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Dear Abby for SAHD's!


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I love how these young women have loads of advice for surviving singlehood when they are so young. I also don't understand why ministries are also money-making opportunities. But anyway, here you go--- your chance to have question featured and an entire column to answer it!


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This SAHD shit drives me absolutely nuts. I dunno about anyone else, but where I come from, if you're a grown-ass woman who's not in school, is barely employed (this one's actually an exception, since she seems to have a job; 99% of the others only make shit for their Etsy shops), and blogs all day, you're not a "stay-at-home daughter", you're a lazy ass parental leech.

That said, this "provision of wisdom" is even more ridiculous. Here's a good example: stayathomedaughter.com/2013/01/31/is-this-music-ok-to-listen-to/ - congratulations, you idiot, you just cut off 95% of global musical heritage.

And the cherry atop the proverbial pie comes to us from the comments to that post:

Also remember that Satan has musical instruments build into his body, that is how God created him.

... huh wha.

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Seems to try to hock her book at every second she can get. Does someone really need to buy her book to learn what type of ministries a SAHD could do? It's probably sew clothes and sell them online! Make jam and sell it online! Write a book about being a SAHD and sell it online!

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This SAHD shit drives me absolutely nuts. I dunno about anyone else, but where I come from, if you're a grown-ass woman who's not in school, is barely employed (this one's actually an exception, since she seems to have a job; 99% of the others only make shit for their Etsy shops), and blogs all day, you're not a "stay-at-home daughter", you're a lazy ass parental leech.

That said, this "provision of wisdom" is even more ridiculous. Here's a good example: stayathomedaughter.com/2013/01/31/is-this-music-ok-to-listen-to/ - congratulations, you idiot, you just cut off 95% of global musical heritage.

And the cherry atop the proverbial pie comes to us from the comments to that post:

... huh wha.

Has she been watching Futurama? I think Satan in that has a fiddle built into his robot body. I don't think Futurama's godly television, though.

You can read about [my] decision not to be to college here.

SOTDRT fail. OK, I know it's a typo, could happen to anyone, but I can't help myself. Her decision not to "be" to college was influenced by colleges' decisions not to accept her, perhaps?

I think it's good that she didn't just go to college because it's "what you do", because I really do believe that university is pushed on us too much and it's contributed to the high graduate unemployment and underemployment we have. I also don't think people should have to know what they want to do when they finish high school. But she should seriously get a job. Contrary to popular fundie belief, you can learn homemaking skills while working; even a full-time job only takes 40 of your roughly 100 waking hours a week.

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Wow, she's really big on being protected by her father. Ohhhhhkay then.

Epic sotdrt fail in the 'what does a sahd do' entry:

'It accrued to me that others might have the same types of questions as she did.'

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OK, so who's going to write in and say they want to pledge their life to christ and stay pure, but their father kicked them out and told them to get a job and a life?

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I kind of wonder if she's actually posting from her phone. I know when I blog from my phone my stupid autocorrect always screws me up, and a lot of her strange sentences would make sense from an autocorrect standpoint. (Accrued=applied, perhaps?)

But the whole blog is just weird. And I reside in fundieville, but she's weird, even for a fundie.

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Ugh. I'd stab myself with a knife if I had to sit on my ass at my parents' house all day and all night. What a drab and boring life. I went to college, then got a job. I traveled the world. I made new friends, saw interesting places, did awesome things. I'd much rather have my life than her's.

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I think Ashley is depressed. The whole tone of her blog strikes me as a bit desperate and brittle.

She was supposed to be married this weekend. Her ex was equally preachy, so I thought they were a good match. Who knows?

I would love to see a fundie writing about surviving broken courtships, but that kind of dispells the illusion.

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Wow, she's really big on being protected by her father. Ohhhhhkay then.


Yes, she used the words "safety" and "protection" several times in that small paragraph about her father.

I think the SAHDs can talk all they want about being home to "love on their families", and to learn homemaking skills. I think fear is the number one reason they are not leaving home.

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I checked out the link and must say that is an extremely defrauding outfit she's wearing. I see knees and black lace for the upper bodice. hmmmmmm.

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There's so much snark material I just can't stop.

stayathomedaughter.com/2013/04/04/clean-enough/ - this is not, as you may have thought, a book about retaining purity :cry: However, it's still quite wonderful:

“Clean Enough†is different from any other cleaning book I’ve read as the main focus is relaxed, grace filled cleaning.

There is actually a book on "relaxed, grace-filled cleaning". As in, someone actually wrote this shit. I'm still trying to internalize this concept.

ETA: OR OR THIS: stayathomedaughter.com/2011/04/11/six-simple-modesty-solutions/

There have been many times that I’ve shown my father a dress or top, having done my best to revamp it, and he has just had to say, no. Yes, it can be very disappointing when I love the dress or top so much but Daddy can see things that I can’t and I’m thankful for his protection.


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OK, so who's going to write in and say they want to pledge their life to christ and stay pure, but their father kicked them out and told them to get a job and a life?


I am 24 and became a Christian while in college. While in college I was able to live at home. My father is not a Christian and has now kicked me out of our home. He told me to get a job and support myself financially. He also doesn't want to be involved in any sort of courtship, saying that it is none of his business whom I marry. My mother is also not a Christian and backs my father up. I am currently staying in a shelter and praying for my father and mother to be saved. I want to be a godly young woman but how can I without support from my headship? I know God wants me to be a stay-at-home-daughter, but what do I do since my father will not let me?

Let's see if she answers it.

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Do all these SAHD blogs poping up just appeal to other SAHD bloggers? I don't get the appeal or the need for so many. This isn't a JOB but I get the feeling they see it as such, which makes the whole not having a "real job" thing even more weird. You can be a SAHD while working and impacting the world in a positive way can you not? Sitting at home just is a waste of life IMO. Unless they are all so backwards from homeschooling they couldn't get/keep a real job if they tried. I have no clue.

Anyone know how much income these things can bring in realistically?

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This SAHD shit drives me absolutely nuts. I dunno about anyone else, but where I come from, if you're a grown-ass woman who's not in school, is barely employed (this one's actually an exception, since she seems to have a job; 99% of the others only make shit for their Etsy shops), and blogs all day, you're not a "stay-at-home daughter", you're a lazy ass parental leech.

That said, this "provision of wisdom" is even more ridiculous. Here's a good example: stayathomedaughter.com/2013/01/31/is-this-music-ok-to-listen-to/ - congratulations, you idiot, you just cut off 95% of global musical heritage.

And the cherry atop the proverbial pie comes to us from the comments to that post:

... huh wha.

"I’m not an expert but over the years I’ve learned a few helpful principals to follow when choosing music. The results will be a little different for each person but I think they can help point us in the right direction."


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Yep, and this.

Life brakes. Shatters. Falls apart.

Lay the pieces before the Lord and know it will not be unredeemed.

and this...

My father is generally a quite guy with few words
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This SAHD shit drives me absolutely nuts. I dunno about anyone else, but where I come from, if you're a grown-ass woman who's not in school, is barely employed (this one's actually an exception, since she seems to have a job; 99% of the others only make shit for their Etsy shops), and blogs all day, you're not a "stay-at-home daughter", you're a lazy ass parental leech.

She has a job? I didn't find on her blog where she said that. Did I miss it?

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Ugh. I'd stab myself with a knife if I had to sit on my ass at my parents' house all day and all night. What a drab and boring life. I went to college, then got a job. I traveled the world. I made new friends, saw interesting places, did awesome things. I'd much rather have my life than her's.

My parents wouldn't have let us live at home after high school unless we were in college or had a job. They preferred we go away to college or join the military. But we knew the rule, if we wanted to live at home we needed to be enrolled in college or working. If we were in college we didn't have to pay room and board, if we worked we did have to pay. I went away to college, then went in the military after college, and never lived home again. My next brother went into the military, then moved back home while he went to college. The next brother joined the military and never lived at home. The baby sister lived at home and went to college, then got married right after college.

I very honestly never wanted to live at home, I couldn't wait to be on my own.

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I kind of wonder if she's actually posting from her phone. I know when I blog from my phone my stupid autocorrect always screws me up, and a lot of her strange sentences would make sense from an autocorrect standpoint. (Accrued=applied, perhaps?)

I just tested on my own phone and if I try to write 'occurred' but start it with an a, it comes up accrued. So on the edge of possibility, but as someone upthread noted, there are a lot of these.

Also, she says in her 'what does a sahd do' entry that 'most of my time is spent blogging and writing' so I'd expect her to catch the particularly egregious errors.

Oh, hey, she has the ubiquitous fundie maiden 'on the deserted railroad' pictures, though at least she has the sense to be off the tracks. I love the one where she's using her Macbook.

Modesty seems to mean 'shoulders and collarbones not okay, knees and elbows okay'.

Do all these SAHD blogs poping up just appeal to other SAHD bloggers? I don't get the appeal or the need for so many. This isn't a JOB but I get the feeling they see it as such, which makes the whole not having a "real job" thing even more weird. You can be a SAHD while working and impacting the world in a positive way can you not? Sitting at home just is a waste of life IMO. Unless they are all so backwards from homeschooling they couldn't get/keep a real job if they tried. I have no clue.

Anyone know how much income these things can bring in realistically?

I have some thoughts about this but I think they're more of a spinoff, so I'm going to open a new thread for them.

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most definitely if she checks her blogger stats freejinger is going to show up.

nowadays breaking links don't help because in chrome and newer browsers, selecting a partial link (w/o the http://) and right clicking will still take you straight to the page.

on topic: the mistakes are most probably results of SOTRDT, but I wouldn't be too hard on her because upthread I saw another poster use "hock" when they meant "hawk" ... 8-)

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Oh, hey, she has the ubiquitous fundie maiden 'on the deserted railroad' pictures, though at least she has the sense to be off the tracks. I love the one where she's using her Macbook.

I was going to mention those! :lol: In the shot of her with the Macbook, I sure hope she's checking the train schedule.

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