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Socialism is EBEL [Paging Burris!]


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I'm kind of interested in this guest poster now, because I've rarely seen Canadians and/or Europeans who want to throw socialism (especially the healthcare aspect) out the window. But leave it to Kelly to find one. Since the poster (Kim) is so "qualified" to critique socialism, I was prepared for all sorts of concrete examples of how socialism is screwing up her life. But no. There weren't any. The only specific example of anything that she listed was a link to a right-wing newspaper with an article about an opinion piece :roll:

Kim has some issues IMO. She also has some serious sensitivity about the QF mindset, since apparently she is someone who turned her fertility over to god and was not rewarded with multiple blessings. Her baby was born when she was 40, and he is only her second child and has an 11-year-old sister. I was also looking for any place where she made a claim of wanting to leave Canada for the US to escape socialism for our Capitalist Utopia or whatever, but she never makes that claim. Apparently she hates socialism, but not enough to give up that government healthcare. The blog that's linked on GC is only a few entries old, but her old blog is:


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I kind of feel like we've discussed the executive housewife before. She has a variation on Glenn Beck's Nazi Touretts, except she doesn't see Nazis everywhere, she sees socialism. At first I had to chuckle over this entry:


Kim gets a virus on her computer, and drama ensues. I found it kind of funny because I got the exact same virus on my desktop last weekend. My solution? Go get my laptop and google the problem. I found a solution. It wasn't super easy to implement, but I worked it out in less than an hour and was back in business. Kim had to back up everything on her hard drive and be without her computer for days while the entire operating system was reloaded :doh: Seriously. Her "computer guy" must have been laughing all the way to the bank.

I'm not snarking too hard, because computers can be really intimidating, and you don't want to screw things up even more by doing something wrong. But for someone who won't shut up about "thinking for herself", you'd think she could manage google. Of course, she may have still been in trouble if she didn't have another computer to use. The average person could have checked one at work, or the kids' school, or the library but I'm pretty sure she doesn't work, her daughter is homeschooled and libraries are WAY too socialist.

I quit laughing when I got to this entry:


It starts off with the usual crap about the horrors of socialism. Kim has met an immigrant who grew up in Czechoslovakia, and he is concerned about socialism in Canada. Apparently things were fine in Czechoslovakia when it was under a communist regime, but when that ended and socialism moved in, things really fell apart. She must not be aware that socialism and communism are right next to each other on the spectrum of governmental regimes. I'm sure the dangers that sprang up during the fall of communism in eastern Europe were solely due to socialists taking over. After all, communism is certainly well-known for encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit :roll:

The vaguely sickening part of the entry is:

The United States has little sprouts of socialism, too. The other day I was following some links on the story of a young girl who died at the hands of her adoptive parents. These parents claim the the death occurred because they were following the child training program from the Pearl's ministry.

Now, anytime the secular world can criticize those who call themselves christian, they do so with gusto! However, reading a lot of the comment threads of these stories, the Christians are hopping on the bandwagon of criticism. too. So many people wrote about their dislike of the Pearl's ministries and agreeing that they are to blame for this child's death (and apparently other's). A call to "someone needs to stop people like this", again referring to the Pearl's ministries.

Whoa...Hold on there, partner. I smell socialism.

She is talking about the death of Lydia Schatz. Obviously her parents must be held accountable for being the kind of sick fucks who will beat a child to death, but they followed TTUAC to the letter...right down to the plumbing line. Apparently no one should try to block people from accessing the Pearls' child-beating manuals, because to do so might be socialism, and it's not worth the lives of little kids to risk that :x

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So if anyone had stepped in to prevent Lydia Schatz's death, they would have been socialists?

I wasn't aware of this person but she has stooped to the nearly impossibly low level of the Stinking Lousewife or speshul snowflake Emma who beat the kids she adopted from Haiti. . . hateful and disgusting.

Just when you think you've heard everything, the fundies continue to surprise.

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Personally, I was grateful that the state was hypervigilant when home studying us to adopt. I thanked them, because my daughter had already been through enough before we found each other, and I cannot imagine her having ended up with a fundie child collectors, who would have stacked her on Costco shelves with 6 sisters. And may have taken plumbing line to her precious skin, because she was reacting like a child.

Of course, she wasn't a perfect white infant, either.

I know the post was more about socialism than adoption, but perhaps TPTB won't let them adopt for a reason. Good for them. So sick of "think of the children" bs from people who don't parent, just collect. My child is a child, not a flower, though she is lovely as one!

Of co

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I'm guessing because she lives in Canuckistan, the great frozen socialist threat to the north of God's own chosen country, the U. S. of A.


Bizarre. People I know think of Canada in many different ways, all positive. But not as a socialist haven.

I may have an earned right to talk about socialism as I became a Marxist and a Leninist 12 years ago and have been active in Left politics ever since. Think she'd accept a guest post from me? ;)

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Kelly, please...just kindly shut up.

"Compare capitalism an economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levels" -The definition of Socialism I yoinked from dictionary.com, originally from the Collins English dictionary

What people like Her Highness Kelly tend to forget is that most economies exist somewhere in the spectrum between capitalism and communism/socialism. Many European nations and Canada have more socialistic programs and seem to fare just fine. It's only Americans who freak out when any government program gets in the way of their sainted free-market.

I recently had an argument on facebook re: raising taxes for the rich, blah blah friggin blah. The point I made was that we all pay taxes for the common good (of which I would argue that a person's basic welfare is part); the rich are able to better bear that burden simply because they have MORE. It ain't income redistribution. To which a friend of a friend (a woman who has also gone off about Planned Parenthood and the evils of Margaret Sanger) replied that charity should be choice and that giving is not about her money being taken and given to "some beatnik on drugs who doesn't want to take responsibility for his life."

First off, "beatnik," really?? Who even says that anymore? Secondly, I think she reveals where her priorities lie. How dare she be asked to help anyone she personally doesn't approve of. I'm not saying we should enable people in their issues, and I do think that social programs including Welfare can and should be reformed, but giving is about people in need and not just those people who you deem worthy....Arrrgghhhh.

Who would Jesus love? Everyone.

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If you replace the word government with the word men in this excerpt, you have defined patriarchy:

Boil it down to how it plays out in reality and we have the government actively training generations of citizens to stop thinking for themselves; to stop getting involved in each others lives; to stop believing diligent work is how to live; to stop taking responsibility for our own lives and choices and simply allow the government to ‘take care of us’.
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How on earth do these verses prove that God is not a socialist?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 1:5 (actually read chapter 1, verses 1-14)

The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools. Proverbs 3:35

Do these dolts know that most of the disciples came off of fishing communes? Do they not read the passages that say 'they shared everything and there was no need among them' ? the passage where Paul said to support those in another area that hit on hard times? The fish and loaves story? I mean DAMN!

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How on earth do these verses prove that God is not a socialist?

Do these dolts know that most of the disciples came off of fishing communes? Do they not read the passages that say 'they shared everything and there was no need among them' ? the passage where Paul said to support those in another area that hit on hard times? The fish and loaves story? I mean DAMN!

They only read what they want to read so they don't see those parts.

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Another thing that bothers me about this post is that, once again, we have the poor=lazy argument. A single mother on welfare is no lazier than any other housewife. I'm not saying housewives are lazy, but a welfare mom does all the same things, just without a husband bringing in a paycheck. If anything, the welfare mom has to work harder because there is less money to stretch and no partner to share the workload.

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Another thing that bothers me about this post is that, once again, we have the poor=lazy argument. A single mother on welfare is no lazier than any other housewife. I'm not saying housewives are lazy, but a welfare mom does all the same things, just without a husband bringing in a paycheck. If anything, the welfare mom has to work harder because there is less money to stretch and no partner to share the workload.

Thank you!! I guess because I'm now on food stamps and unemployment, I'm one of those "poor, lazy people" Kelly and her ilk love to complain about and who is probably cheating the system and Kelly herself. In fact, I'm probably digging into her wallet right now!

Give me a big fuckin' break. Until recently I spent more than two decades in the workforce. I have worked for large, medium and small companies. I have worked for both for-profit and non-profit organizations. I have worked in retail, finance, insurance, fundraising, healthcare, media and marketing. I've managed a store, wrote copy for a local museum and have worked contract jobs, which often require me to take on new skills and and experience on the fly. You really have to jump in with both feet, and stay sharp when you're a temp.

Today I contacted one business about open positions this morning, sent my resume to another, and I am just about to send my resume to yet another. I continuously update and amend my resume and my cover letters. I have a portfolio of my work. To make myself more marketable I do volunteer work, and I'm doing more freelance work. I'm not bringing in the big bucks but it is something.

And I also take on odd jobs just to bring in some extra money. I temped in college, and I never had difficulty finding one. One temp job would end, and at the most I had to wait around two weeks to get another. A lot of my temp jobs were extended. But now, with the economy in the pooper, even a simple temp job is hard to come by. I've decided to join or at least call about other agencies just to broaden my scope. And later this month, I have dog sitting for a friend for a small amount of money. Every little bit helps.

I am not alone. I'm sure most people in my predicament are doing the exact same things I am doing. No doubt they are a million more times productive than Kelly who is more of a hustler and grifter than valuable member of society.

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You are definitely not alone. We are in the same condition, almost exactly it sounds like. I kind of called Kelly out in the comments and she tried to play innocent, like she didn't mean that poor people were lazy.

I'm really over-sensitive about the poor=lazy thing. I have never worked so hard in my damn life.

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You are definitely not alone. We are in the same condition, almost exactly it sounds like. I kind of called Kelly out in the comments and she tried to play innocent, like she didn't mean that poor people were lazy.

I'm really over-sensitive about the poor=lazy thing. I have never worked so hard in my damn life.

No kidding. It seems like everything takes an extra effort these days. Not only am I searching for jobs nearly every single day, but I do have a household to keep up. When you're stressed and suffering from severe depression even doing a simple load of laundry seems like a monumental task.

And no socialism is not ruining country. "Corporatism" on the other hand is. Kelly and her minions should be more worried about the huge amounts of corporate cash that influence our politicians, which in turn fuck up American citizens greatly, and not lose their burrito over some poor schmuck cashing his unemployment check.

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About corporatism, we don't have a truly free economy anymore. We have a feudal structure with the corporations as overlords and the everyday people as serfs. Our government works hard to preserve that system because they are "too big to fail" while we are too insignificant for our lives to matter.

I don't mind capitalism, but this ain't it. Saying that this is capitalism or a free economy is like saying that Lydia Schatz was lovingly disciplined.

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About corporatism, we don't have a truly free economy anymore. We have a feudal structure with the corporations as overlords and the everyday people as serfs. Our government works hard to preserve that system because they are "too big to fail" while we are too insignificant for our lives to matter.

I don't mind capitalism, but this ain't it. Saying that this is capitalism or a free economy is like saying that Lydia Schatz was lovingly disciplined.

Quoted for truth.

Things are a little tight for me at the moment because I'm in grad school. I get a stipend for teaching, but only during the academic year. Had a hell of a time finding any work for the summer and finally have some nannying to do at the end of this month.

Anyway, even though I have enough to get by right now, not having some form of steady income is extremely stressful for me. I just know that if I had some unexpected expense that had to be paid in cash I would be in trouble. I can't imagine I'm unusual for finding this stressful, so the whole fundy spiel about people who would rather sit on their asses and collect welfare than work seems even more bullshit than it did before.

And it's not like welfare is going to have you rolling in cash. Ha. Right. And of course there are lovely stipulations that make it really hard to keep your benefits if you make too much (but not enough to live on) or try to get an education so you can have better job chances. So yeah, the whole idea that people just loooooove being on welfare so they can avoid work is so stupid it hurts.

Good vibes to people toughing their way through unemployment!

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About corporatism, we don't have a truly free economy anymore. We have a feudal structure with the corporations as overlords and the everyday people as serfs. Our government works hard to preserve that system because they are "too big to fail" while we are too insignificant for our lives to matter.

I don't mind capitalism, but this ain't it. Saying that this is capitalism or a free economy is like saying that Lydia Schatz was lovingly disciplined.

Unfortunately, that is it. That is capitalism. That is what it does. A "free economy" is always going to end in this place. Boom and bust...

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