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Angharad Crewe

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Basically George Zimmerman should have been convicted but he wasn't because women have no moral compass. In the comments she decides that actually the jury did come to the right conclusion. I'm not sure why I bother to read her blog, her stupidity just frustrates me beyond belief. :angry-banghead:

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Hey guys, I'm new here, nice to meet ya'll. lol. Anyway I submit stuff to fstdt sometimes and I saw you guys were similar:) I haven't seen this arrogant persons stuff I there so I guess I'll share t here


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Yes, she's been mentioned here a few times before, including in the recent 'OMG single mothers' thread, where she was talking about not letting her kids play with children of single mothers. She's annoying and insufferable, but mostly she just makes me go :roll: because she is so obviously just doing all of this for the attention with her oh- so- shocking views.

JB is different from fundie Christians in that she swears a lot and has a few opinions that don't fall in line with the ultra-conservative crowd (like her views on abortion, I think).

I remember wasting about 20 minutes of my life on her blog once and noticed an article she wrote about how Katniss from the Hunger Games is a good role model for girls because she lets the guy she's with take the lead. I am honestly not sure how anyone could get THAT out of the story. :lol: :?

Welcome, by the way!

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Sometimes I think of Judgy Bitch as over-the-top perfomance art. On her blog, she shows a lot of puffed-up bravado, especially when addressing feminism and equal rights. But put her in a debate, and she falls apart and sounds completely nonsensical.

http://m.ruvr.ru/download/data/2013/01/ ... haming.mp3


She also wants to become a professor:


Yeah, I'm sure the Ivy League will be beating down her door to hire her.

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I am a homemaker...and I love it. I decide how my home runs, how my kids are taken care of, how we take care of others/volunteer, and what we eat. :)

To each their own.

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lol thanks for the warm welcome guys.

About Judgybitch, this could be my mediator side but good god I know it's stupid but part of me really want someone to step in and reason with her. I say this because in the comments section all her dissenters are clearly offended(understandably) and charged and stoop to her level, which probably only makes her even more righteous :roll: I think it would be funny if someone left a comment in a calming tone calling out her arrogance and the irony of preaching 'femininity' when her blog persona is anything but. :angry-banghead: All her replies to are so freakin' condescending it actually makes me physically angry, lol.

@LittleMama, thanks, and indeed! I'm not some anti-SAHM/D at all. In fact, and I think this is a lot of people, I have nothing against it and think it is wonderful if the parent wants to. I will probably stay at home at least part time when my kids are young myself, lol. I follow some SAHM blogs who seem like likeable, normal people. It's just... when very conservative people start preaching it or conjuring up some over-romanticized 1950's stuff that makes me... well, you know what I mean :) That and... this woman is so judgemental and arrogant and gahhhh

I know you guys deal with mostly religious fundamentalism, but I have more taste in political fundamentalism, if that's okay. So, I'll post say, MRA stuff, Kidist kinds of stuff :P

I hope I'm still welcome here, but I'm guessing you guys tend to be a liberal bunch? Correct me if I'm wrong. I tend to be moderate leaning centre-left or right depending, even though i'll side with liberal people over the asshats this forum talks about anyday

Cooking and baking are hobbies of mine(anyone the same?) but when you write this shit, sorry you're starving lol:

http://mattforney.com/2013/09/12/women- ... m-college/

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How are you starting a thread with two posts?

I just posted about this on the mod forum. I don't think it is supposed to be happening but I'm not sure....

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No need to apologize; if the board allows you to start a thread w/out having posted X times, it's not your fault, and the material's relevant...must be a bug in the system...

Re JB...I see lots of stuff that I feel the need to argue, but mostly give it up because arguing with people you know will just be jerks isn't worth it.

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No need to apologize; if the board allows you to start a thread w/out having posted X times, it's not your fault, and the material's relevant...must be a bug in the system...

Very true! I was going to post that earlier then my computer decided it didn't feel like connecting to the internet anymore. Grrr

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Who cares how many posts she has - she was sharing a site that she thought fellow fjers would enjoy and trying to start conversation! That's what this place is about!

It's elite comments like those that make people feel unwelcome. Having been a part of online message boards since 1995 I have always found it peculiar that certain people seem to want to drive new members away and assuming some sort of prestige for having "been here" longer (speaking ambiguously and not about any specific individual). The entire point of message boards is to build a community and spark discussion. How long one has been a member should have no bearing on their credibility if they are contributing and trying to participate.

I like JB. I don't agree with her on most things and think her name fits perfectly - but I like how straightforward she is and frankly, I find her offensive and totally whack ideas to be pretty hysterical. I always look forward to her latest crazy.

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Who cares how many posts she has - she was sharing a site that she thought fellow fjers would enjoy and trying to start conversation! That's what this place is about!

It's elite comments like those that make people feel unwelcome. Having been a part of online message boards since 1995 I have always found it peculiar that certain people seem to want to drive new members away and assuming some sort of prestige for having "been here" longer (speaking ambiguously and not about any specific individual). The entire point of message boards is to build a community and spark discussion. How long one has been a member should have no bearing on their credibility if they are contributing and trying to participate.

I like JB. I don't agree with her on most things and think her name fits perfectly - but I like how straightforward she is and frankly, I find her offensive and totally whack ideas to be pretty hysterical. I always look forward to her latest crazy.

No one was trying to be elite. We were curious about there being a possible rule change. There are rules here for a reason. There usually made after one or more people decided to be jerks.

You talk about building community. You attack and judge other posters in the same post. :penguin-no: That is not how you build community.

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No one was trying to be elite. We were curious about there being a possible rule change. There are rules here for a reason. There usually made after one or more people decided to be jerks.

You talk about building community. You attack and judge other posters in the same post. :penguin-no: That is not how you build community.

Did you miss where I said: "speaking ambiguously and not about any specific individual" ? This isnt common only to this bbs. I have seen this in nearly every bbs I have ever been a part of. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I attacked or judged anyone...

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After finally having my first son -- history of miscarriages --, my husband and I decided we wanted someone to stay home with him. He thought he 'd go crazy at home, so the SAHP ended up being me. I quit my job in the finance industry and became an at-home mom. I was ok with this. At first. And then, I realized that I really, really needed to be doing something more. I honestly felt like my identity had been swallowed up into "MOTHERHOOD."

Long story short, I ended up having the opportunity to follow my dreams. I now work as an independent contractor doing something I'd wanted to do as a little girl.

I still stay home with my kids. But I also work. It's not about money because I don't make much of that. It's about doing something that makes me a better person and a better wife and a better mother.

JudgyBitch did make one very valid point: "children do not belong to women, Simone." Children belong to no one but themselves, Bitch, and on that, I fully agree. The sad thing is that I suspect you were trying to imply they belong to their dads. Children are people not property.

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I love not working and staying home. I can understand the need for some women to "want more" or need something else to occupy their time, but for me this is what I have always wanted to do. There is nothing I enjoy more than being the Big Cheese around here and deciding what is best for our family. I would go bonkers thinking about someone else taking care of Toddler - who is the greatest joy in my life and I wouldn't trade our days for anything in the world! I never did enjoy the "working world" (I do have my BA and have worked before). I think just as being a SAHM is not in the cards for some, being a working mom is absolutely not in the cards for me. I am far too busy during the day to experience much of the boredom and monotony some have discussed by some. While some say they feel as if their identity has been "taken" - I was so glad to put on my Mom hat and embrace that role. I think that whatever works best for ones particular situation is the route one should take. We aren't all supposed to take the same path. :)

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Have any SAHMs tried to engage judgybitch to anyone's knowing? I would wonder if actually being what judgybitch preaches would affect how she views them

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While some say they feel as if their identity has been "taken" - I was so glad to put on my Mom hat and embrace that role.

Wow, this is just ...

I don't get why we can't support women doing whatever they need to do to be the person they want to be and raise their families the way they deem best.

Yeah, I said that I felt my identity had been swallowed up in motherhood. And??? That doesn't in the least mean that I wasn't happy to be a mom and didn't embrace that role. I had FIVE miscarriages, each more devastating than the last. My oldest son was my heart, and I adored -- and still adore -- being his mother. I had three kids in extremely short succession -- less than three years between the first and the last -- and yes, I did indeed feel as though I were no longer a person and instead simply filling a role. My kids are amazing little people, and I am honored to be their mother. I am a BETTER mother by doing things outside of raising them that fulfill other parts of my being. And I am not going to apologize for that.

That's cool that you are doing what's right for you. I totally support it. I do not totally support catty comments taking a swipe at my own choice and the choices of other moms like me.

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"Children are people not property" - YES YES YES

One comment I share is from a blogging lady who talked about this and how it is easy to put controlling stipulations on kids just because "you can". She was talking about kids getting into the fridge to have a snack, and how instead of saying "No! Put that back! You have to wait for dinner!!" with no regards to if they are hungry, she thinks about how she would respond if a friend who was visiting opened her fridge. Would she say that to them? (Her answer was no.) Why would she treat her children (little people) any different than her friend (big person) in this situation?

It made me think a lot about how we choose to care for our kids and how we listen to them.

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"Children are people not property" - YES YES YES

One comment I share is from a blogging lady who talked about this and how it is easy to put controlling stipulations on kids just because "you can". She was talking about kids getting into the fridge to have a snack, and how instead of saying "No! Put that back! You have to wait for dinner!!" with no regards to if they are hungry, she thinks about how she would respond if a friend who was visiting opened her fridge. Would she say that to them? (Her answer was no.) Why would she treat her children (little people) any different than her friend (big person) in this situation?

It made me think a lot about how we choose to care for our kids and how we listen to them.

I definitely agree with the overall point. Kids are people and should be listened to and treated as such. Sometimes though, it's not so much putting stipulations on kids because you can, it's because you have to. Using your friend's example, if a grown up friend came to my house and wanted a snack, I would not say a word if that snack happened to be 6 Oreos. If my son wants a snack between meals, I will stipulate that it must be fruit or veggies. I will treat him like a person and explain my reasoning, but the answer stays firm. I'm controlling him, but that's my job, to teach him healthy choices. He's going to whine and think I'm the most unfair mom ever, but hey, that's life. There are also a few safety related things where it would be my way only, no discussion, but 99% of the time, I am willing to talk it out. I'm open to reasonable arguements, and I have a possible, future lawyer on my hands, so the arguements can get pretty creative! :)

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Wow, this is just ...

I don't get why we can't support women doing whatever they need to do to be the person they want to be and raise their families the way they deem best.

Yeah, I said that I felt my identity had been swallowed up in motherhood. And??? That doesn't in the least mean that I wasn't happy to be a mom and didn't embrace that role. I had FIVE miscarriages, each more devastating than the last. My oldest son was my heart, and I adored -- and still adore -- being his mother. I had three kids in extremely short succession -- less than three years between the first and the last -- and yes, I did indeed feel as though I were no longer a person and instead simply filling a role. My kids are amazing little people, and I am honored to be their mother. I am a BETTER mother by doing things outside of raising them that fulfill other parts of my being. And I am not going to apologize for that.

That's cool that you are doing what's right for you. I totally support it. I do not totally support catty comments taking a swipe at my own choice and the choices of other moms like me.

Woah. You put words in my mouth. I am horrifically sorry if you thought I made a dig towards you - I certainly did not! I went on to say that each should do what is right for their own situation. I have no doubt about your parenting abilities or that you made the right choice for your family. While that choice would make ME unhappy, clearly it was the right one for you. Please don't make it seem as if I am bastardizing working mothers - my own mother worked as a single mom to support her family and I wouldn't dare make such an accusation.

I am unsure why you jumped all over me like that. Had I said "while some hate broccoli, I just can't get enough!" would that have been a "catty swipe" at broccoli-haters? Tempers sure have been flying fast around here! I really resent the fact that you tried to paint me as someone who would attack a working woman, especially when I have done so such thing. Not even close.

Adding: Are you insinuating that I am less fulfilled for not pursuing things outside of raising my family? That I am less of a mother or that my children aren't amazing, as well? Talk about "taking a catty swipe!!" - I made no assumptions about your family, but it seems as though plenty have been made about mine in your post.

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Woah. You put words in my mouth. I am horrifically sorry if you thought I made a dig towards you - I certainly did not! I went on to say that each should do what is right for their own situation. I have no doubt about your parenting abilities or that you made the right choice for your family. While that choice would make ME unhappy, clearly it was the right one for you. Please don't make it seem as if I am bastardizing working mothers - my own mother worked as a single mom to support her family and I wouldn't dare make such an accusation.

I am unsure why you jumped all over me like that. Had I said "while some hate broccoli, I just can't get enough!" would that have been a "catty swipe" at broccoli-haters? Tempers sure have been flying fast around here! I really resent the fact that you tried to paint me as someone who would attack a working woman, especially when I have done so such thing. Not even close.

Adding: Are you insinuating that I am less fulfilled for not pursuing things outside of raising my family? That I am less of a mother or that my children aren't amazing, as well? Talk about "taking a catty swipe!!" - I made no assumptions about your family, but it seems as though plenty have been made about mine in your post.

ETA: I said " I honestly felt like my identity had been swallowed up into "MOTHERHOOD," and immediately after, you make a comment about women thinking their "identities" have disappeared. So yeah, I did take that as a personal dig. But hey, if you didn't mean it as that, cool. BUT:

You didn't make just one comment. You made two comments with those insinuations.

I love not working and staying home. I can understand the need for some women to "want more" or need something else to occupy their time, but for me this is what I have always wanted to do. T

Yep, you are darn right I wanted more. I wanted to fulfill my childhood dreams, and I DID. Your childhood dreams were to be a mom and a homemaker, and you fulfilled them. We have both done what's right for US and our families, and I totally support that for all women and wish that more could be homemakers if they want to be. But you'll notice, I felt no need to add scare quotes to imply -- and yes, you most certainly did -- that certain things were simply not valid, like feeling that one has "lost" her "identity" in the shuffle or "wanting more."

No amount of pointing your finger back at me will change your words.

And no, I most certainly said nothing at all about your fulfillment or your family. If you will reread what I said, you will notice that I said I fully support whatEVER choices you make. I'm a work-at-home mother, which is the best of both worlds for ME. Just me. What choices other women make are generally what is best for them or the only options they have at that moment. I feel no need to "scare quote" things at them in some kind of backhanded judging manner.

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