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Placenta Teddy - can't we see a few of our fave making this?

Chicken bones

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Yes folks, you too can turn your placenta into a cuddly stuffed toy of epically bizarre dimensions!


I can see the Naked Roast Sitter and Helena both embracing this. There's some other doozies on this list of bizarre toys.

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Naked Roast Sitter would love that. She loves playing with her own bodily fluids.

I dont think she grew out of the "spreading contents of diaper across crib and fingerpainting with it" stage.

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I think the Roast Sitter is so self absorbed that pregnancy isn't going to happen. It would interfere with her drug use.

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Surely that's the sort of toys they give the kids at the hospital in Silent Hill????? :shock:

...sleeping with the light on, don't mind me...

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Thats probably for the best if she is a bodily fluid playing with, drug using, roadkill collecting weirdo.

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I agree Naked Roast Sitter is not the best candidate for using her OWN placenta...but I could see her using one she found in the road or something.

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I agree Naked Roast Sitter is not the best candidate for using her OWN placenta...but I could see her using one she found in the road or something.

I agree with you, Chicken bones, she'll either use the roadkill placenta for arts and crafts, WTF style, or she'll decide that the placenta, marinated in assorted bodily fluids, of course, would make the perfect Sunday dinner dish to serve to unsuspecting guests. :D

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That list of bizarre baby products was hilarious. The stuffed Poo and TP were actually kinda cute. . .

I wonder who thinks this shit up.

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