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Sarah at Heartsdesire discusses Make-up


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Just to be clear, she's not totally against make-up, she's just against badly applied make-up.

I personally, am not against wearing make-up in general, but I do have issue with some of the reasons why some ladies wear it. Additionally, I will say that I am totally against make-up that has been badly applied!!! ;)

I'd really like to know those reasons, or what she thinks they are. Most women I know put on make-up, because it makes them feel good. And that's not judgey at all, is it?

The purpose of this post however, is to highlight the dangerous chemicals that are in most cosmetics.

Oh good, concern-trolling.

Ladies you are beautiful...I bet your husbands would agree too! We women have also been created in the image of God, that means that God is 100% happy with how you look naturally! If you were unpleasing to Him, He wouldn't have made you that way. So scrape off the "war paint" ladies, let us see the real you, and dare to go bare!

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30

The quote and the statement contradict each other. You're beautiful, because God made you so. But beauty is vain, so God hates you. That so totally makes sense that I'm going to drink the kool-aid now.

Besides, this godless heathen wears make-up so rarely that there's no war-paint to scrape off. I like my face bare. And if her deity has really nothing better to do than to troll my bathroom cabinet, I can give said deity some good pointers for something better to do. Sheesh.

P.S: There's also this, newer post: sarah-heartsdesire.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/and-every-creeping-thing.html

All about a visit to some reptile zoo. One caption reads:

It Was Really Neat To Learn About The Animals,

Except The Part About "Millions Of Years Ago..."!!!

I really hope that it made some of her kids wonder, and eventually investigate a little more. See, I too can concern-troll. :) Why, yes, I am cranky today.

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Sarah, dear Sarah.

She tries so desperately hard to be Zsu, but she always falls short.

Her advice giving cracks me up. Why she belives anyone would give two shits about what she thinks is mind boggling.

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She IS Zsu's biggest fan. So make-up is obviously a conspiracy.

She is a strange one for sure. I'm sure Irishy was trying to rid Ireland of her :lol:

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Sigh. I too rarely wear makeup (although strangely I like to wear it for church haha, as well as special occasions), but I am just so tired of women being judged on their appearances. Especially when it's dressed up as concern-trolling, religious or otherwise.

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She IS Zsu's biggest fan. So make-up is obviously a conspiracy.

She is a strange one for sure. I'm sure Irishy was trying to rid Ireland of her :lol:

I have a feeling, Irishy would get her own national holiday if she succeeded. :D

Sigh. I too rarely wear makeup (although strangely I like to wear it for church haha, as well as special occasions), but I am just so tired of women being judged on their appearances. Especially when it's dressed up as concern-trolling, religious or otherwise.

This. ITA. It's just so bloody annoying and tiring. Wear make-up, oh noes, you're a slave to vanity and probably up to no good! Don't wear make-up, oh noes, you're not making yourself attractive enough for your husband! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Now I feel even crankier and am going to drag my bare face down to the shops to buy beer and cake. Oh noes, I have no chaperone and might accidentally defraud someone with countenance... urgh, pass the burka. :evil:

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This. ITA. It's just so bloody annoying and tiring. Wear make-up, oh noes, you're a slave to vanity and probably up to no good! Don't wear make-up, oh noes, you're not making yourself attractive enough for your husband! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Now I feel even crankier and am going to drag my bare face down to the shops to buy beer and cake. Oh noes, I have no chaperone and might accidentally defraud someone with countenance... urgh, pass the burka. :evil:

QFT!! I hate the guilt-tripping about wasting/not realizing your natural beauty if you wear make-up. I wear at least some make-up almost every time I leave the house... because I like it. I also "dress up" to leave the house (no sweatpants/pajama pants) because I like to do so and personally feel underdressed if I don't. Neither is a judgment on anyone else or a ploy to look better than other women or to attract men, it is something I enjoy. The. End.

I had a guy tell me he hates make-up because he likes when girls look "natural" or something like that, he thought it hid natural beauty I think. Basically concern-trolling. He wouldn't believe me that I wasn't wearing make-up to attract guys... but then he also seemed surprised when I pointed out that I WAS wearing makeup at the time. LOL He was really nice otherwise, so that conversation stood out to me. I mean, if you are attracted more when a woman doesn't wear make-up, that's one thing, but it's also none of your business whether we do or not.

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Women can't win. Wearing makeup is a sign of things like under-confidence, conceit, trying to snag a man, a whore etc Not wearing makeup is a sign a woman doesn't care about herself, is under confident, is a lesbian etc. Why don't we just all mind our own business?

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Women can't win. Wearing makeup is a sign of things like under-confidence, conceit, trying to snag a man, a whore etc Not wearing makeup is a sign a woman doesn't care about herself, is under confident, is a lesbian etc. Why don't we just all mind our own business?

These fundie women are the queens of non issues. They have nothing else to do and they lack the ability to discuss important issues.

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I wear make up every damn day. Mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. Why? Because I like how it looks....plus I'm a redhead, have u ever noticed the eyelashes of a Ginger? Most people don't, they are pretty light!

Anyway, I've been vilified for wearing it, vilified for not wearing enough (apparently I should be ashamed of my freckles and cover them. Not gonna happen ). There is no win until women stop judgeing women on our looks!

BTW I've never had a man comment on my makeup, except my husband....he tells me when he likes a new lip gloss.

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These fundie women are the queens of non issues. They have nothing else to do and they lack the ability to discuss important issues.

I guess it's a way of making themselves feel important, and better-than-thou. If Sarah actually tried tackling bigger issues, she'd either turn conspiracy theorist like her idol Zsu, or would have to try educate herself. Zsu at least seems to have some education and a flourishing imagination, but Sarah strikes me as lacking both.

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She is against "bad" makeup. That is so lame. How is that having an opinion or taking a stand? Ahhh the Bimbo fundies, always fine when it comes to looking cute.

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