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This week on "19 Kids...." another Re-run topic


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I imagine Anna's sister Rebekah is now persona non grata on the show, but here's some squick: she and Anna both married men named Joshua. If JD does in fact go through with the engagement FJ suspects is forthcoming, then two Duggar brothers will have wives named Anna.

Please fundies, find some new names for crying out loud!

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I'd love if they even just did an in-depth interview following some of the older kids. I'd love to hear a whole half an hour just on Jana or Joseph and about what they think or feel. This would only work if it was semi-honest and not edited to meet Boob and Michelle's standards. I think we'll just get alot more cheezy TV (another trip to Branson, anyone?) for another season or two until the whole series bites the dust.

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Then we could really see how far behind in school they are.

Just because their grammar is often horrible, doesn't mean they are "behind" in school. There are TEACHERS in my kids public school who make the same grammatical mistakes every time I speak with them! S.O.S.-the computer program they use--is tied to the state standards and prepares kids for the same standardized tests the school kids take. It's important to remember that going to school does not magically equal "an education" any more than being homeschooled somehow automatically equals "illiterate hick." Jim-Bob and Michelle both went to school.

sableduck: I feel for that girl, too. We have family friends in an IFB Church who,ironically!, are EMTs. They have sent a kid to Baptist reprogramming and keep jerking the other in and out of school for various "offenses." Their kids, even having spent years in public school (shocking for IFB today!) are so afraid of everything and so afraid of listening to unwise counsel etc, that they can't cope. Happily, our public school is very small and the kids are "used to" them and don't harass them. In fact, they cringe when they see Daddy enter the school fearing one of the kids will be forced home. So very, very sad.

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There is absolutely no way the Duggars are to speed with science or history. Even in the worst public school, students get a brief explanation of evolution. I'm sure the Duggar kids don't have that, except "it's evil". And any history they teach is very skewed from reality.

Homeschool can be done well, but it isn't in this particular case. Nobody is assuming they are dumb simply because they are homeschooled. We assume it because their parents kept them out of school so that they could feed them a very specific agenda and avoid any exposure to other ideas.

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That is not completely fair.They have traveled more extensively than many people ever will,let alone young people or children-If they were that against exposure they would not let their children travel all over the world like they do.They are not Maxwell's after all. You think they did not get all sorts of eye opening in Time square or better yet Jakarta? Just because they were always surrounded by other ATI folks does not mean they wore blinders.

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That is not completely fair.They have traveled more extensively than many people ever will,let alone young people or children-If they were that against exposure they would not let their children travel all over the world like they do.They are not Maxwell's after all. You think they did not get all sorts of eye opening in Time square or better yet Jakarta? Just because they were always surrounded by other ATI folks does not mean they wore blinders.

Traveling doesn't make you instantly learn, especially when the kids are so sheltered during it. Do you really have any idea about how fundies raise their kids? "Sheltering" them is their biggest priority. It's quite possible to visit a place and never learn a single bit about their history and culture, especially if you only go to the touristy areas with a specific group. And it's also possible to travel and intentionally not bother to learn about the language, as JB demonstrated so well. Travel doesn't make people educated, especially if they are trying very hard to keep their kids sheltered. I've traveled more than most people so I know what I'm talking about. If you go on a cruise down the Nile with an American tour group, you'll get a very sanitized version of the culture and history.

ETA: The Duggars even made an episode about going to a creation museum. There's no way those kids are learning accurate science.

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Guest Anonymous

Traveling doesn't make you instantly learn, especially when the kids are so sheltered during it. Do you really have any idea about how fundies raise their kids? "Sheltering" them is their biggest priority. It's quite possible to visit a place and never learn a single bit about their history and culture, especially if you only go to the touristy areas with a specific group. And it's also possible to travel and intentionally not bother to learn about the language, as JB demonstrated so well. Travel doesn't make people educated, especially if they are trying very hard to keep their kids sheltered. I've traveled more than most people so I know what I'm talking about. If you go on a cruise down the Nile with an American tour group, you'll get a very sanitized version of the culture and history.

ETA: The Duggars even made an episode about going to a creation museum. There's no way those kids are learning accurate science.

They're not traveling to learn/see anything new, even in the mildest sense. They travel to confirm what they thing they already know.

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OK, just watching the opening of the show, I can tell already that the Duggars were riding the subway in my 'hood! How did I miss this?! :shock:

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How about an episode where J.B. has to learn some real Spanish at a real college (verb conjugation and all). By the way, what does persona non grata mean out of curiosity?

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