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This comment at Kelly @ GC makes me sick to my stomach


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I never know how truthful these people are being about other people's situations. I assume skinhead just means she has her head shaved & the poster doesn't know it can be just a fashion statement.

But if you're in a place where your life is so fucked up that you have to move in with cruel fundie relatives, it seems like you might share more private information than is wise, too. So maybe they interrogated her - especially about why she's not marrying the father - and she told them.

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I wonder what the truth is about her daughter (ie, what she told her mom and what is going on with her versus what he mom is sensationalizing for the blog). I've know lesbians with children, but to see pregnant, lesbian, ans 19 all in one sentence confuses me a little. Either way, she's evidently got a whole lot of changes going on in her life, and mom should try to support her not throw judgement in her face so she (mom) can feel more self-righteous and brag about it to her new buddies.

I'm not sure where she got the skinhead part RE her daughter (she has hair & wasn't dressed like a skin in the picture of her), but her husband was one of the skinheads on the famous Oprah episode in 1988 so that may have something to do with it. Here's a clip from the original show (the whole thing is on YouTube, but you may want to skip the description and comments) and the Oprah reunion episode where him and another guy come back to apologize for what they said and did. He's the guy at the very end, Mike.

Her post about it is here: misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/because-this-week-hasnt-been-crazy-enough/


Here's a little more info on his past: http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-22/ ... om-metzger

He set up a skinhead group that was involved in a murder, was kicked out of the group because he was using and dealing drugs, then turned evidence against other members of the group to avoid indictment.

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I realize that gay women get pregnant, and sometimes it is consensual and sometimes they are forced, just like straight women. It just seems odd to me that a 19-y/o prodigal daughter would return home and identify as a pregnant, lesbian skinhead.

Maybe whatever circumstances caused her to end up pregnant and alone at 19 would also cause her to identify as a lesbian? Possibly her sexuality is not perfectly clear, even to her, and she didn't/won't always consider herself a lesbian; teenage-into-college years are a popular time for sexual exploration. It's even possible that she just claimed to be a lesbian to shock/piss off her family. Or, since her dad seems more sympathetic to her sexuality, she wanted a reason for them not to push her into marrying her baby daddy.

I would also question whether or not she actually identifies as a skinhead, or if that's just Katie talking out her ass. I imagine the stepdaughter would not be living with her if she had any other options.

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I wonder what the truth is about her daughter (ie, what she told her mom and what is going on with her versus what he mom is sensationalizing for the blog). I've know lesbians with children, but to see pregnant, lesbian, ans 19 all in one sentence confuses me a little. Either way, she's evidently got a whole lot of changes going on in her life, and mom should try to support her not throw judgement in her face so she (mom) can feel more self-righteous and brag about it to her new buddies.

I'm not sure where she got the skinhead part RE her daughter (she has hair & wasn't dressed like a skin in the picture of her), but her husband was one of the skinheads on the famous Oprah episode in 1988 so that may have something to do with it. Here's a clip from the original show (the whole thing is on YouTube, but you may want to skip the description and comments) and the Oprah reunion episode where him and another guy come back to apologize for what they said and did. He's the guy at the very end, Mike.

Her post about it is here: misadventuresofafamilyof8.wordpress.com/2011/05/03/because-this-week-hasnt-been-crazy-enough/


Here's a little more info on his past: http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-22/ ... om-metzger

He set up a skinhead group that was involved in a murder, was kicked out of the group because he was using and dealing drugs, then turned evidence against other members of the group to avoid indictment.

Holy shit! I'm adding these guys to my blog watch list.

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This Katie sounds worse than Kelly.

I agree with slickcat79 this woman is a giant whiner. Her homeschooling plan/curriculum seems pretty crappy. There are some websites that sell used homeschool supplies at a cheap prices. That would be better than workbooks from the dollar store. Her kids not having birth certificates will bite her in the ass later on.

As for the daughter being lesbian and pregnant. I think it was maybe survival sex.

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Re: the "How I almost fell for it" post.


I don't know how it is in other states, but we use a public charter school and it has been a *breeze*. And the government isn't brainwashing my children or controlling our family life, neither. Are there minor annoyances? Did we need to adjust? Did we find that one method worked better than another? Do I have to be a tiny bit organized and remember to sign them in, etc? Well, yeah. It's not that big of a deal.

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OMG, Dollar store workbooks? I'm guessing that's why it takes her kids hours to do anything--they are bored out of their minds.

The "I almost fell for it" post made me so mad.

ETA: I just read her August 14 post, (where she talks about her stepdaughter) and omg, she sound so depressed and miserable!!! That's not the kind of life God would want anybody to have I don't think!

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Did you guys read this comment under Kelly's integrity post:

Love the book of Job, we can learn so much from this historical account. Great thoughts, Kelly. May we, as Christ followers, be in this world and not of it!

What? She thinks the book of Job is HISTORICAL and not, I don't know, ALLEGORY? I just can't even. Ugh.

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While reading her blog (the one with the lesbian step-daughter) my computer locked up, so I shut it down and when I got it back up all my saved passwords to email, forums, facebook, my bank account, etc. are GONE. They are all still the same user names and passwords but I have spent the last hour going from site to site to re-save everything...and I am running the good AVG software so watch out folks her blog is hinky!

Miss M.

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Now, I'm not sure exactly what testing they did on her preschooler to diagnose him with ADHD, but I would imagine any test that can be done without a parent's permission should be followed up with more formal evaluation, or at least some kind of chat with a specialist, maybe even some reading from the internet. But no, not Katie. Someone told her that her speshul snowflake may have a problem and she freaks out and pulls him out of school, determined to never send him back. I have to imagine, given her other comments about money, that she wouldn't even care about putting him on medication except that it might cost too much.

I know the local school district has a setup something like this.

- Teacher suspects some sort of issue with the student (learning disability, behavioral problem, etc)

- Teacher brings it up to the special education teacher(s)/guidance counselor

- Child is observed in the classroom, classwork is looked over, etc (At the high school level I don't think they necessarily alert the parents at this point. Might be different with younger kids. But I can see them not wanting alarm anyone until an initial observation has been made.)

- Special education teacher informs parents if there may be a problem and request further testing/observation/etc.

- If a need is found the classroom teacher, special education teacher, parents, (and often student) are involved in coming up with an action plan for addressing the student's needs.

I had to interview a special education teacher as part of my student teaching. From what I remember off hand this is what they did. I also was able to sit in on a few IEP meetings.

I can't imagine any parent freaking out about that to the extent they pull the student. Maybe if they had received differing opinions from more than one school official/specialist/doctor or it seemed like the school was claiming a student had, say, ADHD rather than dealing with a different issue such as learning style, classroom environment, teacher/student relationship... But then some parents are overly sensitive like that and very "my child is perfect and the world is out to get them/me/us"

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I know the local school district has a setup something like this.

- Teacher suspects some sort of issue with the student (learning disability, behavioral problem, etc)

- Teacher brings it up to the special education teacher(s)/guidance counselor

- Child is observed in the classroom, classwork is looked over, etc (At the high school level I don't think they necessarily alert the parents at this point. Might be different with younger kids. But I can see them not wanting alarm anyone until an initial observation has been made.)

- Special education teacher informs parents if there may be a problem and request further testing/observation/etc.

- If a need is found the classroom teacher, special education teacher, parents, (and often student) are involved in coming up with an action plan for addressing the student's needs.

I had to interview a special education teacher as part of my student teaching. From what I remember off hand this is what they did. I also was able to sit in on a few IEP meetings.

I can't imagine any parent freaking out about that to the extent they pull the student. Maybe if they had received differing opinions from more than one school official/specialist/doctor or it seemed like the school was claiming a student had, say, ADHD rather than dealing with a different issue such as learning style, classroom environment, teacher/student relationship... But then some parents are overly sensitive like that and very "my child is perfect and the world is out to get them/me/us"

Your process sounds pretty normal, and if it was a public preschool the more in depth testing might have been done.

Sadly, I've met a few people who pulled their children from school and homeschooled them rather than accept any special education help. Sometimes it works, often it causes long term issues.

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She said on one post that she spends more time on the computer than cooking or cleaning. Most days I cannot say that, and I work and go to school from home on my computer. She either is a freelance writer on the side (snerk - doubt it after reading a bit of her blog) or she is trying to avoid her own life.

I would pull a child out of school rather than have them go on medication that I was convinced they did not need. I have witnessed schools that have a real problem with demanding that kids get on Ritalin. There is no way that 1/4 to 1/2 of the students have ADHD that requires medications. A special ed teacher cannot diagnose that any more than they could tell me whether the mole on my thigh is precancerous; it is a medical condition.

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Actually, I'd believe a special ed teacher who has observed the child many times, over some pediatrician in an office with a list of ADHD guidelines.

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Is her dog a Pit bull? If so, I hope it has been trained well so that it won't do something that will end up with it getting taken away and euthanized. She's a gorgeous dog and deserves to be treated well, not badly for being a dog who may not have been properly trained.

Confession time: I joined a facebook group for pit bull owners just so I could look at all the pictures that people posted of their dogs, and hers looks a lot like some on there. My 2-year old will commandeer the mouse when he sees I'm looking at the page. He then clicks through the pictures saying, "Awwwww!" at every one of them.

This woman needs to STFU and have some compassion for her STEP daughter. Gee, I didn't know she was so fucking perfect that she can whine about how her 19-year-old step daughter is evil. If she gets an abortion, will that cement the evilness for her?

I would like to submit the words "cuntcake" after learning of the words "twat waffle" someone recently used here on FJ. It made me think of food, and thus, the cuntcake was born. Even if it doesn't catch on, I am still tickled with my little word invention (for lack of a better word, ironically enough).

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I love how this lady makes a post about how her husband was a violent racist skinhead who was obviously so extreme they invited him to the Oprah show and now are going to Chicago for a follow-up episode and all the comments on that post are like, "Have fun and eat some pizza!"

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I love Michelle's and Laura's comments to that post. Has someone here been poking around at Kelly's site? If so, I applaud you. The comment made by Laura made me chuckle. "How should I shun fat people, since the bible says gluttony is a sin? They are everywhere!" :lol:

In Michelle's comment, she stood up for the daughter and told Katie that she was wrong. Hopefully that comment will make Katie think an extra time.

Edit. because of typo

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I find it interesting that she went onto Kelly's site b/c she wasn't getting praised enough for making her daughter's life a living hell...

And of course Kelly and her minions fall over themselves praising her for "telling it like it is" , "speaking the truth", etc.

This lady's website is a gold mine for snarking.....the alcoholic skinhead husband, the attempts at "homeschooling",

And Driscoll's church is probably right up their alley....he tries to pass as normal, but he's way into patriarchy....

Kelly's blog, the gift that keeps on giving...

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