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Obama phones, an erroneous meme that keeps on giving.


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To set the record straight it was Ronald Reagan that enacted the Lifeline phone program, George Bush expanded the program to include Safe Link Wireless in 2008. (These phones are limited and measured use, and don't include data or internet access. )

Why would the Republicans latch onto a Drudge report meme simply to demonize our current president when they could use the factual information to establish that Republicans had a hand in promoting and supporting a worthwhile program for low income people?

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Because low income people are lower than pond scum to some Republicans, therefore aren't worthy of such programs, and paying attention to the facts wouldn't serve their agenda?

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Why? Because poor people don't deserve anything and Obama is black.

That's why.

(but you knew repugnicants thought that anyway)

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So it was expedient for the Republicans to grasp an erroneous meme, rather than appeal to moderates by setting the record straight. It all goes back to the Einstein definition of insanity. The Republicans will continue to do the same things over and over the same way and expect different results.

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Because of THIS.

So, one person is happy that they have a way to communicate and that means everyone who has them is evil?

But you miss the point of the thread, which is that these should be called neocon-phones or Bush-phones instead of Obamaphones.

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So, one person is happy that they have a way to communicate and that means everyone who has them is evil?

But you miss the point of the thread, which is that these should be called neocon-phones or Bush-phones instead of Obamaphones.

So shocking that Jericho would ever miss the point - lol!

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Because of THIS.

Trolling for Jesus again? Perhaps God would like it if you would go back to other threads and explain which his followers should love more their money or lowering the abortion rate?


Or you can go to this thread and explain how you believe in equality for all, except for the gays. Or how every life is sacred, except for the lives of women who can die or have their lives ruined if forced to be pregnant against their will?


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Hey Jericho, you're needed in the Ireland abortion death thread. Get your ass over there viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13863

This is a very good thread that proves that if you deny women abortion until you are sure her life is ind danger, it can be too late and the woman can die, something Jericho has avoided discussing.

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Come on Jericho, get over to the abortion thread. I can see you're still here and we're so looking forward to hear your wisdom on this.

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He has to have some nuggets of wisdom to share on that thread! Give us something all knowing Jericho!

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I think he's run away again because I can't see him any more.

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What shall we do?! We need his nuggets of wisdom on that thread because we are just poor, ignorant liberal women who so desperatly need him to tell us what to think. And we need to accept it without any questions because he knows best.

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He has to have some nuggets of wisdom to share on that thread! Give us something all knowing Jericho!

Maybe he'll produce more nuggets if he eats some bran.

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The people who are angry about the cell phones do not want to hear that Regan started the program. They want to blame Obama and if they can't blame Obama then they make crap up (the latest I read is that Obama had a special computer program that stole the election :roll: ).

I made the mistake of mentioning on my friend's Facebook page that I would gladly continue to pay the $2 extra in taxes each month on our cell phone bill if it meant that someone who needed a phone got one. If my $24 a year is going to give someone a little extra security and make them feel safe, it's fine with me. To me a phone is essential in this day and age when pay phones are basically non-existent, especially for elderly people and people with young children. My friend's mother went ballistic on me, told me I didn't understand how the system works and that THOSE people (her words) just take advantage of the situation blah blah blah blah. Interestingly, her daughter's family is currently on food stamps and medicaid because her husband got laid off.

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