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Sex Ed is a Plot to Destroy Families, Gain Democratic Votes


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So keep them stupid to keep them voting republican got it.

http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-r ... atic-votes

This weekend, “ Understanding the Times†host Jan Markell spoke with Minnesota conservative activist Marjorie Holsten about Common Core, which Holtsen claims contains sex-ed material so graphic that it actually violates obscenity laws in several states.

The only reason schools would teach sex-ed, Holsten explains, is that educators are playing the long game in trying to increase the number of Democratic voters: “People say to me, why would they teach such awful things to our children? If you go deep down and you connect those dots, you see that when children are desensitized to sexual things, that affects their ability at a later date to bond with a spouse. And so if you have somebody who can’t bond, they’re not going to have a stable marriage. When you have unstable, broken households, how do they vote? Democrat. So this has a very evil underlying intent.â€

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Do these people actually think before they open their mouths? That statement is full of stupid. Sex ed makes people democrat. Unhuh. How about sex ed cuts down on stds and teen pregnancies.

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Aren't a lot of these conservatives playing the long game by trying to keep people poor and uneducated, and then trying to do whatever they can to infringe on the right to vote? No one seems to try and cut things such as early voting in the higher income areas. Sex Ed has the potential to help lower birth rates for teenagers and transmission of deadly sexual diseases. This increases the chances of higher educational levels and greater employment/income. I don't see how this destroys families.

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I think an unplanned pregnacy or you know....HIV have far greater potential for upsetting the all american family, but hey, I'm a commie liberal canadian. Durrrrrrr.


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right hand,red dot.left hand...green dot.impossible...I hate it when ppl think in black and white terms.fundies will never get that the world is shades of grey.like fire and those guns they love so much,can be used for either good or evil.

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Do these people actually think before they open their mouths? That statement is full of stupid. Sex ed makes people democrat. Unhuh. How about sex ed cuts down on stds and teen pregnancies.

And abortion (since having an abortion rate of zero is the holy grail of a Christian nation, apparently).

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When you have unstable, broken households, how do they vote? Democrat. So this has a very evil underlying intent.

What the fuckity fuck? :roll: That's neither correlative nor causative. And I can think of plenty of unstable broken households who vote verrrrry far right.

Edited for quote issues

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What the fuckity fuck? :roll: That's neither correlative nor causative. And I can think of plenty of unstable broken households who vote verrrrry far right.

Edited for quote issues

Not only that! When I was in a shitty, abusive marriage and my kids saw my husband and me fighting all the time, we were extremely conservative, fundie-lite Christians. Since my divorce, the stability of my home by all measures -- financial, emotional, physical, and educational health -- has increased by leaps and bounds every single year. During that same time, my own political leanings have shifted much further left.

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So keep them stupid to keep them voting republican got it.

http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-r ... atic-votes

This weekend, “ Understanding the Times†host Jan Markell spoke with Minnesota conservative activist Marjorie Holsten about Common Core, which Holtsen claims contains sex-ed material so graphic that it actually violates obscenity laws in several states.

The only reason schools would teach sex-ed, Holsten explains, is that educators are playing the long game in trying to increase the number of Democratic voters: “People say to me, why would they teach such awful things to our children? If you go deep down and you connect those dots, you see that when children are desensitized to sexual things, that affects their ability at a later date to bond with a spouse. And so if you have somebody who can’t bond, they’re not going to have a stable marriage. When you have unstable, broken households, how do they vote? Democrat. So this has a very evil underlying intent.â€

I would think a good sex ed program would contribute to the opposite of this. If you have no sex ed and are taught your body is shameful and dirty, why would you be confident with your body or want to share it with your husband at all?? Not being confident and thinking you are dirty will decrease you ability (possibly) to have sex with someone, which may wear down your bond with your spouse.

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" why would they teach such awful things to our children?"

I would guess she's been doing it wrong if she thinks it's awful.

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How does teaching kids about where they come from "desensitize" them and prevent them from bonding with their future spouses? It amazes me that this woman is so narrow minded that she doesn't consider the positive effects of sex ed (lower teen pregnancy, less STIs, etc) and only sees what goes against her brand of Christianity. If a Christian nation would be one run by people like this, then I don't want to live in one.

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I would think a good sex ed program would contribute to the opposite of this. If you have no sex ed and are taught your body is shameful and dirty, why would you be confident with your body or want to share it with your husband at all?? Not being confident and thinking you are dirty will decrease you ability (possibly) to have sex with someone, which may wear down your bond with your spouse.

This may sound really weird, but I always felt sexy after gyno appointments and such, not because the appointments turn me on, but because I was taking care of my reproductive health, and taking care of my health made me feel in control, strong, and sexy. I always felt the shyest and least sexy when I felt things were out of my control.

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If you go deep down and you connect those dots, you see that when children are desensitized to sexual things, that affects their ability at a later date to bond with a spouse. And so if you have somebody who can’t bond, they’re not going to have a stable marriage.

Say what now? Sex ed doesn't desensitize children. It gives them the tools they need to make informed decisions which in turn gives them the ability to bond with a future spouse and perhaps have stable, happy marriages and families. Of course it's no guarantee, because there are no guarantees in life. But knowledge is power.

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How does teaching kids about where they come from "desensitize" them and prevent them from bonding with their future spouses? It amazes me that this woman is so narrow minded that she doesn't consider the positive effects of sex ed (lower teen pregnancy, less STIs, etc) and only sees what goes against her brand of Christianity. If a Christian nation would be one run by people like this, then I don't want to live in one.

No,this is not at all what a Christian nation would be like.This is a cult,nothing less.

And I agree,knowledge is power.

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