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Feminism has made women less happy


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If you do more research on this comedian(that's his profession) he's a far right winger (much further right than most mainstream republicans) who writes for the far right taki magazine, the nativist, anti non whites immigration webzine vdare, and is friends with many prominent 'genteel' white nationalists like Jared Taylor.

I used to look at his street carnage thingy, thinking he had a really biting and unorthodox, provocative sense of humor until I realized where it all came from

Hmmm it's possible to want a family and like feminis things while still having other aspirations too. *smack my head*

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I don't know. Having more choices about my body, and life has made me pretty happy. No, I am not happy all the time, but who is? Sometimes I think about how my life would be so much different had I been born in a different culture where women are viewed as subhuman. I never would have had the chance to get educated, have my own money or even controlling my own body. Don't they know that suicide rates amongst women is way higher in these countries?? Either you recognize women as human beings or you don't. There isn't anything between that. Sure, equality brings more responsibility but as full human beings I think we can handle it.

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Well it hasn't made me less happy. I work in a field that at one time was male dominated. If not for the early feminists, I could easily see myself with only a high school education and completely dependent on a husband for support. Yeah, that doesn't sound like a happy life for me.

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