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Tiger Mom is back....


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http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/02/magaz ... 00000&_r=1

Considering how appalled they say they were by the Tiger Mother “firestorm,†their first collaborative project, “The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America,†might seem either cynical or oblivious, or some uncanny combination of the two. Due out Feb. 4, the book is a work of Gladwellian sociology that enters the same cultural minefield as “Battle Hymn.†Looking at minorities like Mormons, Nigerian immigrants, Asian-Americans and Jews, among others, Chua and Rubenfeld contend that successful groups share three traits: a superiority complex, feelings of insecurity and impulse control. America, they conclude, used to be a “triple-package culture†before it succumbed to “instant-gratification disorder.â€

The subtitle alone is enough to set some readers on high alert. Writing about success in terms of cultural values and traits has always been a contentious proposition in the United States, where it’s typically associated with conservatives like Charles Murray (“The Bell Curve†and “Losing Groundâ€), who argue that poor people are poor because of bad habits rather than bad situations. The Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson, who is cited in “The Triple Package,†hadn’t yet read the book, but said he hoped that Chua and Rubenfeld were aware that they’re flirting with a Typhoid Mary. “I’m all for culture,†Patterson said, but “culture is a tricky concept. It has tripped up a lot of anthropologists and sociologists.â€

It may now trip up a couple of legal scholars too. When The New York Post got wind of the book in early January, it ran an article about how Chua was “doubling down†with “a series of shock-arguments wrapped in self-help tropes†that could be distilled into one incendiary message: “Some groups are just superior to others, and everyone else is contributing to the downfall of America.†Never mind that the book doesn’t actually say this — the suggestion was out there. On Twitter, Chua was deemed a “racist†and a “troll†(sights were trained on the Tiger Mother; Rubenfeld was mostly spared). Within a week, the authors had been accused of everything from scaring readers to boring them, with New York magazine yawning that the book was “dull†and “conventional.â€

“I guess we are fearing the worst,†Chua told me in November. Nonetheless, she was holding out hope that this time would be different. She pointed out all the ways in which they qualified their thesis. They ran numbers and collected data sets. They hired research assistants from “every possible conceivable background.†They acknowledged structural impediments to success, like racism. A chapter was devoted to “the underside of the triple package†and how pathological striving can lead to chauvinism and depression. The text itself is 225 pages, but to that they added nearly 80 pages in endnotes.

“The Triple Package†is full of qualifications, earnest settings-of-the-terms, explicit attempts to head off misinterpretations at the pass. “This point is so important we’re going to repeat it,†they write in a section about Appalachian poverty, which they argue was caused by geography and industrial decline, rather than by any lack of triple-package values. This last month of criticism showed that such lawyerly efforts to walk the line between blandness and notoriety are unlikely to satisfy their most vociferous critics. Yet Chua remained optimistic.

“I feel like it should be a book that if you approach it with an open mind, it actually shouldn’t be controversial. It should be thought-provoking.â€

Rubenfeld, who was listening intently to his wife, smiled. “We’re just going to get raked over the coals — that’s what’s going to happen.â€

Well before “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,†Chua and Rubenfeld wanted to collaborate on a project. “For a while we were going to write a book about Jewish people and Chinese people,†she said, “and it was going to be how different the cultures were.†But then they noticed some historical similarities. “If you take Jews in the 1900s, 1910s, it’s like, ‘You have to listen to your father,’ too!â€

oh yeah, they will be raked over the coals.

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Different cultures can help to teach different values. I examine parenting skills and educational methods from different cultures trying to think outside the box and create a better set of tools to help my kiddo. I want to read the book. BUT... It does sound like it'll be full of half truths and stereotypes that don't take lack of education and generational poverty into account. I'm sure there will be something to glean though.

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I'm a few years late but I just finished reading "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." I thought it might be a memoir about a mother who wanted the best for her kids, went about it in an over-the-top way, and learned how to be less controlling. Nope, that's not what I got from reading this book. Ms. Chua's behavior towards her children was far worse than I could ever imagine. I was absolutely appalled. Ms. Chua is elitist, narrow-minded, spoiled, materialistic and bigoted. At first I thought she was trying to be funny with some of the passages. But I think writing with humor is just not in her wheelhouse. She throws some serious hatred towards Western parents (totally forgetting she is an American-born woman of Chinese descent, not actually from China), non-Chinese Asian women, sports, play dates, her husband and children, people who are not "successful," sleep overs, etc. She really is a nasty piece of work. She actually reminds me a bit of the fundies we snark about here. I hate her.

And I'm going to write a really bitchy review of her book. :nenner:

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