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God Punishes Gays, Lesbians By Making Them 'Effeminate' manl


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This is funny and crazy and from a real looser too.cant get the video to work.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/0 ... 99215.html

A conservative Tennessee pastor and media pundit is making headlines after claiming that God is punishing gay men and lesbians by making them "effeminate" or "mannish" in video footage of a sermon.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Rev. Larry Tomczak suggested that the behavior was an example of "God turning people over to their own desires ... they receive in their own bodies the penalties for their sin."

He added:

I have watched people go into a lifestyle, and all of a sudden they become...a man starts to become very effeminate -- mannerisms, speech. I’ve seen the reverse, I’ve seen the same thing with women [who] start becoming mannish. What’s going on? They’re taking in their bodies a penalty for deviating from God’s loving design and plan.

The video comes on the heels of an editorial Tomczak penned for Charisma News. On his website, Tomczak is described as a "Christian leader, author and cultural communicator."

Watch a clip from Tomczak's sermon above, or check it more from the sermon here.

Tomczak, of course, is no stranger to controversy. His book, The Little Handbook on Loving Correction, is said to advise parents to use a stick to spank their children.

Last year, Tomczak was sued for allegedly covering up sexual abuse at a Christian school in Gaithersburg, Md., in the 1980s and 1990s, the Religion News Service reported.

At the time, Tomczak was also accused of assaulting a woman with plastic and wooden sticks, according to the report.

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Wow, what a lot of stereotypes.

Not all gay men are feminine, and not all lesbians are masculine-your sexual preferences have no effect on your personality. Sure, some gay people don't follow gender norms, but theres plenty of straight people who don't either.

Im a lesbian. I also have a Barbie pink bedroom, (mostly) wear skirts only (but not modest ones-mine are quite a bit shorter than fundies allow) and have long curly hair that is almost waist length when wet. I also love cooking. But I also don't wear make up because it feels weird on my face, don't scream when faced with a spider in the bath (the one in the vivarium in my bedroom is probably three times the size of it) or feel the need to act dumb or weak to inflate a man's ego.

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Wow. Stereotype much? What about my sister, who is married to a man and currently on her second kid, but has the most "in your face" personality I've ever encountered. She swears like a sailor, doesn't shy away from calling people out on their stupidity, and is just generally a loud person (both in personality and decibel level). She also wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt or a dress.

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Larry Tomczak is a real piece of work. He grew up Catholic in Cleveland and unfortunately got "saved" and then got into the charismatic movement. I don't know if he was a jerk before his involvement with the charismatic movement, but he is now. He's connected to CJ Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries.


Here's a link I found on wikipedia that is of interest considering what we've been talking about Bill Gothard

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/1 ... 94318.html

edited to include second link

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My stepdad's uncle is pretty devout in his Christianity, but Larry would probably have him pegged for the king of the effeminate gay guys. Seriously, Uncle L. reminds me of Nathan Lane in "The Birdcage", from his mannerisms to his speech patterns, to his collection of colorful socks. Did I mention he and his wife are both florists and used to own a flower shop?

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Sooooo what about bisexual? Do they become both mannish and effeminate at the same time? How about asexual? Oh wait, I forgot; those don't exist eye roll

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Must be nice to have all the answers! Nothing like putting everyone in a nice neat little box so you can live in a safe understandable world where everything works according to plan! Yay!

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That's funny, my SO's sister is a lesbian and such a girly girl. This preacher knows not what he speak.

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So many GLBTQ snarkers on here. Cheers! :)

I self identify as a queer female. Between my longer hair, my penchant for eyeshadow, and my passion for pole fitness, vintage fashion, and all things crafty/domestic, I defy the stereotypes. This guy doesn't know shit.

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of course, all lesbians are mannish and als gays are feminine, didn't you know that. those are only the ones you recognize. the other ones go under the radar 8-) perfect example of someone who thinks that only what is obvious exists, except for what he stands for (prayer, faith, blabla). makes me wonder if david waller is straight after all. I'm a lesbian who is practically invisible, even to other gays and lesbians, even when I talk to them or have known them for a long time.

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Really? Really? Those stereotypes just don't hold- not even the idea that there's a "masculine" and "feminine" partner in same-sex relationships.

I'm a lesbian. I never wear skirts, and I would like shorter "butch" hair, but it's fine where it is now (a few inches shy of shoulder-length). I can't cook, and sometimes I like wearing "male" clothes (dress shirts with stiff collar, ties, boxers). My closest friends are male. I work out, and rock climb really, really well.

Yet, I'm terrified of bugs, wear makeup and hair clips/product, and am shy/not able to assert myself well. I have zero interest in most sports (except for the World Cup and the Olympics, every four years), and am really sensitive about my image/weight.

On the other hand, my wife has longer hair, styles it every day, likes to wear dresses and carries purses. But, she doesn't wear makeup, and has a very strong (some think acerbic) personality and is really sarcastic and swears. She also loves cooking and scrapbooking, and decorating. And sports. She kills bugs and assembles IKEA furniture for me.

You can't stereotype. If the stereotypes were true, why do I scream like a terrified toddler every time I see a spider? That's not "masculine" at all, hehe.

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A conservative Tennessee pastor and media pundit is making headlines after claiming that God is punishing gay men and lesbians by making them "effeminate" or "mannish" in video footage of a sermon.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Rev. Larry Tomczak suggested that the behavior was an example of "God turning people over to their own desires ... they receive in their own bodies the penalties for their sin."

He added:

I have watched people go into a lifestyle, and all of a sudden they become...a man starts to become very effeminate -- mannerisms, speech. I’ve seen the reverse, I’ve seen the same thing with women [who] start becoming mannish. What’s going on? They’re taking in their bodies a penalty for deviating from God’s loving design and plan.

Whenever I see anti-LGBT bullshit like this, I'm reminded that misogyny goes hand-in-glove with it.

An "effeminate" man is worthy of contempt because his behavior and mannerisms resemble those of (inferior) women. He's degrading himself as a man, by taking on inferior, feminine qualities, especially if he's gay and choosing to be the "female" partner in sex. *

A "mannish" woman has no hope of ever actually being a (superior) man; the best she can manage is an approximation (man-ish). She's regarded as an inferior trying to act like one of her superiors (and thus rape is seen as a means of "curing" her by forcibly reminding her of her inferior position to "real" men).

*I know, I know--gay men on the receiving end aren't taking on a "female" role, but misogynist homophobes often describe it in those terms in order to disparage gay men. Men are supposed to do the penetrating, in this view; to be penetrated is a vile insult to his manliness, and the most degrading thing possible. It puts him on the level of a woman. And a lot of people who think this way also believe that two women can't have "real sex," because there's no penis involved.

Okay, I'm rambligng. But I got into a discussion last night about how misogyny and homophobia aren't really two sides of the same counterfeit coin--misogyny is acually the rootstock homophobia grows on. And I guess I'm still mulling it over today...

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Another example of the black/white either/or thinking of fundies. Their minds can't wrap around the fact that humans are individuals and not a massive Borg collective (or should at least be a Borg collective).

I don't understand why it is so hard to understand. Where does that mindset come from?

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