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Little House in the Hills


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So in one of the threads on fundie parents providing shitty nutrition for their kids, this blog came up. She's the one that feeds her daughters garbage and doesn't allow them to ask for seconds.


I thought her post today was interesting:



I'm teaching the girls to obey the first time I ask them to do something. This is a very, very long process, and I don't expect to have them obeying perfectly by the time I get pregnant again. Of course not. But if I'm feeling really sick, and I ask them to come to me, or to put away their toys, or to help me with something, I don't want to have to repeat myself. The main way I've been teaching them to obey is through "Training Times" that I do with them, at least once every day. Sometimes they have to sit in a designated spot for 30 minutes, sometimes they have to come when I call them, but we're working on instant obedience. It makes life SO MUCH EASIER for me as the mom!


3. This is along the same lines... I'm teaching the girls to be willing to help me, and I'm showing them practical ways they CAN help me--even though they're 3 and 2. The first part is really important... most times, the girls are happy playing all day long. But this isn't helpful to me at all, especially if it takes a while for them to clean up their toys. I've told them that I don't play all day long, so they definitely don't need to either. But when I ask them to help me put away the laundry (for example), I want them to be happy to do it.


She can't play all day, so neither should her 2 and 3 year old???? :angry-banghead::pull-hair:



Several times, I've explained that "Mommy might have a baby in her tummy soon, and that is going to make her very sick. When Mommy's very sick, you need to help me around the house, okay?" Even though Rachel and Jemima are little, they can understand that very clearly. :)

There you go....terrify them into doing all of the housework...at 2 and 3 years old.



The second aspect is that they know HOW to help. It takes a LOT of patience on my part to sit with Rachel and teach her how to fold washcloths, but again... it's worth it.

A lot of patience to teach them how to fold a washcloth (so she doesn't have to), but she wants to homeschool them. mmmkay.

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Kind of off topic but I looked through her blog and her husband reminds me of Kristina's... the same eyes...

littlehouseinthehills.blogspot.com/search/label/pregnancy - September 9 entry

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What a post! I think my favorite part is this:

Pregnancy's funny in the sense that it's very much out of our control. I think some people might assume that because we don't use birth control, I should be pregnant right now. But it doesn't work like that. I have no idea when I'll ever conceive again. There's always the possibility that I will never be pregnant again--or my next pregnancy might be 3 years from now. But whenever that day should come, I want to be ready.

Interpreted: "I should be pregnant right now, but I'm not, and I'm embarrassed that I'm not. And just to sound sympathetic to anyone struggling with infertility, I'll mention that it might be 3 years until I have another baby, even though I'm bound to get pregnant within the next few weeks.

And my other favorite quote (about losing baby weight):

It's hard work each time, and (for me) it means eating very little dessert and lots of fruits and vegetables, but it's incredibly worth it.

Umm...what fruits and vegetables would that be? The frozen peas and applesauce?

This woman amazes me, and not in a good way. Saddest part? The reason I know her is because she's close friends (I might even say, a mentor) with my SIL.

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I'm trying to figure it out but its seems like her son is less than one year. Three kids under three and she's worried about not PG again soon? :mouse-shock:

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Could she be worried that others might think she is using some method of birth control? If there is a longer gap between pregnancies than she has had in the past some could question this.

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Can't your sister in law find a better mentor? She sounds like she shouldn't be a parent at all, let alone the mother of three under 3.

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Can't your sister in law find a better mentor? She sounds like she shouldn't be a parent at all, let alone the mother of three under 3.

Not sure how much I should divulge, but one of Tricia's brothers is a high-standing teacher in the Christ Church circle (Doug Wilson's church). So this family comes across as prestigious to certain adoring fans. Tricia herself wrote a book, if you can call it that:

http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6919 ... e-minority

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I'm trying to figure it out but its seems like her son is less than one year. Three kids under three and she's worried about not PG again soon? :mouse-shock:

Her son was born in Feb, so he's 9 months old.

Her first and second are 13.5 months apart. Her second and third are 17 months apart, if I recall correctly. So her son being 9 months + a 9 month pregnancy = 18 months -- the longest span so far, and that's if she gets pregnant tomorrow! :roll:

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2- and 3-year olds DO NOT understand that since mommy works, they also must work. Hell, most 2-yr-olds (and some 3 and 4 yr olds) are still in diapers!!! They are barely verbal. Their coordination is that of a --- well, 2 yr old. What a nincompoop of a mom. I feel sorry for those kids. The only hope I hold out is that it comes across as being more severe through the hyperbole of the "I'm a biblical mom" blog post writing than it is in reality. Granted, she has them folding wash cloths rather than ironing their dad's shirts, but even so... what a nincompoop.

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Her reasoning for having the girls do housework is ridiculous. She's scary. She'll have little robots soon. I have no problem having the girls help with chores. It does help, it teaches them, and they enjoy copying mommy. But her reasoning......

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Her reasoning for having the girls do housework is ridiculous. She's scary. She'll have little robots soon. I have no problem having the girls help with chores. It does help, it teaches them, and they enjoy copying mommy. But her reasoning......

I totally agree. Also, she expects them to sit still for 30 minutes? Is she into blanket training?

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What a horrible and stupid woman. If your toddlers will happily play all day, she should count her blessings. Sure, teach them to pick up their toys at the end of the day, but if they can keep themselves entertained when she's sick and pregnant, that's a million times more useful than folding laundry.

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I totally agree. Also, she expects them to sit still for 30 minutes? Is she into blanket training?

I have my toddlers do most of the things she mentioned: help fold laundry, learn to pick up toys, have a "clean up" time, etc. But my reasons behind it are very different than hers! I'm trying to help them become productive, independent individuals. She is trying to make them become mommy's work machines.

And yes, I am quite certain that she implements blanket training.

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It's all about HER. I don't want my toddlers to play all day because it doesn't help ME. They need to learn to fold washcloths (BTW, why do you need to fold washcloths??) to help ME. They need to obey instantly because of ME. Seriously, what is anyone this self-absorbed doing having any children at all??? I have to believe if there was a god s/he'd be making damn sure that womb was closed and soon.

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It's all about HER. I don't want my toddlers to play all day because it doesn't help ME. They need to learn to fold washcloths (BTW, why do you need to fold washcloths??) to help ME. They need to obey instantly because of ME. Seriously, what is anyone this self-absorbed doing having any children at all??? I have to believe if there was a god s/he'd be making damn sure that womb was closed and soon.

I'm guessing it's training for when they're old enough to fold towels. It's more of a token responsibility so that they'll learn their place in life is chores. Instill that in them when they're as young as possible. Although her comments about helping during pregnancy make me think she's not going to wait too long before progressing them on to the towel phase.

(That, or I've been doing something wrong all my life as far as housework is concerned...)

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It's all about HER. I don't want my toddlers to play all day because it doesn't help ME. They need to learn to fold washcloths (BTW, why do you need to fold washcloths??) to help ME. They need to obey instantly because of ME. Seriously, what is anyone this self-absorbed doing having any children at all??? I have to believe if there was a god s/he'd be making damn sure that womb was closed and soon.

Sadly, I think many of the quiverful/fundie/homeschool moms think this way. (Self-absorbed; fixated on the next pregnancy; making everything the kids do revolve around her convenience.) It's just that not all of them are so openly outspoken about it.

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What a terrible mother. She sounds like a real wackjob, too. Terrifying a two year old into doing housework (how much housework could a baby possibly do?) by saying "babies make mommies sick"?? That's another level of nightmare fundie right there.

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I read a fair bit of her blog, and honestly, she seems pretty tame to most of the people we snark on. She is mostly against spanking, for example, although she seems rather wishy-washy on the matter; she thinks spanking isn't a good thing but can't figure out any alternatives. She seems to be a second-generation who is actually keeping the faith and not deviating a lot from what she was taught growing up. Although I don't get why pants and skirts are allowed but not shorts. A knee-length skirt is just as immodest as a pair of Bermuda shorts or something, isn't it? Especially with small children who run and climb all day.

The weirdest post of hers was on why she wants a big family. She wants a big family so she can take cool pictures, have a big van, set up lots of bunk beds, and name them cute names. Nothing about how she loves children and believes this is her life's calling or even some of that god's-army stuff some people spew. Nope. For her it really is all about appearances.

I do feel sorry for her daughters. They seem to be having a pretty nice life now, allowed to be children, but it will not last long. Judging by the recent post, their childhood is ending before it even began.

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I swear, sometimes I think these fundies think they are training dogs instead of kids.

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Most toddlers, boys and girls, are only too happy to 'help Mummy' and to do things all by themselves, 'like a real grown'up'. You just have to let them do it largely to their own agenda. I'd never expect serious, dedicated assistance from such a little one.

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I'm guessing it's training for when they're old enough to fold towels. It's more of a token responsibility so that they'll learn their place in life is chores. Instill that in them when they're as young as possible. Although her comments about helping during pregnancy make me think she's not going to wait too long before progressing them on to the towel phase.

(That, or I've been doing something wrong all my life as far as housework is concerned...)

I have never heard of NOT folding washcloths. Of course, I do it and would not want my little kids doing it. Starting them picking up after themselves is fine, but with the idea that you really do most of the work. I would never get toddlers to help with laundry. They are toddlers and chores other than toys in a basket are not even developmentally appropriate

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I swear, sometimes I think these fundies think they are training dogs instead of kids.

Agreed, on the obedience lessons. Except I wouldn't treat a young dog the way she treats her toddlers. Who would expect a puppy to "stay" for 30 minutes? The work of children (and puppies) is to play. That includes imitative play, and doing what mommy's doing, e.g. folding laundry. I talso means romping around, developing coordination, and socializing, learning to interpret social cues.

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I read a fair bit of her blog, and honestly, she seems pretty tame to most of the people we snark on. She is mostly against spanking, for example, although she seems rather wishy-washy on the matter; she thinks spanking isn't a good thing but can't figure out any alternatives.

It sounds more like she's covering her ass in case people critcize her. If she was really against spanking she'd have worked at least one of the million alternatives -- just watch one episode of Supernanny.

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From Tricia's FB this morning:

Today I stood back and talked Rachel through the process of climbing into the pack 'n play, lifting up the mattress, pulling off the sheet, climbing back OUT of the pack 'n play, and throwing the sheet into the laundry. One little task at a time, and this girl will be able to run her own household!

From another mom, I could take this as a cute story. But from her... :roll:

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