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This Rick Perry fella, how stupid is he?

Drina Adams

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It seems Americans have no right to freedom from religion. Well blow me down.

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My local newspaper has a section called Rants and Raves, which describes itself. Really there are some gems.

The other day one was something along the lines of "The Constitution allows for freedom of religion, not freedom from religion."

I wish there were a way to contact that person, because I'd send them this:


eta: or a way for Rick Perry to see it :cray-cray:

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To answer your question, Gov. Good Hair is pretty damn stupid.

I could write an novel on the stupidity of this guy. He focuses on the most ridculious non issues to try and get the attention off the real issues so he and his band of goobs can slip things under the rug. Why people keep voting him in is beyond me.

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I'm sure if it was muslims wishing each other a good Ramadan at a public school then Perry would suddenly remember the separation of church and state

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Gov.Pointy Boots is gearing up for another run for the presidency(because the first one went so well lol) so he has to appease his base aka the religious right. He also got a law passed that you are allowed to say Merry Christmas in schools here. So many more important things to be concerned with but he only cares about this stuff and abortion. He is a joke, I don't know why he keeps getting re-elected!

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To answer your question, Gov. Good Hair is pretty damn stupid.

I could write an novel on the stupidity of this guy. He focuses on the most ridculious non issues to try and get the attention off the real issues so he and his band of goobs can slip things under the rug. Why people keep voting him in is beyond me.

Are you a Molly Irvins fan. I loved her.

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Well, this is good news. I guess then that Gov Perry will welcome the Buddhist tracts I give to his children at the local public school or the mandatory Eid celebration in the high school gym.

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Here's an article about the "Merry Christmas" Bill.


This part is especially bad:

During the last Sunday of the legislative session on May 26, Rep. Donna Howard, an Austin Democrat, gave the Texas House’s daily prayer.

‘‘We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to exercise the religion of our choosing while also being free from having any religion imposed upon us,’’ said Howard, herself a Unitarian Universalist.

Her words prompted some conservative lawmakers to hold their own, separate prayer session moments later.

Perry did not mention Howard or her prayer, but invited to the signing ceremony cheerleaders from Kountze High School in East Texas. They were briefly barred by their school district from displaying banners with bible verses at football games. Perry decried the ban and a judge eventually ruled it violated students’ free speech rights.

The governor said the law was for believers such as the Kountze cheerleaders, who wore red ‘‘I cheer for Jesus’’ T-shirts.

So the law is for right-wing evangelical Christians, but not for people of other faiths and denominations who call for moderation and sensitivity.

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So the law is for right-wing evangelical Christians, but not for people of other faiths and denominations who call for moderation and sensitivity.

Yup, pretty much.

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Mind-blowingly, face-melting Stupid with a capital S (or, as my mother would say, "Stupid, with two O's").

That Merry Christmas bill pisses me off! There are schools in TX that have no bus service, outdated or too few textbooks, and a wealth of other problems; but the only thing that gets Governor Assclown's attention is "Merry Christmas." :angry-screaming:

He also vetoed a bill that would prohibit texting while driving (a legit problem!), saying it was "trying to micromanage adults' lives;" around the same time he passed a bill requiring a woman to have an invasive ultrasound before an abortion (because I guess women don't qualify as adults). :pull-hair:

Doug Phillips is a tool, but Rick Perry is the entire shed.

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Gov.Pointy Boots is gearing up for another run for the presidency(because the first one went so well lol) so he has to appease his base aka the religious right. He also got a law passed that you are allowed to say Merry Christmas in schools here. So many more important things to be concerned with but he only cares about this stuff and abortion. He is a joke, I don't know why he keeps getting re-elected!

Well, the percentage of people in Texas who take the time to register and vote is downright embarrassing. Second, the Republicans know how to motivate their base to go out and vote. Third, the Republican base in Texas are huge fans of :cray-cray: Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/etc... fill their heads with a constant stream of fear, loathing, misogyny, paranoia, and conspiracy theories. I've tried to talk sense into some of the people in my area, but calm and rational discussion doesn't stand a chance against "chemtrails", HAARP being the cause of assorted nuttery, Obama's secret dead gay lovers, etc......

I know that's depressing, but that's what I see in my part of TX. :cry:

If you are a sane and eligible Texas resident, please get registered to vote. I'm sick of the :cray-cray:

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Are you a Molly Irvins fan. I loved her.

Well to be honest, I am a recent transplant in the good ol' state of Texas. I, and a few other Aussies, have been calling this dip shit that for awhile at our outings when he comes up in conversation. And he comes up in conversations a lot because he is pretty damn stupid. :lol:

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It seems Americans have no right to freedom from religion. Well blow me down.

If you get past how the article is written (he's not a Perry fan, obviously) I think the law is actually a good one. I'm tired of NOT being able to have Christmas/Channukah/Easter themed items in schools because 1 or 2 parents are going to have a fit because they have no belief whatsoever, or don't agree with a religion that is different from theirs.

This states that it's ok to have a religious display as long as there is a secular one as well, or when holidays might coincide, more than one at a time be represented.

I think it's a great idea and past its time. My sons second grade class recital happened to be at Christmas time. And they had Channukah songs as well as a Ramadon poem. And they sang Silent Night....in a public school. (my favorite of the evening) They even threw a Kwanzaa song in there, although I don't know anyone around my area that celebrates it. But just in case, all bases were covered. Non religious as well. And you know what? NO complaints whatsoever from anyone. I checked with the pricinciple and the school secretery the following month and if anyone was offended, they kept it to themselves.

I live in the SF Bay Area. Not far enough away from SF or Oakland in my opinion, but we're not too rural either.

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The thing is most schools and such DON'T prohibit things because "1 or 2 parents have a fit". It's usually a decision made by the administration because: A) they are honestly very ignorant and think they have to by "PC LAW" or something or B) they really just want to keep school neutral for learning without inviting controversy because they know their student body is varied.

Of course we know now that by merely trying to avoid controversy you invite it form those who see everything as a "war on...". They can't win. This law does nothing to change any of it either so there was no need, which itself is controversial. Making up problems just so someone can introduce new laws (grandstanding) when we already have so many that nobody can keep track of them all it the ultimate in stupidity.

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Can't people celebrate Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Eid, Nowruz, Diwali, whatever in their own homes and places of worship? If people want to hear Christmas carols, maybe try going to a church or wevs.

I'm a weekly church attendee, so I get my fill of carols there: I don't feel like I'm missing out when my goddaughters' school concert is "Rudolph" and "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" instead of "Away in a Manger".

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If you get past how the article is written (he's not a Perry fan, obviously) I think the law is actually a good one. I'm tired of NOT being able to have Christmas/Channukah/Easter themed items in schools because 1 or 2 parents are going to have a fit because they have no belief whatsoever, or don't agree with a religion that is different from theirs.

This states that it's ok to have a religious display as long as there is a secular one as well, or when holidays might coincide, more than one at a time be represented.

I think it's a great idea and past its time. My sons second grade class recital happened to be at Christmas time. And they had Channukah songs as well as a Ramadon poem. And they sang Silent Night....in a public school. (my favorite of the evening) They even threw a Kwanzaa song in there, although I don't know anyone around my area that celebrates it. But just in case, all bases were covered. Non religious as well. And you know what? NO complaints whatsoever from anyone. I checked with the pricinciple and the school secretery the following month and if anyone was offended, they kept it to themselves.

I live in the SF Bay Area. Not far enough away from SF or Oakland in my opinion, but we're not too rural either.

Religious greetings and songs are not banned in schools. That's why the law is stupid. It wasn't banned.

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Well to be honest, I am a recent transplant in the good ol' state of Texas. I, and a few other Aussies, have been calling this dip shit that for awhile at our outings when he comes up in conversation. And he comes up in conversations a lot because he is pretty damn stupid. :lol:

Here are a few Molly Ivins quotes about Gov. Goodhair. http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2011/08 ... olly-ivins

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This makes me think about that old game show... "How stupid is he? So stupid that ____ "

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An oldie but a goodie, to ease some of the rage he produces with some laughter:


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