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She can't even wear DENIM


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An oldie but a goodie(apologies if this has been on before) :

One day my husband and I were talking about women's clothing. I asked him what he likes and does not like about the way conservative women dress. His answer shocked me.

He said that women dressed in denim skirts and jumpers all the time reminded him of Fidel Castro. What!?! What could Christian homeschooling moms concerned with modesty have to do with an evil communist dictator from Cuba? My brain was doing gymnastics trying to see how this fit.

He went on to explain. Castro and his minions wore army fatigues all the time; it was their uniform. They did not look happy, they did not look pleasant; they looked angry and militant. He thought it was the same with many "jumper moms."


WHAT THE FUCK. The jumper mums might be looking "angry and militant" because they are being repressed by an utterly shitty fucking patriarchal system perhaps?

And if seeing a Christian homeschooling woman in a long skirt with long hair instantly makes you think of Fidel Castro, it might be time to have a quiet word with your doctor.

God's plan is not for women to be or to look like drudges or military extremists.

So in fact there is literally no way in this woman and her husband's mind that you can NOT look like a military extremist. You can look like her or you can look like me - and I guarantee you we will look nothing alike, we will be two extremes at either end of the women's dress spectrum - or anything inbetween, and you're still WRONG. (I doubt they'd recognise the existence of real female "military extremists").

Because women can never get it right. Ever.

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I don't know, he kid of has a point. I find it creepy that the fundies have a "uniform" and they are definitely militaristic.

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Befitting a Commie my age, I have the de rigueur collection of revolutionary beret's and fundie head coverings don't even come in a close second to them. 8-)

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:roll: Doug Phillips once said that his family does not wear denim because denim in the uniform of the working class. So there!

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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:roll: Doug Phillips once said that his family does not wear denim because denim in the uniform of the working class. So there!

Doug Phillips is a tool.


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Befitting a Commie my age, I have the de rigueur collection of revolutionary beret's and fundie head coverings don't even come in a close second to them. 8-)

I've got the regulation keffiyeh ;) which works well as a mask on demos if you secure it. And regulation black hoodies for those antifa moments...and for when there seem to be an awful lot of FIT in the area (in fact, one is too much)...

The berets sound cool! A comrade of mine has one he got of ebay.

GC, I can see what you mean but then again I could have understood better if he had said something like he thought people wore denim too much and it gave a bit of a uniform look. Castro had a revolution to make, he would have looked a bit daft prancing around in a denim jumper, babbling on about homeschooling and dishing out a chore pack to Che Guevara.

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One day my husband and I were talking about women's clothing.
Yeah, because all couples make it a point to talk about women's clothing.

and then from JFC:

Because women can never get it right. Ever.


Far too much of the fundie ...um, theology? nah; THAT's not theology... lifestyle involves finding fault with women in just about every category imaginable, but especially the way they dress. All because Eve ate a piece of fruit (at least in their belief) and Adam was so stupid that when Eve told him to eat it, he said, "OK." ... yes. the entire fall of the world falls on women because they don't know jack shit....

but they''re the ones who are supposed to educate our next generation. :roll:

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When I was younger I knew a family who didn't allow denim to be worn by females because denim was used for JEANS, ya'll, and you know no respectable woman would wear JEANS, so why would she wear denim of any kind?! :o

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What strikes me as stupid (ok, one of many things), is that denim is probably the most practical material for women to make frumpers out of. It's very durable, so if you're on a tight budget it's a winner, it matches most things and isn't as bad as those hideous things the Seven Sisters wear. For everyday use it would be better than a lighter cotton, atleast in most climates.

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My brain was doing gymnastics trying to see how this fit.

Brain? LOL!

No. Denim is too much like a uniform - or perhaps it's too utilitarian for a guy who doesn't want his wife to look like one of the proles. But she deserves the man she gets: She can't even type out the name 'Fidal Castro' without editorializing about his being an evil dictator.

Scratching my head, trying to remember which country decided to try stopping the spread of Communism by arming the Taliban in the 1980s? Oh help me. I think...I think the guys responsible for that wore suits like everyone else of that social class - kind of like a socio-economic unif...What? I can't even...They armed the Contras and their death squads, too? God! Communism is the most evilist thing evah! Obama is also a socialist.

Eh, fuck it. People are dumb. Not all people. But certainly the people the OP mentions here.

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I found the modesty goldmine. Here is another carefully selected gem. (Apologies for any of these if they are repeats. I was never on Yuku).

This one has a case of the Zsus:

Medical Situations

Consider the medical profession. Stripping down to our undergarments, or less, has not typically caused much of a problem for us as long as "qualified" doctors and nurses are examining us. Hmmm. Just because they have a plaque on the wall, does that justify breaking God’s heart and "exposing our nakedness" in such a setting—usually to near strangers? Have we ever thought twice about that for ourselves or for our children? Why would we shudder to disrobe before others, but in front of a man or woman with the title, "Dr," it becomes totally acceptable? Do you see the lie we’ve bought into?

This doesn’t mean avoid doctors. But wouldn’t it be wise to at least consider seeing a doctor of the same gender as you? And wouldn’t it be okay to remain with clothes on if possible? Isn’t it your choice? The medical profession consists of servants that we hire for their opinions. They are never to be our bosses, that we cower in front of, regardless of how they speak or carry themselves. They are simply information-for-hire, no more. God is God. They are not. Some things, of course, can’t be avoided, such as operating room settings where everything must be sterile so no street clothes are allowed. But can’t we at least be aware that we don’t have to "buy" into a lie that says nakedness is fine, if it involves the medical world? Shouldn’t we reject the lie that we dare not question nudity in a doctor’s office because, afterall, everything "appears" so professional and sterile and safe? Let’s have discernment and sensitivity about such things. Pagans are pagans, whether they wear white or plaid or paisley. And God’s Word remains true.

Do you know what medical students are exposed to as they are learning about medicine? In one college course, students were required to "examine" other stripped down students! This is abominable. Is it worth it to go through that kind of education and ignore God’s Word? Looking on nakedness is a shameful and intolerable thing. And most employment for doctors and nurses requires looking on other people’s nakedness (bathing patients, giving shots, operating, examining, etc.) What will we do as people who have been bought at the very high price of the blood of God? What will be most important to us? Our careers... or our integrity as priests of God?

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

I dunno.....what about your health? If you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God knitted you together and all that shit, surely you should be doing SOMETHING to keep that up? Even if it occasionally involves exposing slightly more than your hands and face? *sigh*

(Burris, you are correct as per. I watched Rambo 3 in hospital in a period of enforced idleness and that's the one where he goes to rescue his mate from the evil Russians and the Taliban help him. It is extremely amusing in a gallows humour way when you consider....future events. There are so many continuity and factual errors as to make it nearly unwatchable anyway, but that added a special glow.)

ETA linkage: achristianhome.org/Woman_to_Woman/Modesty.htm

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Looking on nakedness is a shameful, huh? :roll: I guess this means parents should best learn how to diaper with their eyes closed.

Giving birth while fully clothed should be... interesting.

It's funny that she makes such a big deal of it. Whenever I go to the doctor, they let me keep my clothing on unless necessary. When I need to disrobe, I get various things to cover all but the part in question. She seems to think that doctors make you hang out completely naked and shivering while they are taking a medical history. :lol:

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Looking on nakedness is a shameful, huh? :roll: I guess this means parents should best learn how to diaper with their eyes closed.

Diapering your baby? hmmm... don't do anything rash.

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What strikes me as stupid (ok, one of many things), is that denim is probably the most practical material for women to make frumpers out of. It's very durable, so if you're on a tight budget it's a winner, it matches most things and isn't as bad as those hideous things the Seven Sisters wear. For everyday use it would be better than a lighter cotton, atleast in most climates.

Seriously. I must confess to liking denim maxi skirts in the winter, mostly because they are so hardwearing and they go with everything. For fundies who also homestead or are otherwise outside a lot of the time, denim frumpers are very practical if not very attractive.

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I found the modesty goldmine. Here is another carefully selected gem. (Apologies for any of these if they are repeats. I was never on Yuku).

This one has a case of the Zsus:

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

I dunno.....what about your health? If you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God knitted you together and all that shit, surely you should be doing SOMETHING to keep that up? Even if it occasionally involves exposing slightly more than your hands and face? *sigh*

(Burris, you are correct as per. I watched Rambo 3 in hospital in a period of enforced idleness and that's the one where he goes to rescue his mate from the evil Russians and the Taliban help him. It is extremely amusing in a gallows humour way when you consider....future events. There are so many continuity and factual errors as to make it nearly unwatchable anyway, but that added a special glow.)

ETA linkage: achristianhome.org/Woman_to_Woman/Modesty.htm

So she is advocating, then, for women to attend university and persue a medical degree?

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:roll: Doug Phillips once said that his family does not wear denim because denim in the uniform of the working class. So there!

Doug Phillips is a tool.

I would like to see him say that to Prince William and Harry,both who have worn jeans many times. But of course Doug in his tweed suit is sooooo much more royal than royalty. :roll:

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He went on to explain. Castro and his minions wore army fatigues all the time; it was their uniform. They did not look happy, they did not look pleasant; they looked angry and militant. He thought it was the same with many "jumper moms."

Sounds like my mom in her frumper days. But I think that's a reasonable way to appear when you're experiencing the assholeness and oppression of the conservative Catholic homeschool group.

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I found the modesty goldmine. Here is another carefully selected gem. (Apologies for any of these if they are repeats. I was never on Yuku).

This one has a case of the Zsus:

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

I dunno.....what about your health? If you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God knitted you together and all that shit, surely you should be doing SOMETHING to keep that up? Even if it occasionally involves exposing slightly more than your hands and face? *sigh*

(Burris, you are correct as per. I watched Rambo 3 in hospital in a period of enforced idleness and that's the one where he goes to rescue his mate from the evil Russians and the Taliban help him. It is extremely amusing in a gallows humour way when you consider....future events. There are so many continuity and factual errors as to make it nearly unwatchable anyway, but that added a special glow.)

ETA linkage: achristianhome.org/Woman_to_Woman/Modesty.htm

I take this as further evidence that Zsu and her family actually aren't receiving proper health care. My HCPs have routinely been overly respectful of patient modesty. The only time there was requested nakedness was when I had to strip my baby to be weighed. Whenever I go in, there are drapes and gowns, and only specific parts are exposed as necessary. Giving shots? I've NEVER had to strip myself or my child for immunizations. Even bathing (which is usually done by CNAs) is done in ways to ensure patient modesty. But, of course, Zsu knows better than actual professionals. :roll:

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I only am unclothed in a medical appointment if they need to see that part. And I'm given a gown/sheet to cover up. Where are these doctors who make you sit naked for an ear infection. The fundies are right, no one should go see them.

In medical school, students examine professional patients. They don't examine each other. However there is a unaccredited lay midwife program that requires students to study on each other, a practice that is roundly condemned by ethical medical training program.s

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Actually that USED to be the case - my mom hated going to the doc because there was always a pelvic "to check for pregnancy" -- even if the complaint was a sore throat!

Mark me well: ****This was in the 1950s!****

Either these physician-averse doms are living in a 50-year-old time warp OR they have some docs who will do ANYTHING to see a woman's bod. Reaction to extreme modesty? Hmmmmm?

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It's funny that she makes such a big deal of it. Whenever I go to the doctor, they let me keep my clothing on unless necessary. When I need to disrobe, I get various things to cover all but the part in question. She seems to think that doctors make you hang out completely naked and shivering while they are taking a medical history. :lol:

Yeah, I've never been to the doctor and had to disrobe significantly. Even at the OBGYN he comes in and we talk first while I'm fully clothed. The exam is done with robes and sheets to keep the rest of me covered, and there's a female medical assistant in the room as a chaperone. For nearly all of my prenatal visits there was no disrobing beyond rolling down the panel on my maternity pants so he could check with the Doppler or do an ultrasound.

When I go to my PCP I usually never have to take off any clothing. They can lift a shirt a bit to listen with a stethoscope but that's about all that's required.

I want to know where these doctors and nurses are who make their patients sit there in the buff, because I've never encountered them.

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I only am unclothed in a medical appointment if they need to see that part. And I'm given a gown/sheet to cover up. Where are these doctors who make you sit naked for an ear infection. The fundies are right, no one should go see them.

In medical school, students examine professional patients. They don't examine each other. However there is a unaccredited lay midwife program that requires students to study on each other, a practice that is roundly condemned by ethical medical training program.s

Yep, Birthingway in Oregon requires this.

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I actually did have a doctor once who wasn't very respectful. I went with a sinus infection and he wanted to listen to my chest. He said, "we're friends now, so take off your shirt." Most would leave the room after giving you something to cover up with. I hesitated and he said, "You know I'm going to get on you about your weight." I didn't report him because he was in practice for himself and I wouldn't know who to report him to.

That said, of all the docs I've ever seen, all but this one has been professional and respectful - even when I was obese (which I'm not any more and haven't been for 2 years).

Fundies just like to use alarmist language to continue to reaffirm their fear of the world.

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