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Revelation! - Quiverfull and Fertility Treatments


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I just realized today. I'm (we're?) totally QF AND atheist :lol: .

See, I don't use any birth control (and haven't). We would totally accept any (and all) blessings that "God" would give us. I do use fertility drugs but as far as I can tell, I can still be QF :o

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Fertility drugs are a big no-no for the QF set since it's going against "God's will"

Alecto's right. Basically in QF beliefs anything that will aide or hinder having children is disallowed. They even eschew NFP.

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Alecto's right. Basically in QF beliefs anything that will aide or hinder having children is disallowed. They even eschew NFP.

I agree but we've seen Michelle D. charting her cycle and Kelly B. using progesterone. Both of these things aide one in becoming (or staying) pregnant.

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I agree but we've seen Michelle D. charting her cycle and Kelly B. using progesterone. Both of these things aide one in becoming (or staying) pregnant.

That's because they don't believe what they say they believe. They say "God opens and closes the womb and humans shouldn't intervene in any way." They mean, "God wants me to have as many children as I can and I will take all measures possible to have as many as possible, outside of things like IVF."

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Aren't there a few self-proclaimed QF couples who do believe in certain fertility treatments, defying all logic? I can't think of the names but I'm sure it's been discussed sometime on this board.

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There was a recent blog posted about that, where the woman suggested IVF if infertility was a problem. It is completely illogical if the position taken is "God opens and closes the womb and we shouldn't interfere" which is the typical QF reasoning.

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Aren't there a few self-proclaimed QF couples who do believe in certain fertility treatments, defying all logic? I can't think of the names but I'm sure it's been discussed sometime on this board.

Yes. I don't know which of "our" bloggers do offhand, but I know several QF women who have taken fertility drugs and a couple who have had had in-vitro. There's also this thing they call "snowflake babies" where they adopt the "extra" embryos from couples who have had successful IVF and don't want to implant any more.

In my experience, there are many women in the QF lifestyle who used different reproductive technologies to get or stay pregnant and just don't mention it because they don't want to be seen as trying too hard to have that many or overriding God's will. I'm not sure how common it is, but I had many people tell me this would be "ok" to do while I was infertile, and several said they had done it and you don't have to "tell anyone". I just thought it was weird, but I can see why, because some people in that lifestyle do judge you by your family size and assume you are either taking birth control or being punished for some sort of sin if you do not have a large family.

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In the philosophy though, there is a big distinction between getting and staying pregnant. It's not just "a pregnancy" but QF believes life begins at conception, so anything they would do for the health and life of a 2 year old, they would reasonably do for a newly concieved offspring.

It is inconsistent to take fertility drugs, but not at all inconsistent to take progesterone (at least, not inconsistent if you would use medicine--natural or allopathic--to help yourself or born children healthwise).

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No you would have to believe that there is a God and he likes for you to have kids a lot of them that will overtake the nation for Christianity.

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