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Daily Show last night


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This does not show outside the US. Any chance, a wee clue what it was about? Teeny clue?

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I got to see the first 8 minutes before my computer started putting me through buffering pergatory, but I think it was about immigration in the US. Anybody else see more than I did? BTW what I saw was funny as hell.

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I got to see the first 8 minutes before my computer started putting me through buffering pergatory, but I think it was about immigration in the US. Anybody else see more than I did? BTW what I saw was funny as hell.

:lol: Well now that's just cruel Laura.

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The last segment was an interview with a Catholic comic who has five children living in a two bedroom apartment in NYC.

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Sorry, the clip on my facebook feed was the same "expose on Christian persecution' that doggie posted.

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What about on Hulu? Can you get the Daily Show on Hulu?


You have to listen to a few ads but it is the same show.

Sorry, currently our video library can only be watched from within the United States

:lol: Nope. So you can all just tell me how funny it is while I can't see it hehe.

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My transcript written as I watch the show

John Oliver is hosting for John Stewart.

John Oliver: Congress currently in a nail biting three way tie for most unpopular branch of government. However, they may be about to accomplish-and I know it sounds improbable-something. Specifically, immigration reform that suddenly has support even from Republicans and for all the right reason

Cut to Sen Lindsey Graham(My note, he speaks with a very slow, southern drawl) We are in a demographic death spiral as a party and the only way we can get into the good graces of the Hispanic community, in my view, is to pass comprehensive immigration reform

John Oliver(doing a really, really crappy southern accent) And I Lindsey Graham say to you the Hispanic community, we choice to help you not because we want to but because mathematically we feel we have to.

John Oliver(back to his normal voice) Look, its how all historic seismic events have happened in America, with great reluctance. So, how have they managed to make this bill bipartisan? Because its a win/win. Good for Republicans because they think it will win them Hispanic votes and good for Democrats because it will actually win them Hispanic votes. So, what is in this incredible piece of legislation

cut to news segment -13 year path to citizenship, raises the cap on skilled workers and strengthens border security

John Oliver(Behind him is a poster that states Aliens vs Senators) Okay that sounds great.And I have to say as an immigrant myself this is all very exciting. Also, slightly annoying. Because if this had been passed years ago, I wouldn't have had to smuggle myself into America dressed as an order of fish and chips.

continued when my computer lets me. Sorry

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(There is a photo behind John Oliver of him in a bag of fries, holding one fry over his head. The fries are wrapped in newspaper)

John Oliver. That made for a perilous, vingery journey. To get 60 votes, you're going to need pretty deep support so what how much do the Democrats want this

News clip of Tim Kline speaking spanish

(John Oliver waves his face) oh por dios senior Kline(Kine-I missed the name trying to type this out. LOL) Senior Kine, you are too mucho. Perhaps you would like to wash down your hispanic pandering with a margarita. But this isn't just about political positioning. This is about aspiring to our nation's highest ideals. this is about aspiring to our nations highest ideals.

:angry-banghead: Hulu froze

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The last segment was an interview with a Catholic comic who has five children living in a two bedroom apartment in NYC.

Jim Gaffigan. He's actually very funny. My favorite of his lines, "If you want to know what it's like to have a fourth [baby] just imagine you're drowning... and then someone hands you a baby."

And he's a pretty cool guy:

http://politicsandpucks.blogspot.com/20 ... figan.html

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The principles that drew our ancestors across the sea

Cut to Chuck Schummer- in my city Mr President, there is that beautiful lady in the harbor with that bright torch

John Oliver(photo of bearded man in purple dress, holding up a flashlight. He is wearing red shoes and is smoking)-We call her Rhonda the dock whore, giving $5 blow jobs to the longshore men while holding a flashlight. A real NY institution. Now what were you talking about. Can you get deported for telling a joke like that? So, democrats are on board but Republicans may take a little more convincing.

Dr. Graham wrote them a prescription for electoral success. Even though they know that this is good for them, they are still going to resist it. Like a child with vegetables or a frat boy with a condom(photo of guy holding condoms in one hand, and a beer in the other)

Even the pro immigration republicans tone can be a little clumsy

cut to James Bush-Immigrants are more fertile and they love families and they have more intact families and they bring a younger population

John Oliver-I know you're trying to help but I dont' think that your strongest argument is that they are baby machines and they love to fuck. And he is supportive(points to photo of Jeb Bush) Even Latino Reps responsible for the writing of this bill are now trying to water it down. (photo of Cruz)

Cut to Marco Cruz-I filed an amendment to improve it even further. I'm saying when you apply for that green card after the ten year period and more has expired, you are going to have to prove that you are proficient in English.

John Oliver-it is now official. The rules to become an American citizen are now more stringent than the rules to become Miss Utah.

Cut to Miss Utah saying something that doesn't really make sense and ending with thank you

John Oliver-No, no. Thank you.We thank you Miss Utah for giving America a new ring tone. And for other republicans, efficiency in english still isn't far enough.

Sen Charles Grassley-(summary because my daughter talked during his comment) The bill ensures that those who come out of the shadow will cherish and be proficient in english

John Oliver-it isn't enough to be proficient, you have to cherish the English language like the guy who twitters single letters(shows photo of Grassley's twits of just the letter N and Uu-the u's have dots over them) He cherishes each letter individually because every character is precious. I wonder if anyone else has secret amendments to propose.

Cut to news show-summary from me- request for an amendment that homeland security arrest at least 90% of all illegal immigrants for the overall law to stand.

John Oliver-90% border security? You know what that means..Bring nine friends with you and you get in free....yes, that is the offer. You'll be up one new country and down nine new friends

And it isn't just the content of the bill the Republicans hate.

CUt to Sen Jeff Sessions-this is not an easy bill to read. He reads it

John Oliver-I don't know what it means but I'm not a senator but you are. Legalise is part of being a senator. So, if I can borrow a copy from your play book. "Learn to speak the language or go back to where you came from."

(I'll do the rest of the show if you want me to)

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I haven't had a chance to watch last nights show since it is on my dvr. I am very excited to watch since I find Gaffigan absolutely freaking hilarious. During his last stand up special he was doing whale sounds and my husband was laughing so hard he about fell off the couch.

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Wait. Can you all see this?


OH debrand. You are such a star doing all that. I almost hate to to tell you I can see the you-tube :lol: Thank you anyway. That is as funny as the clip.

I am giving you virtual cake for your kindness :D

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OH debrand. You are such a star doing all that. I almost hate to to tell you I can see the you-tube :lol: Thank you anyway. That is as funny as the clip.

I am giving you virtual cake for your kindness :D

Thank you. Delicious cake!

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