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In Celebration of a New Maxwell Product, a Look at How They


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Appraisal value fairly accurately estimates the value of the house. Property taxes are based on the county's appraisal. I checked the valuation simply by plugging in the last name at the resident county assessor site. Everything pulls up and is a matter of public record. It's not a Zillow type of appraisal.

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It must get frustrating trying to come up with new ways to generate money with limited education and skill sets when "home based business" is the only method allowed with this bunch. It just results in a bunch of fundies selling a bunch of homemade stuff to a bunch of other fundies...not exactly a sustainable business plan. And I don't get why the Jesusfying of everything is such an attraction to anyone. The only reason I can think that anyone wants that is to keep the brainwashing going 24/7, mind on Jesus 24/7 (which is impossible btw) even when they KNOW a subject has NOTHING to do with Jesus, God, Christianity or the like. It's very immature thinking and suggests fear. I get a headache thinking about it and can't imagine how warped the minds of the kids must be to have that kind of pressure on them all the time. THOUGHT CONTROL is a scary thing.

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