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Vote for Jesus!

Seven Severn

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I dont believe Jesus is running for president this election.

Seeing as he died a few thousand years ago and is not an American citizen, I dont think it would work, but I hope the fundies try, even if it doesnt count, at least it means they wont vote for anyone who will take our rights away.

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For the love of all that's holy, LET THEM VOTE FOR JESUS! It should be encouraged, not mocked. :naughty:

Indeed. Voter apathy on the right is always welcome as far as I'm concerned.

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If Jesus wins, you know every fundie from the Pope to Oral Roberts to Dougisatool to Gothard will be fighting over who gets to accept & serve on his behalf.

And you won't hear a word about him not being born in the US.

I wish someone would run a legitimate campaign for Jeebus for president, using his bio but a different name. He'd be denounced as a socialist, communist, foreigner, non-Christian (because, JEW! almost as bad as Muslim but a little better than Mormon to the fundies.) Then we could enjoy the back-pedaling & red faced stammering when they realize the candidate they were trashing is their own personal lord & saviour. :D

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Why would Jesus want to be President of the U.S.? He has powers that allow him to do anything he wants. He could just make himself President of the world. Besides, do they really want Jesus for President? If he won, there would be no poverty, hunger, everyone would be well-educated and we would all have free healthcare. He would not take advice or give special privileges to the 1% because he didn't have a price. We know Jesus loved and was very concerned with the poor. Plus, he would make sure the crazy tea-party people had no political role. Jesus would be a crazy conservative's worst nightmare because he would know their motives were not pure.

Besides, a vote for Jesus is a vote against Romney and for Obama. Romney is the one behind in nearly every poll. A vote for Jesus would just be helping Obama maintain his lead.

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I don't know that Jesus is qualified to be president. I heard that Jesus H(ussein) Christ was born in...THE MIDDLE EAST. And doesn't have a birth certificate.

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I'd be willing to bet Jesus has no interest in being in charge of the United States. His plate is a bit full and it's actually kind of arrogant to even think he'd accept the job and focus on just one country.

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I don't know that Jesus is qualified to be president. I heard that Jesus H(ussein) Christ was born in...THE MIDDLE EAST. And doesn't have a birth certificate.

Or a human father, for that matter.

And he was brown-skinned.

And spoke a foreign language.

And not only did he not have a JOB, he lured hardworking men (like fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John) away from their paying jobs.

Jesus...wrong for Amurrrika.

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Plus his entire platform is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." HOW DOES THAT HELP SMALL BUSINESSES, JESUS? Freakin' hippie.

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