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Fundie obsession with morning sickness?


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Another vote for the "not a fundie thing" side. I've seen it on every parenting board I've ever frequented. It's just that if you're constantly pregnant, it would be even more all-consuming.

In three pregnancies, I never threw up once but if I'd had m/s with my firstborn, he'd be an only child, that's how much I hate the feeling. And I would certainly have been a nonstop complainer.

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I'm also likely to side with the fundie women complaining about it. I was nauseous 24/7 for the first four months. Every meal had to be arranged around what I could tolerate, which I know sounds horribly self-centered but if I had tried to force myself to eat something that didn't sound appetizing I would have just thrown up anyway. Sometimes it was so bad all I could do was lie down because that was the only thing that eased the nausea. I tried not to talk about it all the time because I didn't want to be a bore and go into the gory details but it really does have a way of taking over your entire life. Urg. I want to have another baby soon and I'm not looking forward to that part of it again.

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I had extreme nausea every day for about 6 months. It sucked. The thing is, once people know you have it over and above their experiences, people keep checking in, wanting to chat about it, and at least offering sympathy (which is about the only thing they can offer - nothing really worked for me). Add in that pregnancy and birthing is so central to a fundie woman combined with not having to share immodest things (anyone else get blessed by the boobie fairy when they were pregnant? Hell to the yeah for going from a B to a D in 6 weeks!), and no wonder they talk about it a lot!

I had the extreme nausea/vomiting the entire pregnancy with my last 2. :cry:

But hell yeah on the boobies! i went from a B cup to an H cup with my first born and a C cup to an H with all the rest. My boobs were bigger than my belly and my poor babies had an oh, hell no look on their faces. :lol: But as wonderful as they can be so firm and perky, they always have the ugly blue veins that get pushed to the surface. If it wasn't for that I think I would have walked around topless showing off my new perky gals. I also got lucky and never got stretch marks on them but more than made up for it on the belly and butt. :shock:

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I had morning sickness until around 20 weeks when it turned to just a mild nausea. I managed to loose 11 pounds in just a couple weeks before they put me on anti-nausea drugs, which stopped me from actually throwing up more then a few times a day but I still felt lousy. I remember when it started thinking of Michelle prattling on about it being a good sign and hoping that was the case. I would imagine it would be worse for a fundie because you're frequently pregnant also my husband did almost everything around the house while I had my morning sickness, which I doubt a fundie husband would do.

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I had morning sickness until around 20 weeks when it turned to just a mild nausea. I managed to loose 11 pounds in just a couple weeks before they put me on anti-nausea drugs, which stopped me from actually throwing up more then a few times a day but I still felt lousy. I remember when it started thinking of Michelle prattling on about it being a good sign and hoping that was the case. I would imagine it would be worse for a fundie because you're frequently pregnant also my husband did almost everything around the house while I had my morning sickness, which I doubt a fundie husband would do.

I bet you are right about that. I was on total bedrest with some of my pregnancies and only light bedrest on the others and every time my husband willing and cheerfully stepped up to bat. He had to work 10-14 hours a day at work, come home and do all the chores there while helping with homework and childcare. That was if he was lucky and didn't have to spend half the night with me in L&D before going back to work to start the chain all over again. ( :shock: I think I owe my sweetie big time)I couldn't even get out of bed to shower let alone sweep up a mess the toddler made and he did it all. These fundy women would have to either figure a way to do it from bed if they didn't have older children or risk losing the baby because 9 out of 10 fundy husbands wouldn't be pleasant if their dinner wasn't on the table when they came home. That life is abuse and a train wreck waiting to happen when you give another person that much control over your life.

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Yes, I know that I never felt like more a delicate little flower than when I had my head in the toilet for four months! In all seriousness, if you've never had terrible morning sickness, it is hard to understand how all-consuming (perhaps a bad choice of words) the condition can be. I lost hope. I lost perspective. I really felt that this was my life and that it would never get better. It was bad enough that I've decided that one child is enough. I'm just not brave enough to go through that again. On the upside, I sure maintained my girlish figure far into the pregnancy because I was vomiting too much to gain any weight.

Ohh my goodness, yes! I had horrible all-day sickness with both girls, 10 weeks with my first and 15 with my second. It really was all-consuming.

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Morning sickness with twins.....double the feeling of riding on the high seas for months.

I remember DH asking what was for dinner. I told him I did not care as long as I did not have to look at it.

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I had horrible all day sickness every day until I delivered. The gestational diabetes on top of that was just the icing on the cake. I think I lost 30 pounds.

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A conservative Christian woman I know who might actually fall into fundy-light territory spent every minute of her pregnancy complaining about every single symptom of it, especially morning sickness, which drove me mad. Worse, she did it on facebook so that she could complain to the whole damn world. I had to hide her from my newsfeed. She interspersed these with updates, and if she didn't have a new update, she'd simply repost the same one 3 or 4 times a day so everyone had to see it. I understand she had morning sickness pretty badly for 12 weeks, for her second pregnancy now she's taking one of those morning sickness drugs, but even after it was gone she decided to complain about anything and everything else she could. I have to stop here before this goes into a full-blown rant. In short, she was the epitome of examples in the "Pregnant Women are Smug" song and then some, and the only woman I've ever met to be that obnoxious about it. Let's just say that it might not be just fundies, and even if it's bad you're going to lose all potential sympathy if you act like she did. That said, I hate being nauseous so much that I will not be a happy camper. But I assure you I will not post constantly about it on facebook.

I do feel for you all with terrible-sounding experiences. The above rant is purely against one particular woman, not others. A lot of what you guys are describing sounds so much worse than her complaints, and just awful for anyone to experience.

Also, 30 pounds?? That sucks! Oi! If I lost that much, I'd be dangerously underweight. Like drop dead from cardiac arrest underweight. I'm now slightly terrified. At least, unless I've gained weight and haven't noticed, then I might just be very underweight. But no plans to have a baby for at least another four years or so. Maybe the fear of all this will have worn off by then :-p Some of this stuff should've been posted on that thread about quiverfull thoughts, where me and the other young ladies were talking about wanting babies. Scared me off anyway ;)

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I had the extreme nausea/vomiting the entire pregnancy with my last 2. :cry:

But hell yeah on the boobies! i went from a B cup to an H cup with my first born and a C cup to an H with all the rest. My boobs were bigger than my belly and my poor babies had an oh, hell no look on their faces. :lol: But as wonderful as they can be so firm and perky, they always have the ugly blue veins that get pushed to the surface. If it wasn't for that I think I would have walked around topless showing off my new perky gals. I also got lucky and never got stretch marks on them but more than made up for it on the belly and butt. :shock:

hey! I naturally have all those veins around without being pregnant! They're not ugly... just reminds you the bodily purpose of those things...

and I already have lots of stretch mark (everywhere except my belly). I cannot tell you how scared I am about how's that gonna turn out if I ever have a baby.... lol

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I never had any real morning sickness. I only felt nauseous when I was getting hungry. I also lost 15-ish pounds my first trimester that so far haven't come back yet(I'm almost 6 months along).

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I agree with the previous poster who said that's all they have to talk about. They don't work, so they have more time to think about how bad they feel.

I was sick as a dog all through my pregnancies, but I also had to work. I just had to get through it. I envy those who at least got to vomit at home instead of at work, gas station parking lots, library parking lot, etc.

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I agree with the previous poster who said that's all they have to talk about. They don't work, so they have more time to think about how bad they feel.

I was sick as a dog all through my pregnancies, but I also had to work. I just had to get through it. I envy those who at least got to vomit at home instead of at work, gas station parking lots, library parking lot, etc.

Exactly! I'm proud that I never took a day off because of my morning sickness during my first pregnancy. One of my co-workers took off frequently because of her morning sickness. I like to think it was worse then mine and she literally couldn't get out of bed because otherwise it's not like anyone is going to catch it and at our work the bathroom is actually relatively clean. The worst for me was my half an hour long commute it wasn't that long of a commute but the car made me more sick and had to pull over frequently.

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It doesn't have to be "worse", it just kind of depends. I'm an emetophobe, and while I've been working really hard on it, I still can't bear throwing up in front of anyone else, and in general I turn into a weepy, panic-attack mess. It was much worse a few years ago. I couldn't even watch TV when I was morning sick, the only thing I could do was curl up on the bathroom floor with my face on the cold bathtub porcelain and wish for death. I didn't keep anything but ice chips down for the 3 weeks it took me to give up and terminate, I lost 25 pounds, and the nausea/panic was so unstoppable that I also rarely SLEPT those three weeks. I'd occasionally fall asleep with my face in the toilet after I finished puking.

I tried everything, and I STILL hate ginger ale and peppermint tea. I feel sick if I smell them now.

I don't know if I was ACTUALLY sicker than average or if the phobia made it that bad, but it was easily the worst experience of my life, and I've been through my share of shit.

It trashed my metabolism and my teeth ($3000 in dental work I didn't need BEFORE that). Every single one of those 25 pounds came back with a friend. I don't know if I'll ever have kids. I guess it depends how well therapy goes.

I understand that everyone hates to throw up, but not everyone has a brain that shrieks "OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO DIE" every time they're sick to their stomach.

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I never had any real morning sickness. I only felt nauseous when I was getting hungry. I also lost 15-ish pounds my first trimester that so far haven't come back yet(I'm almost 6 months along).

Just wondering but is your doctor concerned about you having to put the lost weight back on? I lost over 20 lbs with #4 in the first 12 weeks and my doctors made me put it back on the last 5 months of his pregnancy.

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