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Ski Skirts


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I got her boots, and I got her a Land's End coat that goes to her knees.

TIGHTS. I hated them as a child, but I will have to see if she will wear them or not. She was five when we moved south and doesn't remember living in the north with winter. I have been told that Illinois winter does NOT compare to New England....and they are saying an El Nino is developing which will make winter up here *worse*. When she was little, I used to put leggings underneath her dresses but Gymboree doesn't make them in her size anymore.

I just do NOT understand the refusal to set aside skirts in winter. I really don't! My kid at least does it for sensory issues. I don't get fundies who won't let their kids be KIDS because of this modesty nonsense.

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Dunno why, but she also appears to have a wooden flute at her waist, and the nun next to her has a hip flask. Are these "mainstream" nuns...?

Nope they are sjiers wearing Nun costumes probably a charity event

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Dunno why, but she also appears to have a wooden flute at her waist, and the nun next to her has a hip flask. Are these "mainstream" nuns...?

It's a costume; those habits aren't put together quite right and the Cheez-It "nun's" long, thick, hair can be seen coming out the back. Nuns have their hair cut (in a mainstream style) even if they don't choose to wear habits. It must have been some sort of costume event.

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Long skirts are dangerous for sports because they hinder movement and are too bulky. Short skirts will fly up and be revealing. Bikes were a big deal because they gave women a reason to wear pants. Skirts-only is really just a way to limit women and keep them at home. The public fundies try to hide that motive, but just because you can do a anything in a skirt doesn't mean you should.

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I admit that I bought a pair of skorts cycling shorts. Just because I thought they were cute and if I'm on a casual ride where I'm doing more of a tourist thing, I dont have to feel self-conscious in my tight shorts and all my flab hanging out... ;)

But ski skirts is really ridiculous. It would totally get in your way... And some earlier poster said it: You cant tell the difference between a girl or a boy out on the slopes cuz we're all bundled so much...

And for the person whose daughter only likes to wear skirts, I totally suggest tights for cold winters. I wear tights all the time in the winter with my work clothes and I love them way better than just regular pantyhose.

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See, I have to figure out how to keep a skirts only child WARM in a New England winter now.

I have one who is Aspie. When she was three, she refused to ever wear pants again. I fought her tooth and nail until I realized it was ridiculous to fight over what *she* wore and I quit. I did require she put pants UNDER her dresses/skirts, since she preferred to be upside down and I didn't want the world to see her underwear.

She's nearly 14 and she still only wears pants on a rare occasion (like she forgot to wash all of her clothes and it's that go to to school naked).

Well, that worked in the south where we've lived her entire life. However, we moved to New England this spring, and I have NO idea what I'm going to do to keep her legs WARM this winter.

Those overskirts seem like a terrible idea for helping her stay warm waiting for the bus and playing the snow (no way this Southern gal is going actual skiiing, there are plenty of hillls on our farm and I'll buy them sleds but that's as far as I go).

I'm getting fleece snowpants for the kids to put over their clothes and the only thing *I* can think is that she could put the ski pants *under* her skirts, then stash them in her locker during school.

I thought maybe some of these modesty sources could help me solve this dilemma, but I don't feel any closer with their ideas than my own. I would love to try to convince her to just put on the PANTS, but I've done this with her for 11 years and I know she's not going to do that. She would rather freeze to death than wear the pants. It's not a modest issue with her. It appears to be a sensory issue.

She also wears super high heels to school. Part of her sensory stuff is that she toe walks and she's found that unlike a boy, she can totally hide this by simply wearing 3-4 inch heels, so so much for the modesty idea, lol.

She'll be OK. Two layers of thick cotton tights, knee-high boots, and a long coat, and she'll survive winter.

It's amazing how we humans get acclimated to whatever climate we live in. We've lived all over the US, and we always adjust. I live in the PNW right now, and have gotten so used to cool wet weather that I don't need a sweater when it's in the 60's, and thought I would die when we had a few days in the 80's recently. And I lived in south Texas and Florida for years. I've also lived in New York State, smack in the middle of the snowbelt, and after freezing through my first winter there I was completely acclimated the next.

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Just an aside but the skis in the ski skirt picture are ancient junk. And to stay on topic I once saw some fundie girls at my ski area in long denim skirts and it was ridiculous. Women who will only ski in skirts are a rarity as I only saw them once (outside of crazy costume days - not the same thing) Also to state the obvious the skirts are restrictive and hard to ski in.

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I got her boots, and I got her a Land's End coat that goes to her knees.

TIGHTS. I hated them as a child, but I will have to see if she will wear them or not. She was five when we moved south and doesn't remember living in the north with winter. I have been told that Illinois winter does NOT compare to New England....and they are saying an El Nino is developing which will make winter up here *worse*. When she was little, I used to put leggings underneath her dresses but Gymboree doesn't make them in her size anymore.

I just do NOT understand the refusal to set aside skirts in winter. I really don't! My kid at least does it for sensory issues. I don't get fundies who won't let their kids be KIDS because of this modesty nonsense.

Take her to JCPenny's and get some leggings there. I got one pair of these and one pair of ankle length leggings to wear this winter.


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It's amazing how we humans get acclimated to whatever climate we live in. We've lived all over the US, and we always adjust. I live in the PNW right now, and have gotten so used to cool wet weather that I don't need a sweater when it's in the 60's, and thought I would die when we had a few days in the 80's recently. And I lived in south Texas and Florida for years. I've also lived in New York State, smack in the middle of the snowbelt, and after freezing through my first winter there I was completely acclimated the next.

I live in Colorado and as long as there's no breeze, even 32f is comfortable (If the wind is blowing it's a completely different story).

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The whole women not wearing men's clothing reminds me of something Garrison Keillor wrote years ago in Lake Wobegon Days. My copy seems to be AWOL at the moment, but he wrote about the little fundie sect he was raised and their tendency to split over little theological disputes. One time, the church were debating the issue of clothing. One person pointed out that Jesus did not wear pants and wore robes instead. Not only that, but the baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes. His grandfather said that the baby Jesus may have been swaddled, but that Mary wrapped his legs separately. Ironically, the faction that argued that Jesus wore robes became more strict about women's dress.

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I live in Colorado and as long as there's no breeze, even 32f is comfortable (If the wind is blowing it's a completely different story).

Haha if it's 60 here, we bust out the tank tops and shorts. Actually if it's 50 and sunny that will happen as well. Last night it was 62 and I went to the grocery and saw people wearing everything from bikini tops and shorts to winter jackets and boots. It's all relative.

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Haha if it's 60 here, we bust out the tank tops and shorts. Actually if it's 50 and sunny that will happen as well. Last night it was 62 and I went to the grocery and saw people wearing everything from bikini tops and shorts to winter jackets and boots. It's all relative.

Yes it really is. When I lived in south Texas, we would bring out the winter coats when it was in the 60's. When I lived in Florida, one night our kids were supposed to go Christmas caroling with their youth group, and the leaders cancelled because it was "too cold" - 45 degrees (Fahrenheit).

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My perspective on temps has changed totally since I moved to a place with serious winter five years ago. It is all relative, but 45F being cold? Not hardly. We get lows down there all summer! I'd never wanted a jacket in August before, but once the sun goes down it's a good idea to have one because we're at 5800 feet in a high desert and the temps drop fast. It makes for lovely sleeping with the windows open, and I neither have nor need AC. The only problem there is when we get smoke from wildfires, which can and does happen -- it'd be nice to have AC to filter the air.

I don't start seriously complaining about cold until it gets below about 10F. That? Is getting too fucking cold. But I've been out and about in -15F in cold snaps and survived to tell the tale. I'd rather deal with that than deal with swampy Augusts from Hell though, any day. I can bundle myself up very well if need be. But there's only so much you can take off.

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Long skirts are dangerous for sports because they hinder movement and are too bulky. Short skirts will fly up and be revealing. Bikes were a big deal because they gave women a reason to wear pants. Skirts-only is really just a way to limit women and keep them at home. The public fundies try to hide that motive, but just because you can do a anything in a skirt doesn't mean you should.

Yes! I completely agree. A girl obviously can't go through the full range of motion necessary for skiing in a long bulky skirt, so what's the point in skiing at all?

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:lol: :lol: ZOMGs! Those ski frumpers are some of the hideous things I've ever seen! Why even bother sking if you have to wear something like that. Ski snowpants are so asexual as they are. Anyone looking at a woman wearing them isn't thinking of teh sexe...although we are talking about fundie guys, and we know they're obsessed with teh sexe.

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