weddings when they are IN BUSINESS TO BAKE CAKES FOR WEDDINGS??

They are not being forced to do anything except NOT be discriminating bigots. If you have a business that is open to the public, by law you are obligated to accommodate the public. THAT IS THE LAW which business owners too are protected by. Why do Christians have such a hard time with the law that their god instituted?

By all means be a bigot on your own time, not someone else's.

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