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unmarried sex is the equivalent of drinking spit


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I remember this analogy. The woman who was talking had everyone spit in a glass of water and then asked if anyone wanted to drink it.

I was a brainwashed fundie teen back then and didn't really understand how much that metaphor was broken. LOL Although, I don't know one girl from my youth group that DIDN'T have sex before marriage. The whole "purity" weekend was lost on us I guess.

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I remember this analogy. The woman who was talking had everyone spit in a glass of water and then asked if anyone wanted to drink it.

I was a brainwashed fundie teen back then and didn't really understand how much that metaphor was broken. LOL Although, I don't know one girl from my youth group that DIDN'T have sex before marriage. The whole "purity" weekend was lost on us I guess.

I remember something like this in sex-ed in high school. (Abstinence only of course). The teacher had about 5 people chew up oreos and spit them in separate glasses with water. Then they had to mix that water in a big jug and refill their cups. Then the class was asked if anyone would want to drink it. It apparently meant that having sex with someone made you gross and disgusting to everyone else.

Another demonstration was the teacher had 4 glasses of water up front. She had 4 students take a sip of that water. What she didn't say was that three were sugar water and one was salt water. The one who had salt water of course would have gotten the clap or something stupid like that, because you can't tell by looking at someone if they have an STD or something.

An this was in public school. Looking back I realize just how awful it was. Instead of teaching us how to approach sex safely and in a responsible manner they just advocated shaming and judgmental actions.

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