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Has anyone seen this website before? Some of the simple Christian websites are so cringe worthy. Some of the Islamic and Jewish clothing are actually really pretty. I like the head scarves in particular. The messianic site has some friendship bracelets/ tzitzit.

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http://www.modestclothes. com/

Has anyone seen this website before? Some of the simple Christian websites are so cringe worthy. Some of the Islamic and Jewish clothing are actually really pretty. I like the head scarves in particular. The messianic site has some friendship bracelets/ tzitzit.

Not this particular site, but ones like it. Honestly, Christian modest clothing is the ugliest, and I think they do it to emphasize their difference. Just another form of immodesty. You can be modest and not look scary.

However, since I'm in the process of moving to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim section might be very helpful - thanks for posting this!

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WOW. This stuff is beautiful. It makes me wish I was a Muslim. I found it in the directory of sites.

Not so fast. Check out this recent review of the company.


(and just as an FYI to Crazyforkate- Do NOT buy from Essence of Black. I know you may be tempted to buy from there before going to Saudi Arabia, but don't. They are a scam company, I learned that the hard way. It took ages for my stuff to arrive, and when it finally did it was NOT what I ordered at all. If you google them you can find loads of stories of people who have been scammed. Some of us were lucky and did recive something, but most weren't so lucky.)

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To break a link you just need to drop the http://www. , if you do the other stuff it makes it hard for people on phones and (I believe) iPads.

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Yeah I've been on there before. I think I found Kings Daughters via there. Some of the modern Christian, Jewish and Islamic clothing is OK. I love long skirts so I like a few of the sites. But the real fundie stuff, wow. Though I sort of want a cape dress just to see how terrible I look!

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I found this the other day when I searched something completely unrelated on eBay & a fundie frumper came up & I went to the sellers info page ringgerclothing.com/

I think deep burgundy crepe silk hijabs & abayas (?) are really elegant.

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I assume that the plain Christian category is meant to include sects that believe in "plain clothes" as opposed to just modest ones - they seem to include Mennonites and Amish. It's a very specific doctrine and look, so it's sort of comparing apples and oranges to comment on that look vs. Jewish or Islamic clothing. It's not supposed to be fashionable.

I have some of the Junee clothing. That line isn't meant to be frumpy - it's designed to meet some specific guidelines for coverage (elbows, collarbones, knees), while being practical and fashionable. I wear the stuff to work, and it doesn't stick out at all (since skirts and covered shoulders are pretty common in a conservative office setting).

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I found this the other day when I searched something completely unrelated on eBay & a fundie frumper came up & I went to the sellers info page ringgerclothing.com/

I think deep burgundy crepe silk hijabs & abayas (?) are really elegant.

I've bought a few frumpers and skirts and dresses from them. They're really well made, the material is quality, and the seller was willing to work with me so that my stuff doesn't look quite as fundie frumperish as the ones on their site. I was especially pleased because I'm fat and they didn't charge for the extra material AND and they sent me a mock-up to ensure the fit for the first dress. For what you're getting - custom made clothing with material they're providing - their prices are more than reasonable. I've spent four times what they charge on custom clothing on Etsy for no better quality.

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Yeah, fundamentalist Christians' take on "modest" often means "butt ugly." I've seen some orthodox Jewish women who wear attractive, beautifully tailored clothes that just happen to cover most of the skin. You could look at a photo and not be sure whether they were trying to dress modestly or whether they just live in a cold climate and need to cover up. Also, they tend to wear styles and patterns that look like they're made for adults. Some of the fundie Christians wear things like peter pan collars that look great if you're 5, but ridiculous if you're 25. The seven farm girl sisters, for example, are big on dressing young adults like they're toddlers. I've also seen some stylish Muslim women. I know a teen girl who wears a headscarf and decorates it with huge crazy barettes or fake flowers. It's great - she manages to wear what her religious beliefs require while also having a lot of personality to it. Christian fundiewear seems to try to drain the wearer's personality away. The Christian fundamentalist garb seems to have as its goals:

1. make all the older kids look like they're younger

2. make all the girls look the same with no differentiation based on their personalities

3. make everything as cheap as possible, rather than good quality or well fitting

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Yeah, fundies seem to go for the ugliest, most boring modest clothing that makes them look like either a frumpy old lady or an overgrown 5 year old. The modest outfits commonly worn by other religions look prettier.

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