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New 10 Commandments Monument in OK is a FAIL


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http://www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/local_news ... la-capitol

Three years into the making, Oklahoma's Capitol building unveiled a monument of the Ten Commandments on the north side of the grounds Thursday.

With misspellings.

The 6-foot tall monument reads "Remember the Sabbeth day, to keep it holy." Further down, the stone script appears to spell "maidservant" with a U instead of a V.

The problem didn't seem to worry Oklahoma State Representative Mike Ritze, who paid $10,000 of his own money to see the monument's creation.

"It's a simple oversight and it will be fixed quite easily is my understanding, but the monument company said there's no problem with fixing that," said Ritze, a Broken Arrow native. "They are a reputable company that does monuments all over the country and the state."

And while the ACLU opposed the monument when Ritze first proposed it back in 2009, they have no current plans to file a lawsuit for its removal.

Below is an ACLU statement regarding the monument:

The First Amendment of the Constitution seeks to ensure that, regardless of what religion a person chooses to practice or if an individual decides to practice no religion at all, that they stand as equals in the eyes of the government. When the government literally puts one faith on a pedestal, it sends a message to Oklahomans of different religions that they are less than equal. The ACLU of Oklahoma strongly defends the right of Oklahomans to make their own decisions about faith and religion, and encourages lawmakers to spend more time governing our state and less time concocting schemes that divide our people along their deeply held and personal beliefs.

- Ryan Kiesel, executive director

And this is why we can't have nice things - because clearly TSOTDRT doesn't teach proofreading or spell checking.

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Jinkies! You'd think they would be double and triple checking each spelling in a spell-checker and or just having a few people proof-read it? WOW!

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Not only did the monument company let the spelling errors slip through, all of those involved with the preparations for the unveiling missed them as well! That, or they just didn't care. It amazes me how embarrassment-proof some of these people are.

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Was this in reaction to the Ten Commandments taken down from the wall of the gov't building? I don't really care one way or another. It's just annoying people choose to focus on small potatoes like this when there's larger issues at stake.

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