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This comment at Kelly @ GC makes me sick to my stomach


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Integrity: Are You a “Man Who Shuns Evil�

Katie Barrett says:

August 16, 2011 at 10:51 am

My 19 yr old step daughter just moved back in with us, pregnant, unmarried, and tells us she is a lesbian. Everyone (including Hubby, pastors and friends that I before thought were very stand up Christians) get upset with me, because I tell her flat out, that she is sinning and she needs to repent and that being gay is EVIL, it stated it clearly in the Bible. It is a sin, therefore a choice, not something you just are… and therefore something that you can turn away from.

I constantly tell her that just like God loves her no matter what, we love her no matter what. But I can not sit by and watch her sin against God with evil intent, without telling her the truth. Others have told her, “that as long as she is happy…. God forgives everything…as long as you ask forgiveness it’s ok… Soddom and Gomorrah were in the OLD testament, not the new so that doesn’t apply to today! Don’t take the Bible Literally, it’s just a baselineâ€â€¦ Christians who are telling people it’s ok to sin, as long as your happy, and you ask for forgiveness… nothing said about TRUE repentance. it’s so sad. I feel like I am the only one around that sees what is happening today, and hates it! Thanks for this post… I don’t feel so alone anymore!

I can't comment. It seems like Kelly has blocked my IP-number. :( It's obvious that the 19 year old girl is going through a hard time. What is this Katie doing? She is telling her daughter that she is sinning with evil intent. Does she want her step-daughter to kill herself? Seriously, I want to scream at this idiot step mom.

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Can we make an "It gets better" video for this kid? Just from us?

Sure, that's a cool idea.

Btw. Look at this reply from Keri Hurley : "Help other children in the home to see this as the spiritual warfare that it is.Help them to forgive her..forgive her..That doesn’t mean that you don’t speak Truth to her!!"

Forgive her for what? What has she done towards the other children? Give me a break.

Edit. because I wanted to add my "btw.".

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Dear God, how bad is this poor girl's situation that she has to live with such a harpie? Because if I was in that girl's situation and I had anywhere else to go, I'd be out of there! And where is the headship (the girl's father) to tell his wife to STFU and lay off his daughter?

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That poor girl. I can't express my feelings.

Gosh I hope everything works out for her. Sincerely hope she isn't forced into adoption...

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Clicking on Kate Barret's name linked me to this site:


It might be to the girl's advantage to join one of the military branches. I would suggest Air Force because they always supported my husband's goal of getting an education while still in the service. Pus, he wasn't sent away as often as some of our army friends.

I don't advise a lot of people to join the military because it is a potentially dangerous occupation, but a young person will receive training, housing and food. It can be a stepping stone to leaving a bad home.

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How old are her kids? I can't figure out if Little Mama is the one who is pregnant or a child. I don't think it is because she referred later to Older Sister.

Anyway in this post she sends Little Mama out to walk the dog (who is rather large, I found a picture of it.) and the dog bolts after another dog, pulling her down and scratching up her face. And this is what she writes about the poor dog.

Mama will now be walking the dog… Mama doesn’t put up with getting pulled, or jerked… Mama was so mad that said dog got to spend the night outside… and may get to do it again. And the dog… she knows…. she knows she did something wrong. As soon as she saw me, her tail went down, she ducked, and slunk away. I still yelled BAD DOG at her, just to let her know that I knew… this morning, I looked out the window at her, and she tucked her tail and went to hide under the bush.

First of all if a child is not strong enough to keep the dog from pulling her down, she doesn't need to be out walking it. The fault is the parents' not the dog's. Secondly, making the dog sleep outside doesn't teach it to not bolt at animals. Just confuses the dog. And judging from the fact that the dog ducked the second she saw the mother, I'm guessing they hit it. Most dogs don't duck unless they have been hit. She must have done some pretty horrible things to this dog that it hides just seeing her through a window. I don't buy that she just screamed at it. And even if it is just screaming, if she is screaming to the point that the dog is that scared of her, she needs to rethink having a dog. Dogs are going to act like dogs and if you can't handle it or humanly train them, don't get a dog.

Here is the post about it. Not breaking it because she isn't nice to animals and I want her to read it.

http://misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpr ... hree-kids/

Here is a post with the picture of the dog. Poor thing.

http://misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpr ... at-vs-dog/

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It doesn't say "treat them like crap" in the Bible though. That's what gets me. She's free in this country to believe it's evil if she likes. But Jesus said love each other, too. And since they all seem to love the Old Testament so much, I recall a verse about vengeance being "mine" not "yours"......

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Integrity: Are You a “Man Who Shuns Evil�

Katie Barrett says:

August 16, 2011 at 10:51 am

My 19 yr old step daughter just moved back in with us, pregnant, unmarried, and tells us she is a lesbian. Everyone (including Hubby, pastors and friends that I before thought were very stand up Christians) get upset with me, because I tell her flat out, that she is sinning and she needs to repent and that being gay is EVIL, it stated it clearly in the Bible. It is a sin, therefore a choice, not something you just are… and therefore something that you can turn away from.

I constantly tell her that just like God loves her no matter what, we love her no matter what. But I can not sit by and watch her sin against God with evil intent, without telling her the truth. Others have told her, “that as long as she is happy…. God forgives everything…as long as you ask forgiveness it’s ok… Soddom and Gomorrah were in the OLD testament, not the new so that doesn’t apply to today! Don’t take the Bible Literally, it’s just a baselineâ€â€¦ Christians who are telling people it’s ok to sin, as long as your happy, and you ask for forgiveness… nothing said about TRUE repentance. it’s so sad. I feel like I am the only one around that sees what is happening today, and hates it! Thanks for this post… I don’t feel so alone anymore!

I can't comment. It seems like Kelly has blocked my IP-number. :( It's obvious that the 19 year old girl is going through a hard time. What is this Katie doing? She is telling her daughter that she is sinning with evil intent. Does she want her step-daughter to kill herself? Seriously, I want to scream at this idiot step mom.

SO wait, a woman who has a STEP daughter is bitching about sin? Excuse me?

Anyway, on the gay part... I feel like I spend a lot of my day correcting Biblical misinterpretation... but I enjoy it.

Sodom and Gomorrah... ahh that fun story. The bit they use the "mean homosexuality" is Genesis 19:5 "And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.". Shall we break that down a bit? I think we shall. Apparently to Christians getting to "know" someone means fucking them. How quaint. The original greek work for "know" in this sense was "yadha" which is used in the bible almost 1000 times. It is used in the old testament 10 times to mean sex... sex between a man and a woman. It is used over 900 times to mean become acquainted with. Never once is yadha used to mean homosexual sex.

And looking a bit further into the story... you realize Lot offers them his daughters? His virgin daughters at that. Why would he offer people who want to homosexually rape them his daughters.. who really aren't men nor homosexual. Secondly do we not understand the context of the actual time frame this was written in? People who traveled to a closed city, like Sodom, were often asked by people of the city for their creditials.. you know, to get to KNOW the person and their intentions. Sodom and Gomorrah, when you put away the bullshit, really comes down to a story about hospitality as it related to the rules for the Jewish of that time. But it's so much easy to make it about the evil gays!

That said, someone needs to take the fucking plank out of her eye before looking at the speck in her STEP daughter's. Ugh that pisses me off.

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Doesn't the Bible say that people who get divorced and then remarry are living in adultery? I wonder if her husband was married before? She didn't marry him until the step-daughter was six. She never mentions the other mother.

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Doesn't the Bible say that people who get divorced and then remarry are living in adultery? I wonder if her husband was married before? She didn't marry him until the step-daughter was six. She never mentions the other mother.

Even if he wasn't married by law, he took this other woman and had a child with her. According to the Bible, they were married. Because he took her, he was then married to her. A good example is the Samaritan at the well... John 4:17-18 "The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly."

A sin is a sin, if you are going to take the Bible literally... I wish people would let other's comment who would point this out. UGH!

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I went to look at her blog and I think she takes advertising and hawking things that she samples for free to a whole new level. She's almost as bad as "A Wise Woman Builds Her Home". She's asking for 15$/mo. to fill up space currently without advertising (even though she has tons of sponsors and gets free stuff to write about). I'm oh so tempted to ask if she will advertise our site at that price...

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Wow, this lady likes to complain... I just read her post on homeschooling: misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/how-i-almost-fell-for-it/

Lady, if *everything* you try to do to educate your kids is such a struggle that you end up bruised, out of money, out of patience, and hating what you're doing, maybe the problem isn't with the system but rather with you.

Quote about the hard work that is educating your kids:

"I was up half the night cutting out and preparing things for the next school day. I would forget to enter the information for them into the computer at the end of the school day. Then when I had to mark two of my kids as unexcused absent because another had a field trip that didn’t coincide with the other two’s school work, I was done. I sent back their fancy, pain in the butt computer, and all their text books, and bought a ton of workbooks from the dollar store!"

You know what? Teachers stay up preparing lessons, too! And they do it for classes of 20-30 kids. Five days a week.

Oh, and her kids don't have birth certificates.

Edit: Fixed quote.

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Even if he wasn't married by law, he took this other woman and had a child with her. According to the Bible, they were married. Because he took her, he was then married to her. A good example is the Samaritan at the well... John 4:17-18 "The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly."

A sin is a sin, if you are going to take the Bible literally... I wish people would let other's comment who would point this out. UGH!

So she is pretty much living in sin way worse than her lesbian, unmarried, pregnant, and(on the blog she claims) skinhead stepdaughter? Someone needs to constantly remind her that getting married to a man who was married and had a child with someone else is EVIL, it is clearly stated in the Bible and all that.

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So she is pretty much living in sin way worse than her lesbian, unmarried, pregnant, and(on the blog she claims) skinhead stepdaughter? Someone needs to constantly remind her that getting married to a man who was married and had a child with someone else is EVIL, it is clearly stated in the Bible and all that.

Her husband is also an "on again off again recovering alcoholic".

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And it kind of reads like they moved just to be near Mark Driscoll's church. She seems to be pretty obsessed with him.

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Guest Anonymous
So she is pretty much living in sin way worse than her lesbian, unmarried, pregnant, and(on the blog she claims) skinhead stepdaughter?

It's my understanding from my (limited) knowledge and contact with skinheads, that as a group they're usually not cool with gay people. I'm tempted to think the woman is making at least some of this up.

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She says the family hasn't been to church in a year. I'm suprised she can remember what the Bible says. Why go to church when she so obviously knows it all... I guess she's too busy on the internet listening to Voddie's "sermons" /diatribes against public schools and blogging.

Anyone think she's much of a homeschooler? She's too busy on the computer generating her ads to care if anyone is learning anything. Those kids sound like they have some learning disabilities, but she was too angry to bother to deal with anything like that.

And that husband..the alcoholic who' sometimes a recovering alcoholic who just sits on his rear end on the couch watching tv and won't help her with the kids....nice!

She's a walking, talking ad against the quiverful lifestyle....

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Then Hubs got off of work, and we left ALL the kids with big sister, for that always practical practice for the soon to be mama… and went grocery shopping.

So her step daughter is this horrible evil person, so horrible that simply being an unwed, pregnat lesbian caused her younger siblings such great harm that they were directed to forgive their sister for her sins against them.

But she can totally babysit while that hag goes grocery shopping.

It all makes so much sense now. :roll:

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Wow, this lady likes to complain... I just read her post on homeschooling: misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/how-i-almost-fell-for-it/

Lady, if *everything* you try to do to educate your kids is such a struggle that you end up bruised, out of money, out of patience, and hating what you're doing, maybe the problem isn't with the system but rather with you.

Quote about the hard work that is educating your kids:

You know what? Teachers stay up preparing lessons, too! And they do it for classes of 20-30 kids. Five days a week.

Oh, and her kids don't have birth certificates.

Edit: Fixed quote.

This. Although expensive teaching materials are no guarantee of success, I think her kids need (and deserve) more than workbooks from the dollar store :roll: When you can't find pencils, can't find erasers, can't afford curricula or even required testing...you're doing it wrong.

Now, I'm not sure exactly what testing they did on her preschooler to diagnose him with ADHD, but I would imagine any test that can be done without a parent's permission should be followed up with more formal evaluation, or at least some kind of chat with a specialist, maybe even some reading from the internet. But no, not Katie. Someone told her that her speshul snowflake may have a problem and she freaks out and pulls him out of school, determined to never send him back. I have to imagine, given her other comments about money, that she wouldn't even care about putting him on medication except that it might cost too much.

There's really no reason for the kids not to have birth certificates either. Given new citizenship laws that keep popping up (mostly engineered by the right-wing politicians that she no doubt supports), she's only doing them a disservice. Whenever they want a driver's license, they'll need a BC; if they ever want or need to leave the country, they'll need one to get a passport, and the extra time required to order one can only hurt their plans if they're in a hurry.

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Even if he wasn't married by law, he took this other woman and had a child with her. According to the Bible, they were married. Because he took her, he was then married to her. A good example is the Samaritan at the well... John 4:17-18 "The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly."

A sin is a sin, if you are going to take the Bible literally... I wish people would let other's comment who would point this out. UGH!

True. However, they would probably come back with the one of the two outs fundies have: (1) It happened before he was saved, he has repented and been forgiven. or (2) he is a "grace widower" whose wife sinfully left him and divorced him without his consent.

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Austin - rape, hooking, survival sex, being raised fundie driving a het relationship despite not being into it.

And there are tons of antiracist and queer skinheads. It's just a punk subculture. Though, i should probably say "used to be", there aren't that many skinheads around anymore at all. But there are groups like Antiracist Action (ARA) that started out as antiracist skinheads in the '80s.

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I realize that gay women get pregnant, and sometimes it is consensual and sometimes they are forced, just like straight women. It just seems odd to me that a 19-y/o prodigal daughter would return home and identify as a pregnant, lesbian skinhead.

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