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Duck Dynasty. they write a christian book they can't live by


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You're joking, right? You're referring to an incident that happened 40 years ago when he was a wild young drunk? lol You don't even want to know the things I got into when I was young and wild. You must have been a very good girl when you were young. Good job. I wasn't, and many people from my time weren't. That has absolutely no bearing on what kind of people we are today. You're going to find fault with Phil Robertson just because he's a Conservative Christian. Admit it. He could financially back a soup kitchen and feed the people you claim he hates, and you would still have something to say about him. I see it on this board all the time. There are people here who assume and hate on Christians no matter what they say or do. Not only that, but it's okay for some people here to call God a fairy in the sky even though it shows no religious tolerance and is pretty offensive to people who believe in Him, but Phil doesn't get a pass for something he did 40 years ago. People like this can't be rationalized with, and are the worst ones at being impartial.

What the actual fuck? Are you kidding me? You know what has bearing on who you are today? The things you say about the things you did forty years ago. I am not a fan of the sky daddy business, but it is hardly the same as denying folks civil rights,the chance to due process, and the whole bit about Jim Crow laws.

He has the legal right in the US to say it, but I don't have to pretend, and neither does FG to like them because you think we are hypocrites and irrational. I also dislike Kim Kardashian for many of the same reasons.

If they actually hadn't said all those things they have, I would still not like them because as FG pointed out they are very wealthy, super smart people playing at being dumb country bumpkins.

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Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? In order for it to be okay in your eyes for Phil to be a part of Korie and her mother's "forgiving and kindness" venture, he would have to hire someone to find the man he beat up 40 years ago and apologize to him. Never mind that he gave the man his life savings after it happened. If the man was one of principle, he would have pressed charges instead of taking their money to keep quiet. Even if he didn't give the man his life savings, I can't believe you said the above with a straight face. Nor can I believe that you lumped Korie and her mother into all this.

In high school, I beat up an African American girl. She bullied me for months. My mother told me that I was not allowed to fight her. It was an inner city high school that was predominately black. There were racial riots. It only took one fight between two people to trigger the riots. One day in art class, she poured red paint on my chair. I sat down. It wasn't pretty. I ignored it and went home. My mother had enough. She told me to make the bullying stop and I was allowed to fight her if it came to that. The next day, the girl was making fun of me for the red paint on my pants. I beat her up. She never bothered me again. So because I'm a Christian, am I supposed to hire someone to find the girl I beat up in high school so I can apologize to her?

If you are incredibly wealthy, have the access a top rated cable television show brings and you want to be part of a series to tell people how to live...well yes.

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