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Phyllis Schlafly wannabe: JudgyBitch (Merged)

Angharad Crewe

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JudgyBitch is an anti-feminist blogger, stay at home mom of three kids, and is just a vile human being in general. She is similar to Sunshine Mary (Sunshine Mary comments on her blog sometimes), but she does not identify as a fundamentalist.


This is how she describes the Steubenville rape victim:

That girl had no friends at the party, not one person had enough respect for her to step in, she was not part of the social tribe and there is no way in hell she did not know that. She went to that party to nab herself a football player, and lo and behold, the football players didn’t really like such an obvious grasp at their glory.

The saddest thing is that the boys sobbingly admit that they ruined her life! They are accused of having “no moral codeâ€! Oh, and the girl had an impeccable one, did she?


Are you fucking kidding me? They are going to jail! They will be registered sex offenders! They are convicted criminals! One night of behaving like assholes will follow them the rest of their lives, and HER LIFE IS RUINED?

Her life is not ruined in the slightest. LittleTramp is free to go about her life, getting as drunk as she likes, chasing after any high-status males she likes, and securing criminal convictions against men who treat her like the whore she is.

Her solution is as follows, and is equally as fucked up as describing a rape victim as "LittleTramp."

You know what we need? We need a Drunk Whore Registry. If sex offenders are registered for the protection of all women, then why not register drunk whores for the protection of all men? It’s true that men could protect themselves by not acting like dicks, but combine small-town celebrity with lots of alcohol and no adult supervision, and you WILL get men acting like assholes and women acting like sluts.

At least she recognizes that the boys rapists were assholes. The irony is that a few weeks after this post she posted the following about how her 12 yr old daughter was threatened with rape by a couple other 12 year olds. Basically Judgy Bitch comes off as a total hypocrite who will be really defensive about her daughter and those close to her, but anyone else who is assaulted/threatened with assault should have to be registered on the "Dumb fucking whore registry." WTF.


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My head is spinning. I only read the post about her daughter, and...wow. What a complete hypocrite that woman is. Not to mention racist:

One of the more difficult things he has to do is integrate children from different social backgrounds into the regular milieu of the school. As I’ve mentioned before, children from troubled or very poor families are integrated into regular neighborhoods in our town, rather than housed in some sort of council or ghetto.

"Regular" neighborhoods?

Then she visits the principal:

And I assured him that I would pursue that liability to the ends of the fucking earth if it came to that, which didn’t surprise him all that much. He kind of knows me.

I'll bet he does. Probably wants to run screaming at the sight of her.

The only thing I can agree with her on is not shrugging off the rape threat as a boys'll-be-boys excuse.

The comments are a comedy of WTF-ery. From the typical MRA "you overreacted, it was no threat, your daughter provoked it with her feeemale ways" (feels good when your shitty words boomerang back at you, huh, Judgy?) to someone likening her to a liberal feminazi mom. Hah! Now that one had to really sting.

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I encountered JudgyBitch a couple times ago. What we have here again is a prime example of the "low-threshold communication tool symtome".

This woman is clearly mentally sick, a psychopath. Also very uneducated and low in intelligence.

To be honest, quite a few people out there in the world are like that. And most of them have children too.

If she would live in a time or region without too much spare time on her ass to write a blog or simply with no internet access, she would have probably restored to just murming to herself and been known as the crazy lady of the town (she´s probably anyway).

What I really worry about are her children. I definitely can see her poisoning them one day or throwing the little one out of a window in a fit of rage.

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Wow, she's absolutely awful. Wonder what the hell could have left her so warped? She harps so much on one issue (that exists entirely in her head) that I wonder if something specific might have influenced this.

And I'm personally offended that she used a picture of Kate Hepburn in her blog post. Call me what you want, but no one messes with my lady.

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Er, why? WHYYYY

I didn't need more things to find strangely addictive and yet so wrong. So, so wrong.

I loved the "Never get married to a single mum, as she's a slut who probably hates all men and destroyed her previous relationship for the lulz" story. That was comedy gold.

And I was just completely confused by the "yoga pants" post. I get that JB doesn't like Amanda Marcotte (I'm not her greatest fan either, for reasons I find hard to explain) but not how she can reconcile her statement that proper women dress for men with her confession that she hates clothes and slinks about all day in "a plaid shirt and jeans" (and very butch biker boots). :think:

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JudgyBitch is the most vile female blogger ever. Recently she blogged that the age of consent should be lowered b/c some pubescent girls want to have sex with middle-aged men in exchange for money and favors and these men are unfairly being accused of statutory rape.

The scariest thing is that she's supposedly starting a position as a university professor next fall.

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JudgyBitch is the most vile female blogger ever. Recently she blogged that the age of consent should be lowered b/c some pubescent girls want to have sex with middle-aged men in exchange for money and favors and these men are unfairly being accused of statutory rape.

The scariest thing is that she's supposedly starting a position as a university professor next fall.

:pink-shock: Please tell me you are joking, or at least that it's some kind of unaccredited uni. Otherwise I (Ph.D. candidate looking at a very dim job market) may have to go out back and shoot myself.

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Is it wrong that I'm just staring at this thread wishing that JudgyBitch is a joke, a spoof...anything but real?

At this moment I can't even rage at her the way I regularly feel like raging at Lori or Zsuzsu or Kidist, I still can't believe this level of batshit is for real. What on earth could have happened to anyone to make them that level of warped?

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Poor thing needs a new hobby. Can't imagine she has a lot of female friends either.

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I managed to poke around her blog for a bit and wow is the only reaction that I can come up with. In the post about her daughter she laments that "those people" should be restricted to a ghetto or tenement. Because nothing says you care about others like wanting to lock a whole group of people away when someone who looks like them does something wrong. While we're at it lets just build up some walls so "they" can't get out. Throw some barbed wire on top for good measure. Can't have your precious little snowflake meeting anyone who doesn't look exactly like them. Were the boys wrong in their actions? Absolutely. Did you have the right to be upset? Absolutely. Do you have the right to condemn everyone due to the action of some. No fucking way. I've always lived in a very diverse metropolitan area and it wasn't until I went to hubby's small home town I realized how differently some people think & react. In no way do I think that every small town is like her's or hubby's but I wonder if that might be part of it.

And just as a little aside. If you want to post studies showing why something is bad try to find a study that was done within the last, oh I don't know, 20 years. If the most recent study you can find to support your argument is from 1993 that is probably because the study is flawed or no longer relevant. Believe it or not science is constantly evolving and the understanding of human nature is changing. What people thought was true years ago has probably changed.

And lastly before I step off my soapbox. IQ has exactly shit to do with how smart you are. Let me say that again. IQ has NOTHING to do with how smart you are. You can have a high IQ and still not be the sharpest crayon in the box. You can have a low IQ and still be a genius. All an IQ test shows is how well you are trained to take a test and if your mind follows a more straigh lined thinking track. Some of the greatest people in history have had low IQs. And that is why Harvard didn't give the (much disputed I might add) study you quoted any weight.

But I'm sure I'm just a feminist hater in your little mind so what do I know, right?

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She's got quite the sailor mouth, doesn't she? I thought anti-feminist types weren't supposed to say words worse than "damn."

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JudgyBitch is the most vile female blogger ever. Recently she blogged that the age of consent should be lowered b/c some pubescent girls want to have sex with middle-aged men in exchange for money and favors and these men are unfairly being accused of statutory rape.

The scariest thing is that she's supposedly starting a position as a university professor next fall.

We should find out where she is teaching and send the university a link to her blog. I am not at all kidding. The thought of this misogynistic, racist, bigoted piece of filth teaching young people makes me vomit.

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GolightlyGrrl, that is an excellent idea, but what could the university do? Do they actually have any grounds for rescinding the job (assuming it's true that she has one) other than that she has some repulsive views on her blog? Genuinely curious, I'm not sure how they could go about it. I guess one could make up an excuse.

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What sort of qualifications does she have to be a professor? Usually if you become a prof without doing the whole grad school route, it's because you're an expert at the top of your field (business, law, arts, etc). Otherwise maybe she's teaching continuing ed of some sort. Flower arranging? I don't know. It's seriously sad that someone like this would get access to any young minds.

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It seems like she is fishing for male attention in her videos. Also contrast much?

She seems like the type of person who cuts people off in traffic & then goes berserk if somebody does it to her AKA total hypocrite.

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What sort of qualifications does she have to be a professor? Usually if you become a prof without doing the whole grad school route, it's because you're an expert at the top of your field (business, law, arts, etc). Otherwise maybe she's teaching continuing ed of some sort. Flower arranging? I don't know. It's seriously sad that someone like this would get access to any young minds.

She also claims that her children have never seen the inside of a daycare center. It doesn't add up....

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This b***c is CRAZY! I read the post about her daughter being accosted walking home from school and forced myself to not get sick. I wonder if I am the only one who thought the part about "Eddie the Barber" was suspicious. Traditionally the barber in the African American community (my community) was also sort of a therapist and sounding board. However, I never heard of any barber having so much clout that he could talk to the police, get names of people and have that kind of access to people. I think she made that sh*t up just to take the edge off her damned bigotry. I don't know how people like this keep breeding...

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This b***c is CRAZY! I read the post about her daughter being accosted walking home from school and forced myself to not get sick. I wonder if I am the only one who thought the part about "Eddie the Barber" was suspicious. Traditionally the barber in the African American community (my community) was also sort of a therapist and sounding board. However, I never heard of any barber having so much clout that he could talk to the police, get names of people and have that kind of access to people. I think she made that sh*t up just to take the edge off her damned bigotry. I don't know how people like this keep breeding...

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This woman is a vile, batshit, psycho hosebeast beeyotch.

Where does she get off advocating that those different from her be confined to ghettoes and not be allowed to cross the street? That sickening mindset paved the road to Auschwitz.

Is she in the U.S.? I initially thought so, but then she referred to "council housing,"

What a twat blister she is. And screw Eddie the Barber, too.

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I watched like three seconds of that video someone linked to above and had to click away. The bad fake British accent and terrible acting were bad enough--no need to hang around to hear her ranting.

Based on the accent and "acting," I think she's trolling. At least I hope she is.

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