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Terra Nova--A Pro-Life Sci-Fi Show


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Abigail has been watching the short-lived FOX sci-fi show Terra Nova. She is convinced that the show is pro-life because it features a family that has three children, even though the government in the year 2159 allows for only two children per family. She walks away from the show "really feeling strengthen in my vocation of marriage."


I didn't watch Terra Nova when it aired (and it sounds like a lot of people didn't). I do remember something about a teen boy in the colony asking permission to court one of the daughters in the main family. Abigail probably likes that.

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Watched this embarrassment to sci fi (hangs head in shame). This show is soooooo bad, you root for the dinosaurs to eat people. And are sad when they live to see another episode. Terra Nova-just say no!!!!!!! :penguin-no:

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I started watching that because I really like Jason O'Mara, but only made it about three episodes in. It was dreadfully boring, and pretty by-the-numbers sci-fi, IIRC. Seems like I didn't really miss a lot.

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Watched this embarrassment to sci fi (hangs head in shame). This show is soooooo bad, you root for the dinosaurs to eat people. And are sad when they live to see another episode. Terra Nova-just say no!!!!!!! :penguin-no:

I agree. At first I had hopes that the gray haired leader would be an over the top bad guy. That might have been fun but the show kept him a good guy with really extreme alpha male syndrome. My husband watched it so I was forced to pay some attention to the show. I think that the leader was the cartoonish strong manly man that Doug Phillips wants to be.


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I've seen the entire series and if people read "prolife" from this and come away with what she claims to come away with it's because they have way too much time on their hand, live boring lives, and need to make up stuff to blog about. Which is 99% of the bloggers on the internet I'm afraid.

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I started watching this when it first aired and found it kind of boring. It never really caught my interest. If I remember correctly, the mom in the show was a doctor and her skills were the reason the family was chosen for this experiment/trip thing. They didn't want the father initially. He had to prove he had needed skills. A woman more important that a man. For shame! You'd think this alone would be a turn off for that crowd. Then again, they did have humans and dinosaurs coexisting. They probably see that as some sort of validation...

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Watched this embarrassment to sci fi (hangs head in shame). This show is soooooo bad, you root for the dinosaurs to eat people. And are sad when they live to see another episode. Terra Nova-just say no!!!!!!! :penguin-no:

I was hoping for the dinos to win too. I found none of the charscters likable.

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I'm another one who rooted for the dinosaurs as they were the most likeable characters in the series.

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I'm another one who rooted for the dinosaurs as they were the most likeable characters in the series.

I would have so loved that.

At first, I wondered if the writers were going to make a few lead characters turn evil and that was why they were so unlikable. Nope. THe show just had crappy writing.

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The Mr. watched the whole series and I from the sidelines as mostly background noise. I too was rooting for the dinosaurs.

I get the feeling the writers intended the audience to admire the central family for their moxie in bucking the rules of the big, bad government but I really just hated them.

There is a two child rule because the earth is terribly over-populated? Screw that, we're having an illegal third child. Earth and its needs be damned. Our personal desires are way, way more important than society as a whole.

There's a chance for society to start over in the past. It's a dangerous existence, and this new upstart society needs tight controls on population and resources. Fie to all that. Me and my already too large family, who have already demonstrated we're not good at playing by society's rules, are gonna bust on through and join your new world whether you like it or not! Besides, ain't our third child just so freakin' cute? She's so cute! Look at her! CUTE!

I don't see that family as so much pro-life as selfish pro-ME ME ME dick-holes. I wish the final episode involved a dino horde over-running the whole colony.

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I've seen the entire series and if people read "prolife" from this and come away with what she claims to come away with it's because they have way too much time on their hand, live boring lives, and need to make up stuff to blog about. Which is 99% of the bloggers on the internet I'm afraid.

I agree.

And this is Abigail we are talking about here. Look at how badly she mucked up "discalced Carmelite". It's not a huge stretch that she got the main idea of a TV series wrong as well. She's got a special talent for spinning stuff to fit her vision.

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I just remember hating that illegal third child. I have a tendency to get really annoyed by "cute" kids in movies and tv shows.

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She gave away her family's refrigerator, but she kept the television. Her homeschooled children struggle with basic literacy, but she's got the time to watch hours of a commercial television program and blog about its prolife message.

Do you know what's really super-duper prolife? Making sure your kids are fed well. Doing whatever is in your power to help them become literate and numerate. Turn off the damned boob tube, make some lunch, and read to your children, Abigail.

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I started watching that because I really like Jason O'Mara, but only made it about three episodes in. It was dreadfully boring, and pretty by-the-numbers sci-fi, IIRC. Seems like I didn't really miss a lot.

I was another person who only started watching for Jason O'Mara and I agree with you on the show it was boring and I wasn't sad when it got canned.

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I was another person who only started watching for Jason O'Mara and I agree with you on the show it was boring and I wasn't sad when it got canned.

Did you watch the US Life on Mars, then? I thought that it was a really fun show until the last episode, which was HORRID.

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Does anyone remember a show called Earth 2. I really liked it but it was cancelled after one season so maybe my taste shouldn't be trusted. LOL If you don't that is all right. I think I was the only person who watched it. I wonder if I rewatched it, would I hate it as much as do Terra Nova now?

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Does anyone remember a show called Earth 2. I really liked it but it was cancelled after one season so maybe my taste shouldn't be trusted. LOL If you don't that is all right. I think I was the only person who watched it. I wonder if I rewatched it, would I hate it as much as do Terra Nova now?

Me!! I watched Earth2 and loved it (so far, the only fan convention I've been to was the 1996 Earth2 con in Albuquerque*), but since I watched SeaQuest, my taste is also possibly not trustworthy. ;) I haven't pulled the DVDs out in a while, but while I know it wasn't perfect SF**, I think it's held up not-too-badly. Although it did have not one, but two cute kids, but it also had Clancy Brown. I'm still pissed about the cliffhanger, although after hearing NBC's plans for the second season, it may have been a blessing in disguise.

I didn't watch Terra Nova, so I can't compare the two. I remember that the premise looked interesting, but it was on FOX, so I figured it wouldn't last long, and I didn't want to break my FOX boycott for it. I hear FOX is planning an update of Cosmos with Neil deGrasse Tyson taking Carl Sagan's place - if that ever happens, I may overlook the Firefly debacle long enough to watch it.

* I'm still shocked that my parents were okay with the trip - me and my college roomie, our first plane trip, off on our own, to meet possible axe-murderers we met online. Remember, this was the early days of the internet. LOL.

** Yeah, the spider-wormholes and the horse-in-a-can were a stretch. But that episode with Danziger's friends in the evac pod was very good.

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I started watching Terra Nova for the dinosaurs and for Stephen Lang (who played Colonel Quaritch from James Cameron's Avatar, which is pretty much the same character as Commander Nathan, only a bad guy, ha). Quickly realized the dinos weren't going to be a a regular feature, but instead the idiot humans soap opera, and quit watching. The parents loved the show, much to my baffled surprise.

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I watched this, I liked the dinosaurs the humans not so much. And if she got pro life from that, well we must have been watching different shows. Aside from seeing a bit of an entitled family who behaved quite a bit like the rules didn't apply to them, it was a family that believed in ' science' and highly educated women.

Still wanted the dinosaurs to win though. I'd rather watch Primeval if I want my dinosaur fix though, raptors in a mall I'm all for that.

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Did you watch the US Life on Mars, then? I thought that it was a really fun show until the last episode, which was HORRID.

I also watched that too. I liked it for the most part and I agree with the last episode and that revelation was horrid.

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I thought that the show was pretty anti-life because the boss guy would exile people who disagreed with him in a hot minute. Outside the compound usually meant certain death unless one was lucky enough to hook up with the exiles.

Poor Jason O'Mara, he is known as the show killer. Most of the shows he was on, only lasted one season if that.

The latest is Vegas and he was quite good on that show.

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