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You are going to hell. Unless you share your Gerard Butler with me. Mmm... nom nom nom.

Oh, you're funny. Him I will NOT share! (yet one more reason to go to hell)


Rawr. /Paw swipe/

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I'm sure yesterday would have put me on their radar.

I did go to church, where the openly gay priest gave a very nice message.

And when I got home, I kept my child busy so I could do some work for my real, full time, primary breadwinner job.

And when my husband got home from his job, we discussed if we're ready to schedule a vasectomy yet, because our 1 child is probably going to be an only (but, not probably enough to schedule the snip yet).

And then we worked on the week's chore list for said husband to do when he's the 'stay at home parent' today and tomorrow.

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Today I swore a blue streak while taking Sevy to school. We were running late, and everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Now I have a guilty conscience for cursing out the safety features of our car in front of a 6 year old. :oops: I just hope no one notices, and she does not parrot anything I said... :whistle:

At least my words of choice were mild, and I gave her a rushed apology as sent her off to school. Considering buying her ice cream to ease my conscience.

Fundies would have been appalled that I: cursed, in front of my kid. And then WANT to apologize to a child for my behavior. Hmm...

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All of these commets are GREAT!! Just about everyday of my life I do a FU Fundie thing. Although today I did help my mother because she just have a colonosopy

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Oh this is going to be long... :D


I'm a 24 year old Indian girl who practices Hinduism. Oh no, the horror of Hinduism, the "wrong" religion. I attended a 4 year ebil secular university for 4.5 years and graduated with a degree in Biotechnology. No, we were NOT taught Creationism..yes, we were taught about Evolution. I lived an hour away from home and came home every so often. Although I did not graduate the top of my class, I busted my ass off and kept my mind on studying and working out. I put up with an awful roommate for 2 years who was a pothead and a drunk yet I never once got influenced by her. If anything, she taught me what not to do and I had the will to say "NO" whenever she would offer me pot brownies or go out drinking on a Monday night. See, the thing is is that I respect my parents and my parents trusted me being away from home-I didn't want to upset them nor feel like a failure so I stayed away from stuff that would disappoint my parents. I turned out a really good adult even though my parents never put me in a bubble. Just because some kids go out making trouble, that doesn't mean every kid does.

I have a boyfriend of almost 5 years and we have no plans to get married until we're both financially stable. We both came into the relationship with "baggage" yet that never caused problems in our relationship. If anything, it's made me appreciate what we have that much more. He has my whole heart-yes, it's possible. We never have had chaperoned because our parents trust us. I hug him, snuggle with him, kiss him, hold his hand, etc but we both respect each other and our boundaries. I have no plans to be submissive to him because we both make decisions together. Your courtship stories are crap and frankly, it's unrealistic. There are so many couples out there who have chosen the "dating" route, yet have had no problems in their marriage so I don't understand your "dating leads to divorce" crap. Oh, and it's funny how dating leads to giving your heart away yet it's perfectly okay to have a failed courtship. Guess what? You gave your heart away even though there was no touching. You had the intention of marrying that person (courtship = intent to marry, remember) therefore, put in your time, effort, and heart to know that person better. Piece of your heart was given..end of discussion.

I don't push my religious or political beliefs on others and it pisses me off when people do that. You preach that you do not judge, yet judge those who follow a different lifestyle than you. I think God would prefer Atheists who have good hearts than Christians who preach at those who do not follow a Christian belief. Those with 15 children and thanking God for rewarding you with baby 16 should shut the fuck up. There are so many couples out there who can't even have 1 child, so how is your God so loving if He won't reward those who can't conceive? Because they're not fundies like you? You're not special and I think it's pretty pathetic how you feel the need to brag about how special you are to have more than 20 children.

I feel sorry for your children, I really do. It's sad that you think that forcing them to live in a bubble is going to help them live an innocent life, when it's the complete opposite. I'm thankful that my parents have always trusted me and allowed me to make my own decisions as I became older. I'm thankful they allowed me to be independent so I could experience life on my own without having them hovering over me. It's made me a stronger person in this scary world. Your children will never experience life without having their hand held every step of the way nor will they ever develop a thick heart to get through life. Life is not sunshine and rainbows as you teach them but they will never know that living in a closed bubble you have put them in day 1.

I grew up in this secular world and turned out perfectly okay. I'm a good person, even more so than some of you fundies. Conclusion? Fuck you, fundies..my life is GREAT even growing up outside of the sunshine and rainbow bubble.

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I have already commented on this thread, leaving something I have done that is completely normal, neither illegal nor immoral, that would upset fundies (or at least cause them to use me as an example of how not to act.)

But, as I am sitting here eating a lunch and using the interwebz unsupervised, I realize that almost nothing I do would be fundie approved. Just lunch alone includes food my hubs cooked, fresh fruit, AND a Pepsi. Nothing unfundie about my nectarine, except that we can afford fresh fruit (and other grocery indulgences, both healthy and decadent) on one income because we don't have children.

Yesterday I "dishonored" my mate in these ways:

- My hubs cooked breakfast (pancakes and sausage.)

- I spent 6 hours (8 with travel time) dancing (I volunteer as an understudy in a professional company.)

- I brushed off the suggestion of relations (a rare occurrence, indeed -- the brushing off, not the relations) because dance class was so demanding.

Today is not better:

- Slept in (like every other day) requiring him to get his own breakfast

- Got a pedicure (done by a male pedicurist!)

- Wore defrauding clothes: pants, low cut tank top

The thing is, I consider my life rather conservative at the moment. Because of my hubs' job transfer, I am out a job and have few contacts (the market here is horrible, so hard to just apply and get hired), so I have taken over the household. I cook (generally), clean, do laundry, take care of the dog, go grocery shopping. But, then when I think about it, even when I am doing those things I am doing them "wrong" by fundie standards. It has kind of made me sad for the women and girls of fundiedom to think that my little (temporary) foray into traditional gender roles is downright scandalous by fundie rules.

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Not today, but my son wanted to wear one of my daughter's dresses yesterday. I considered it, but wasn't his size.

Oh, do you have a princess boy? :) If so, you should totally read the book "My Princess Boy" with your son.

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My seven year old brothers favourite colour is pink. My nine year old brother completely thinks this is okay and thinks its silly that other kids in their school are too into gender roles and think its strange that a little boy likes pink, how some boys refuse to use a pink cup or plate because it is for girls, and how some kids refuse to play certain games just because theyre for the opposite gender.

My parents attitude to everything is kinda fundie, in regard to gender roles, feminism, homosexuality, modesty, other than that they arent actually religious, so this is actually a big suprise.

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My whole weekend, and maybe my life in general, seems to be something fundies would either support or be horrified by what I do. Let's break it down:

Cooked a large amount of food for a large group=fundie approved!

Listened to and sang along to very loud psychobilly and horror rock=eeevil.

The large amount of food was for a birthday party for a dear friend, who is male, hosted by his girlfriend. And there were educated, working women and gay men in attendance. =the evil continues.

Went to a corn maze with multiple men, none of which are my husband. Ran around in the dark and swore so much. It was stupid cold outside and we got lost= the devil has my soul.

Watched "Avengers" for like umpteenth time with other comic book nerds, and was deeply defrauded by Tom Hiddleston=evil

Enjoyed sexy times with my husband. Not for procreation, since I'm broken in the baby maker. So just for fun=such an evil act

Spent Sunday not in church, but did talk to my mother about religious things. Being a lapsed Mormon, the changes in missionary age requirements were hot topics in much of my social circle= halfsie good, mostly bad.

Made dinner for the husband, folded laundry and cleaned the house=Fundie approved

Read comic books and fictional novels while the husband played video games=consumed by worldly influences, so evil

Slept in today due to a super high fever, husband had to get his own breakfast and get off to work=sorry, evil

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Today: I flirted with my girlfriend, with my husbands knowledge. :o

I bought a "naughty" book.

And I dropped the f bomb more times than I care to count.

Oh, and made Mr. CG cook dinner. :)

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See, on the surface I'm a fundy's wet dream. Scratch the surface though...

1. I'm a SAHM (...with a PhD and plans to teach at the university again)

2. I homeschool (...but I use and teach a completely secular curriculum)

3. I have a child (...who is going to be an only child)

4. I'm a pretty conservative dresser (...but I do love my defrauding jeans and unders)

5. I have a headship (...but I'm the one who makes sure this household runs efficiently, including money matters, because he's totally uninterested in doing it)

6. I shoulder the majority of the household chores (...for the moment. It hasn't always been this way.)

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I went camping this past weekend, and while swimming in the lake, I wore a sports bra and bikini bottoms. I also had a great time on Saturday night partying and getting a bit drunk, as well as drinking coffee in the morning. The coffee is a F-U to the Mormon church.

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So today, me and the kids bought Halloween decorations and settled on costumes. Mommy is to be a witch by popular demand. Then we went to Daughter's softball game where she wore very tight fitting sliding pants. (They won.) As Son had a game, we made an idol of baseball/softball. Then they watched a Disney Halloween movie while I warmed up leftover pasts cruda (that some restaurant made.) Now I'm imbibing while getting defrauded by the guys of Criminal Minds.

I feel like I should win some sort of FU Fundies Bingo. Oooo, new drinking game FU Fundies Bingo. Take a sip every time you do something that would give a fundie vapors.

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Let's see. I directly give the middle finger to the SAHD movement by going to an ebil accredited college where we talked about things like the French language and Japanese history, instead of Jesus, submission, and more Jesus. My classes were taught by FEMALE professors, with doctorates, which means they've been thoroughly corrupted by knowledge. These women exercised authority over men by *GASP* teaching them. I was just surrounded and influenced by corruption all day. I also worked at my library job, so I can make money and take care of myself instead of letting a man do that for me. I should be so ashamed. Oh, and I wore pants while doing all of it.

Oddly enough, I haven't cursed today. Fuck. There, all better.

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