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North Dakota Close to Banning Abortions at 6 Weeks


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Here's what pisses me off: that money belongs to the people of North Dakota and we're going to need it for when the oil companies are done ravaging our infrastructure and they pull out of the state and don't look back. North Dakota and its pathetic one-issue legislators are easy targets for the right wing nut jobs who see a system with a lot of money to fight their abortion battle for them. They can't get away with this crap in poor southern states because there is no state money to defend the litany of lawsuits that will inevitably follow because the law is so clearly unconstitutional.

These right wingers and their Quixotic quest to set women back 50 years are nothing more than carpetbaggers using North Dakota's surplus.

I guess the people of North Dakota should have considered all this when they voted these people in.

Wasted money is wasted money, whether you're rich or whether you're poor.

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And I'm sure the "no abortion for genetic abnormalities" law doesn't include any solutions as to how the parents who may now have horrific medical costs as a result are supposed to survive fincancially. :cry:

I actually I was talking recently with a fundie pastor who likes to bug us to go to his church he brought up abortion, and I asked what about in the cases where there is something really tragically wrong with the baby, his answer appalled me "That happens because the mom was doing drugs or drinking, and God is using her child's disability to punish her." To his thinking if God is punishing her then she shouldn't be allowed to take the easy way out. The whole time I'm trying not to slap him while thinking about a sweet Christian couple my sister-in-law goes to church with. They just buried a much wanted baby who was a stillborn, because she had anencephaly and several other missing or malformed organs. I'd like to think this asshat wouldn't spew his nonsense to a grieving young couple, but then again he firmly believes any deformity= a sinful addict mom.

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I guess the people of North Dakota should have considered all this when they voted these people in.

North Dakota traditionally elected Democratic legislators to the US Senate. It wasn't until very recently (when the budget surplus showed up) that a distinct shift showed up. My point is that the right wing nut jobs are taking advantage of the surplus to bilk long time residents of the state out of the surplus for their own gain.

As discussed in my previous post, the way the legislature runs is causing the issue. People with stable, continuous employment can't afford to leave their positions to hang out in Bismarck every other year for little to no pay. Thus, the state is even more attractive for transient legislators that are willing to manipulate the districts to place the most one issue legislators for their own purposes.

There are some very devoted liberal legislators fighting the good fight, but the stupid currently outnumbers them.

Considering the right wing folks are constantly criticizing the left for financial malfeasance, it's ironic that this transparent abuse of North Dakota's surplus is being perpetrated by those on the right.

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