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Lori Alexander on choices

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Every day we can choose to walk soberly, righteously, and godly or we can choose to live ungodly and participate in worldly lusts. We can choose to love and honor our husbands or manipulate and control them. We can choose to be patient with our children or be angry with them.

Well, Lori men also have the choices not to control or manipulate their wives.

There are those who choose to have their unborn babies murdered and those who give life to their precious children. There are those who work hard and provide for their families and those who choose to be lazy and allow the government to take care of them.

Not all people on government assistance chose to be lazy. Some end up on assistance because of job loss or illness and sometimes people have hard troubles finding work.

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Lori Alexander being completely and utterly ignorant about the lives of poor people? What a surprise! I guess that's what happens when you've never been exposed to anything besides wealth and privilege and don't have two brain cells to rub together.

I like how Lori thinks women have to choose between submission and being manipulative. We couldn't just have a mutually respectful relationship in which no one controls anyone else, could we?

I like that she puts so much importance on sinning or being righteous being our choice. It's fact that we chose what we chose that reflects on our character and/or matters in God's judgement of us. If it's what we do with our free will that matters to God, taking away people's free will to stop them from outwardly sinning won't make a lick of difference. If anything, wouldn't legislating morality make it harder to tell who's acting "morally" because they're "good" and who's doing it because it's the law?

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Lori Alexander being completely and utterly ignorant about the lives of poor people? What a surprise! I guess that's what happens when you've never been exposed to anything besides wealth and privilege and don't have two brain cells to rub together.I like how Lori thinks women have to choose between submission and being manipulative. We couldn't just have a mutually respectful relationship in which no one controls anyone else, could we?

I like that she puts so much importance on sinning or being righteous being our choice. It's fact that we chose what we chose that reflects on our character and/or matters in God's judgement of us. If it's what we do with our free will that matters to God, taking away people's free will to stop them from outwardly sinning won't make a lick of difference. If anything, wouldn't legislating morality make it harder to tell who's acting "morally" because they're "good" and who's doing it because it's the law?

She DOES have two brain cells-one to breathe and the other to stand up*

*Apologies to "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

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(For best results, play this as you read:)


Congratulations, Lori! Your Logical Fallacy is... Black and White!

Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.

Hey, Magic Voice, tell her what she's won!

Lori, for your continual failure to present a well-rounded argument, you get A BRAND NEW CAR THE UTTER CONTEMPT OF FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEINGS EVERYWHERE!

Great job, Lori! Remember folks, don't forget to spay or neuter your patriarchal dominionists, and we'll see you back here next time on

"The Premise is Wrong"!

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I seriously hate and despise this bitch as much as I hate the Duggars.

Dear Ms Lori, you better hope Karma doesn't bite you one day.

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The obsession Lori and other fundies with government assistance going towards helping individuals and families never fails to astound me. Yet, they are strangely silent on corporate welfare.

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The obsession Lori and other fundies with government assistance going towards helping individuals and families never fails to astound me. Yet, they are strangely silent on corporate welfare.

It has been mentioned here before that some FJerss think that Lori has never known anyone on government assistance and I think that might be true. Or maybe the only people she knew on assistance were lazy types. The lazy types on assistance do exist, but not every person on assistance is lazy like Lori describes. More than often, Lori gives the off the impression that she has lived a very sheltered life. Her father was a doctor and she grew up comfortably. She married Ken whose business has been successful. They travel often and she mentioned that her oldest son graduated from a Christian college. She did indicate money troubles on the blog when her youngest daughter left Biola because of the high tuition. I'm not sure if Lori's other son attended a Christian college or not.

Lori's oldest daughter Alyssa might be a high risk for eventually needing welfare. I don't know what Alyssa's husband does as a job. But Lori mentioned recently that Alyssa didn't attend college and she has attended dance schools. Her daughter currently works as dance instructor at a studio. It is possible that Alyssa could have a long term dance teaching career, but she could easily end up needing government assistance if her husband dies or ends up disabled. I also don't think Ken and Lori would support her for years and years.

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