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Nice fundys?


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Basically people who live in a way that i never could.

That's definitely a big part of it for me - they are so entirely completely alien to my background. At which part, there's definitely a voyeuristic thing going on on my part, thinking, well, if I'm basically peeling up a rock to watch with amazement at what lies under it, surely the more "out there" the more interesting, you know? I would never want to BE them, heavens no. But the extreme lifestyles are interesting to read about.

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Guest Anonymous

She does seem like a nice person - but she also writes at LAF and she definitely didn't want to talk about that with us.

I would love for Diane to post at LAF about the way she was helped out by random internet strangers last Christmas - as a follow up to this post: http://www.ladiesagainstfeminism.com/ge ... -miracles/

I do find it hard to reconcile her explicitly anti-feminist stance with the way she has presented here. I think someone like Diane could really sock it to the mean-spirited ladies over there if she were to lay on the line some of the less 'whimsical' ways she has had help in her time of need.

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It would be nice if it were pointed out that some of the help came from God via prochoice feminists, many of whom are lesbians and/or atheists. I believe that God helps us through each other.

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It would be nice if it were pointed out that some of the help came from God via prochoice feminists, many of whom are lesbians and/or atheists. I believe that God helps us through each other.

Wordy McWord!!!

As many of you know I've been going through a difficult time lately. Fortunately, a lot of people have stepped up to the plate to help me out. My parents have given me money. A lot of my friends have helped me in several different ways. Some of my on-line buddies have also extended a helping hand including one lovely Jingerite. Sure, I could thank God. I know people are often inspired by their faith to help others. But at the end of the day, saying "God will provide" is just a bumper sticker. I'd rather thank human beings.

BTW, I start a new temp job next week. It's nothing glamorous, and I wish the pay was better. But I'm happy for the paycheck and a place to go for the next month or so.

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I would love for Diane to post at LAF about the way she was helped out by random internet strangers last Christmas - as a follow up to this post: http://www.ladiesagainstfeminism.com/ge ... -miracles/

I do find it hard to reconcile her explicitly anti-feminist stance with the way she has presented here. I think someone like Diane could really sock it to the mean-spirited ladies over there if she were to lay on the line some of the less 'whimsical' ways she has had help in her time of need.

Reading that link kind of made my stomach churn. Someone, somewhere, is supporting that woman and her kids; they're doing it because she chose to walk away from her job. She chooses to believe god is taking care of her and because of that, I don't see her ever taking steps to provide for herself and her children.

It's bad enough to 'find' yourself in a circumstance you have to deal with. At first, she apparently did just that and go a freaking job. But, then walked away from it. She has chosen her life, her children's lives, and the lives of those who actually are taking care of her needs - however she is getting her 'modest income', without working, someone is giving her money. Money they themselves had to go to their paying jobs to earn in the first place.

I fight and struggle and try to keep myself out of the depths of depression as I try to support myself on what I have and find a job in a miserable economy that will allow me to continue to be the one responsible for myself. Relying on others has saved my ass numerous times in my life, but it has never happened because I felt I 'deserved' it or was worthy of it - only because I am somehow, inexplicably very, very lucky in who my friends are. Knowing someone is there to help in hard times is so very different than expecting it, relying on it, and acting in order to 'use' the help.

That ain't god in any way. That is a woman who's head is too far up her butt to see that she is not special just because she has a vagina. She is not 'excused' from providing for her own family because of the thoughts that implanted themselves into her head.

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Thoughtful... you are just so damn...well.... thoughtful! I think what you said is absolutely perfect.

Thanks! I'd use the blushing smiley, but it looks sort of mad to me!

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That's definitely a big part of it for me - they are so entirely completely alien to my background. At which part, there's definitely a voyeuristic thing going on on my part, thinking, well, if I'm basically peeling up a rock to watch with amazement at what lies under it, surely the more "out there" the more interesting, you know? I would never want to BE them, heavens no. But the extreme lifestyles are interesting to read about.

It is like the most interesting ones are the ones where I think I could never follow their rules! The amish are out as I wouldn't give up my hair straighteners!

The amish seem different to fundys as they keep themselves separate but fundys want to convert people.

I cant imagine doing as I am told, following crazy rules, being stuck at home all the time and having to be fake sweet for ever.

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  • 1 year later...

I can't start a new thread to post this due to being new, but Barbara's is mentioned in this thread, so I will add the news here. Barbara Curtis passed away today.

Relevant posts are thoughtsfromaconservativemom.com/2012/10/please-pray-for-barbara-curtis/ and elizabethfoss.com/reallearning/2012/10/sad-news-.html

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Maybe the ones that i am reading are not real fundys - they don't seem to be recruiting anyone.

I just thought they would all have their beliefs all over their blogs like Kendall rather than it being mostly home stuff crafts, baking, photos and a random few bible quotes.

Maybe they will become proper fundys. or they are more old fashioned kinda than actual fundys. Cos they could be christian without being fundy couldn't they?

I have some very nice, truly liberal Christian friends. They believe in God, but they don't proselytize. They also know that this is what they *believe*, and it is not truth for everyone. At least two are Universalist Unitarian. They see the Bible as a sort of collection of fables that are to be considered for guidance, not followed to the letter. They don't believe violence is ever an answer and that God loves everyone no matter what they believe. It's fun to discuss religion/spirituality with them because no one is trying to convince anyone of anything (me included). It took me a looong time not to be suspicious of their motives, because I thought every Christian wanted to convert nonbelievers. I still believe they're a relative rarity in the Christian world, but they are proof to me that not every Christian is a bible-thumping maniac. ;-)

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I know some nice fundies in real life that would give their last bit of food to you, but they still are fundies.

This. A lot of fundies I know would do that. In fact a group of ladies from the Pentecostal Holiness church in the neighborhood that helped my family tremendously after my mother died. There was no proselytizing, only prayers said. I won't ever forget their kindness even if I don't agree with their religion.

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This. A lot of fundies I know would do that. In fact a group of ladies from the Pentecostal Holiness church in the neighborhood that helped my family tremendously after my mother died. There was no proselytizing, only prayers said. I won't ever forget their kindness even if I don't agree with their religion.

If someone says, "I'll pray for you," I think that's nice if there's no proselytizing. I say, "Sending positive thoughts your way" or something similar, so, same thing, really.

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Barbara has only recently converted to Roman Catholicism, but has a total "I'm the Queen of the Catholics" vibe to her. It reminds me when Dr. Laura became an Orthodox Jew and was all "I am the BEST JEW EVER!"

That attitude is SUPER typical of people who convert to Catholicism. Everything has to be super traditional, more Catholic than the Pope, all preaching all the time. I think it is common with people who convert to all religions. When they get into it, it's the Best Thing EVER, and it has to be done with extreme perfection.

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I wouldn't really say that any are truly nice fundies. You only have to take a look at their views to see that. They would want to control the lifestyles of many good and decent people who just don't think the same as they do.

I do have my favourite fundies though. One of my gateway fundies was the Wilkinsons and they're still my favourite even if they no longer blog. Another one is the Inions; again no longer blog. For laughs and snark potential it was Emily and Dna (again, no longer blogs - there's a theme here somewhere..). That whole episode was one of the biggest WTFs ever.

Bringing it back to my favourite; the Wilkinsons, what I did like about them was they did seem to have a lot of time and love for their kids. I loved their homestead, as ranshackled as it was and I liked a lot of the craft stuff that Anna did. I did NOT like their views though, and their kids were always so unkempt and dirty.

The Inions seemed to portray a lot of love for their kids but I did have concerns about them. Four of them are adopted and one of them is very seriously disabled. I do wonder if that boy is getting the therapies he needs now they are living in Belize. Also if you followed their blog right back to the beginning they adopted two other kids; Jerusa (a girl) and another boy. Jerusa was adopted in the Philippines but was left behind in the care of another pseudo mennonite family when they had to leave the Philippines suddenly. There was something going on there with the way they have to leave but I never found out what. They had cared for this little girl since birth up to almost 18 months of age (when they left) and Stacey had even breast fed her as she was born around the same time as her birth daughter. After leaving they never mentioned her again and I couldn't imagine how they could just hand over a toddler, who they'd cared for, loved and even breast fed, from birth and never mention her again. As for the boy they adopted I don't know what happened to him. It was mentioned on another blog but the adoption seemed to pre-date Stacey blogging. He isn't there with the family now and Stacey made no mention of him on her Ten Little Inions blog so no idea what happened to him. But all the other kids, both adopted and birthed by Stacey do seems well cared for and loved.

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That attitude is SUPER typical of people who convert to Catholicism. Everything has to be super traditional, more Catholic than the Pope, all preaching all the time. I think it is common with people who convert to all religions. When they get into it, it's the Best Thing EVER, and it has to be done with extreme perfection.

I am a Catholic convert as of Easter 2012, and I disagree with this for me personally. Of then 4 people in my RCIA class, all of us are liberal (for Catholics!), and went through the process for our own spiritual growth.

However, I do see your point and it is most certainly valid. Barbara Curtis, Elizabeth Esther, and the blogger at awomansplaceis.blogspot.com all display the characteristics you describe.

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I am a Catholic convert as of Easter 2012, and I disagree with this for me personally. Of then 4 people in my RCIA class, all of us are liberal (for Catholics!), and went through the process for our own spiritual growth.

However, I do see your point and it is most certainly valid. Barbara Curtis, Elizabeth Esther, and the blogger at awomansplaceis.blogspot.com all display the characteristics you describe.

I agree not everyone is like this, but it is really common. I'm a cradle Catholic who came back to the Church as an adult, and even I fell prey to the "do EVERYTHING by the book" mentality for a little bit. I've moderated somewhat.

However, I know so, so, so many people who convert and then become SuperCatholic, you know?

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I agree not everyone is like this, but it is really common. I'm a cradle Catholic who came back to the Church as an adult, and even I fell prey to the "do EVERYTHING by the book" mentality for a little bit. I've moderated somewhat.

However, I know so, so, so many people who convert and then become SuperCatholic, you know?

I agree 100%. I wish I went to church with you, since you sound normal. And I assume you are under 70. That would pretty much make you my church BFF, given the people in my parish. :?

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When I first became interested in fundies - I thought there might be a common ground between me and them. There seemed to be some fundies who were reasonable and friendly and I thought perhaps I could even be friends with some. However I have learned this: fundies don't care about anyone or anything that does not fit their criteria. They are nice - to people they approve of. Everyone else can go and burn. They will not acknowledge any ideas but theirs' . They will not change their opinions even when faced with overwhelming evidence. They will not compromise. No matter how pretty they look on the outside they have some ugly beliefs. You simply can not work with fundies.

More and more i see that the coming (and in many ways already here) strife will be between the moderates (of all or no religions) and the fundies. The moderates may have differing beliefs but when faced with a problem they will set aside their differences like mature adults and deal with the problem at hand. Fundies will not. They will spout slogans claiming that the problem is god's will or punishment and they will help their own but they will not act to help anyone else. They will not detour from their beliefs even it means disaster for all. They will happily trample over anyone who does not believe as they do.

My comments may sound inflammatory and perhaps excessive but more and more I see the divide between moderates and fundies and I just don't see a way to bridge the divide. So now I choose my friends/companions amongst the moderate and watch any fundie - no matter how sweet - with a wary and cautious eye.

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I think quite a few of them are basically nice people, and the saying about religion making good people do bad things applies.

Case in point - the 7 Sisters family. From what you can see on their blog (yes, I know, I know!), they seem genuinely nice, friendly, funny people. I'd happily have a coffee with them any time.

But those parents have totally screwed up their daughter's lives and they'd screw up the whole US if they had enough political influence. Sad.

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A few fundies do seem nice, because theyre not outwardly hateful and ranty like Zsu is, or they hide their associations with much more horrible people and fundie actions, like being unspecific when referring to discipline instead of saying they beat their kids, and how the Duggars dont say on TV that they follow Gothard. Some do seem to genuinely love their kids and have fun.

It doesnt hide the fact that theyre fundies though, and even if they seem friendly, theres no way I could be friends with one because they would probably hate me for my beliefs and they do want to take rights away from me and the people who I love.

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Sometimes I find it hard to remember the people I read blogs of are actually religious nutcases.

Take Renee at Baker's Dozen for example. I think she seems like a nice person, she's a good Mother, her kids seem well rounded, sensible, smart and intelligent, she obviously cares a huge deal about their health and wellbeing, she respects their wishes with regards to photography and blogging. BUT, she goes to Above Rubies retreats, censors her children's text books and would probably disagree with me on almost everything that I hold dear. At the end of the day a fundie is a fundie and I don't like that.

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There are no nice fundies, just fundies with pleasant exteriors. It's like slapping a coat of paint on a timber house that's riddled with termites. Sure it looks all shiny and new, but poke around a little and you'll see that it's just a mess of rotten timber. Fundies are rotten to their foundations.

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No matter how adorable and cuddly or "sweet" the fundies are, they still think my gay friends are going to hell or are "abominations", think abstinence only teaching is the ONLY answer, and real Science should not be taught. Women who are raped/victims of incest should carry that fetus to birth, or women who miscarry should be tried for murder.

say what? In all my own fundie experience I never heard that (usually it was all about how the miscarried child is a precious part of the family etc) - what idiot/s come out with that gem?

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