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Neigh Away the Gay


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Well, if that Pastor really feels the need to stroke a few males who are hung like horses I have four boys who could use a good sheath cleaning. He can stop over and I'll hand him the bucket of warm water and some cleanser. He probably won't want to bother with the

latex glove so I won't even offer them. :?

It will be interesting to see the boys reactions. :whistle:

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They've not seen some of the porn I have, that's for sure.

Oh that LIKE button can't come too soon :lol:

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Obviously horse therapy worked real well for Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist in Brokeback Mountain and also obviously this preacher has never heard of the gay rodeo.

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Well, if that Pastor really feels the need to stroke a few males who are hung like horses I have four boys who could use a good sheath cleaning. He can stop over and I'll hand him the bucket of warm water and some cleanser. He probably won't want to bother with the

latex glove so I won't even offer them. :?

It will be interesting to see the boys reactions. :whistle:

Oh really, how can you be so disgusting? /sarcasm/

They're not using stallions, it would make the poor men too insecure. And no true Dominionist would ever have anything to do with a gelding - I mean, they think gay men are emasculated enough already.

They're only using submissive, sweet tempered mares.

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Please keep those guys away from my mares!

Funnily enough, I often tell single straight men who are having trouble meeting women that they should take up horseback riding. There are precious few straight men in the sport, particularly if you ride English, so you're bound to meet someone. I joke that if I were hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would get offers from horse women on the way home from my funeral

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*waiting for the My Little Pony lovers to hit this thread* :lol:

Cos if a normal horse can make you straight, imagine what a MLP could do! *throws glitter bomb and prances off* :mrgreen:

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I've never touched a horse in my life. So maybe thaaat's why I'm as gay as humanly possible. Glad to have it finally explained :lol:

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I've never touched a horse in my life. So maybe thaaat's why I'm as gay as humanly possible. Glad to have it finally explained :lol:

Well I happen to have mares, so if you feel like a flight over to England, you can come and cuddle them :) and you'll be okay, it won't change you into an evil heterosexual! It takes a stallion to do that for a girl. (Obviously why my SIS is still gay: she has mares too).

What happened to your lovely archer avatar? It took me a while to realise you were you!

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I never thought I'd see the day fundies had something in common with Randall Graves from Clerks 2.


(I know the title's in Portuguese(?) but the video's in English.)

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Well I happen to have mares, so if you feel like a flight over to England, you can come and cuddle them :) and you'll be okay, it won't change you into an evil heterosexual! It takes a stallion to do that for a girl. (Obviously why my SIS is still gay: she has mares too).

What happened to your lovely archer avatar? It took me a while to realise you were you!

Someday when I make it to England, that's exactly what I'll do! I didn't want all those evil horses to turn me straight. Also I've just never had the opportunity :lol:

It suddenly stopped showing up on here, like the picture was no longer found, and I couldn't find the exact same one again! Figured it was time for a change. Do you like the new one? It's of Jessica Capshaw, who plays Dr. Arizona Robbins on Grey's Anatomy. She's one of my favourite fictional characters, and also I find her defrauding :D Hopefully you get used to this one! The other one (which was actually Katniss from the Hunger Games, who happens to be an archer), wasn't my original avatar here and the same thing happened to the first one...some sites don't work for avatars here for some reason.

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Oh really, how can you be so disgusting? /sarcasm/


They're not using stallions, it would make the poor men too insecure. And no true Dominionist would ever have anything to do with a gelding - I mean, they think gay men are emasculated enough already.

They're only using submissive, sweet tempered mares.

Okay......I am embarrassed. It never occured to me the minister would use mares. I feel totally stupid. I just got it into my head that somehow he thought having men fondle an extra large penis would cure them and with the way my dipshit mind works it seemed completely logical. Not that the whole thing makes any sense whatsoever. Just that he would use geldings or stallions.

That probably made zero sense. At least it did in my head. Sigh....

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If horse therapy doesn't work, what's next? Elephants?

I have photos of the male at my local zoo getting friendly with one of the herd females. Trust me, being hung like a horse has nothing on being hung like an elephant! :o

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This is the sickest and most twisted thing I have ever read in my life. What therapy do they offer to rapists? Wife beaters? Sex offenders? Because in my eyes, that is what should be cured. And stupidity too, but there is no cure for that.

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Ummm...where I come from gay men and women ride horses, so there goes that theory.

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This is the sickest and most twisted thing I have ever read in my life. What therapy do they offer to rapists? Wife beaters? Sex offenders? Because in my eyes, that is what should be cured. And stupidity too, but there is no cure for that.

And right on cue, up pops the post about that leaflet saying that men wouldn't have to rape or beat women if only the women would wear burqas and keep the house in perfect condition. :evil:

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Ah, you mean the catholic "priest" in the other thread... I'm still counting to 100000000000000000000leventy over it. :mad:

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