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How long till Dougie exploits this angle?


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http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.1119395

First off, my thoughts are with the victims and their families. The title in the link is fucked the hell up. "sweeties?" yes, several men died heroically saving women they loved... Even if they weren't courting and therefore living in sin.

But back to my point. Dougie put on a whole fucking conference about "women and children first" and this is right up his alley. He'll ignore the mothers who shielded their children, the women who dragged injured men, all the other heroes both male and female who saved countless lives and offered comfort to those that died just to further this "Christian" principle.

I'm going to go with two weeks before there's a blog post.

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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I've been checking Dougie's blog frequently to see how he decides to spin this. The "hero" angle is one way, he could launch into a rant about the need to shelter and protect ones families from the evils of the world or look what might happen, hell I wouldn't even put it past the dipshit to use it as a platform to promote all the "good christian family movies" and SAICF. No matter how he decides to pontificate it will all be the fault of liberals, the US turning away from good christian values, and a rant about how the evil government will use this to restrict the rights of good Christians wanting to bear arms. Even more scary than what Dougie may come up with is Zsu's inevitable opining.

**Doug Phillips is a tool.**

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I hope he doesn't exploit this angle at all but it's probably right up his alley. I expect a combination of the evils of secular movies, blaming the liberal heathens, talking about how this is why guns are a good thing, the heroic manly mens and a whole host of other things that are extremely disrespectful to the victims and their families. It'll probably take him as long as it takes to put all those things together.

Doug Phillips is a tool. Doug Phillips is an enormous tool.

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It's a tough road because:

The movie had sex, violence, and cursing

Teh wimmenz were out past a respectable bedtime

Hollywood supports teh gayz and giving money to them is ebil

There will be examples of unmarked couples showing tue love and that's ebil because they should have been courting and supervised.

I guarantee some of his examples aren't Christian.

Dougie has an excellent knack for rewriting history in his favor. My guess is he singles out one person, honors them, maybe even goes to meet the family to pray with them etc... Then makes a movie...

Doug Phillips is a tool

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The comments on the Post's website are just awful! I did not expect to find NY Times' caliber of readers there, but those comments are terrible. I don't think I've seen an intelligent one yet.

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Guest Anonymous
It's a tough road because:

The movie had sex, violence, and cursing

Teh wimmenz were out past a respectable bedtime

Hollywood supports teh gayz and giving money to them is ebil

There will be examples of unmarked couples showing tue love and that's ebil because they should have been courting and supervised.

I guarantee some of his examples aren't Christian.

Dougie has an excellent knack for rewriting history in his favor. My guess is he singles out one person, honors them, maybe even goes to meet the family to pray with them etc... Then makes a movie...

Doug Phillips is a tool

This and more. Maybe he will use it as an example of what happens when people date. Date = Death, Courtship = Life.

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The AFA has beat Dougie to the punch:

Fred Jackson, the American Family Association’s news director, while discussing the Colorado movie theater shooting on Friday said that liberal Christian churches and liberal media helped contribute to violent incidents by supposedly de-emphasizing the fear of God and the Bible.

http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2012/07/afa- ... -shooting/

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I hope he doesn't exploit this angle at all but it's probably right up his alley. I expect a combination of the evils of secular movies, blaming the liberal heathens, talking about how this is why guns are a good thing, the heroic manly mens and a whole host of other things that are extremely disrespectful to the victims and their families. It'll probably take him as long as it takes to put all those things together.

Doug Phillips is a tool. Doug Phillips is an enormous tool.

With less empathy than a coat hanger. What a fucking tool.

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Then hammer back. There was a woman who dragged her 4 month old and toddler out. The reason she had to drag both kids out is that her no account fiancee, who was holding the baby, actually put him down and ran away. Like right out of the theatre and into his car and gone. She saw the baby in the chaos and snatched him up, and got shrapnel in the leg. She almost collapsed with the 2 kids but then a stranger, African American, came to her aid and got a bullet as well (they will both recover). The fact is the FATHER of those children turned tail and ran like a coward, abandoning his woman and children. Now this woman goes on camera with her coward and is so thankful her kids made it, but doesn't go into the sordid story.

I am not minimizing the heroism of the men who instinctively protected their girlfriends/wives, the mothers who were shielding their children, and perfect strangers who helped all. But I'll be damned if Dougie gets to jerk off on this.

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There was a woman who dragged her 4 month old and toddler out. The reason she had to drag both kids out is that her no account fiancee, who was holding the baby, actually put him down and ran away. Like right out of the theatre and into his car and gone. She saw the baby in the chaos and snatched him up, and got shrapnel in the leg.

I would have an ex-fiance at that point. Leaving me alone would be...maybe not okay, but acceptable. I'm a grown woman. Leaving a child, even one not your own - unacceptable.

I am not minimizing the heroism of the men who instinctively protected their girlfriends/wives, the mothers who were shielding their children, and perfect strangers who helped all. But I'll be damned if Dougie gets to jerk off on this.

Some people have the instinct to protect, and some just don't... Nie Nie's husband comes to mind.

As far as "Doug Phillips is a tool" getting to jerk off and somehow cast himself as one of the manly men who would have done the right thing - I doubt there were any good costumes, so we're probably safe from a costume party. But I almost guarantee that he's going to have something to say about it, sadly.

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There will undoubtably be a lecture on the perils of dating as in look what happened those kids decided to date and God in his displeasure allowed them to be shot as punishment for them having the audacity to do something as evil as not courting or allowing daddy to arrange a marriage for them.

Of course the victims will have deserved it for going to see a secular movie about a superhero instead of staying at home and watching Courageous or some straight to DVD religious movie. There will probably be some not so humorous remark about how their false idol Batman didn't come to save them as well.

The tired old fear God speech will be hauled out yet again, but you know what who wants to worship a god you need to be afraid of for your own personal safety and that of your friends and family. Me I'm not really down with bully worship.

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desertvixen, good point he won't be able to have a costume extravaganza on this one. Still makes me crazy that he is going to use this tragedy-crime to wax lyrical on chivalry.

Damn straight he should be her ex fiance.

NjN, of course the slimy creep is going to think these people should have been at home reading their Bibles and not watching a movie. I mean, God has nothing better to do than to punish people in a random movie theatre with death and destruction for not being in His Word. God cares about the details.

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Fear God and read the Bible, indeed. That won't de-invent the Armalite.

I've heard a lot of crap about this recently. The worst hasn't been religious. It's been from people who say they would have bravely tackled the gunman/shot him in the head with their concealed carry weapon, miraculously hitting him and killing him with one shot in a dark, smokey, loud cinema/etc BUT HEROIC...

Now the conspiracy theories have started on my FB. The most annoying one "He shot x amount of people, how did he not have to reload, there must have been multiple CIA gunmen". No, you stupid fuckers. He had an AR-15. When his main gun jammed because of the ammo feed he was using, he had backup weaponry, which he used instead. (I do not know for sure but it sounds like a civilian model, which would make sense.) Glock for backup and a shotgun, the model of which I don't know.

I'm not going up against some bastard with an Armalite. Even with concealed carry, you would have at best 2 seconds during the whole incident to hit him, and you had better be a great shot. Miss or fail to incapacitate, we call this "being dead".

Dropping the child, that I like to think I would not do. But who knows what they would do in a terrible situation like that? It is easy to judge after the event.

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Oh dear God there is no way anyone with a concealed weapon in that scenario could have taken the shooter down. They only would have added to the casualty toll.

I'm very comfortable judging in this case. He left behind a partner, a toddler, and a baby and did not go back to fetch them until his partner called him on the cellphone. No pass. :snooty:

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It's been from people who say they would have bravely tackled the gunman/shot him in the head with their concealed carry weapon, miraculously hitting him and killing him with one shot in a dark, smokey, loud cinema/etc BUT HEROIC...

Oh God this crowd is pissing me off. The dynamics in the theater would NOT favor a bystander taking action. Hell, even the Army pretty much teaches that in an "active shooter" situation, you want to get the hell out of the scene. (I had a very sobering moment in my last job when I realized I was basically working in the one place most likely to get me killed in my building - office near the main entrance with no exit other than where the gunman would have been, and nowhere in the office to effectively hide.)

Even with concealed carry, you would have at best 2 seconds during the whole incident to hit him, and you had better be a great shot. Miss or fail to incapacitate, we call this "being dead".


Dropping the child, that I like to think I would not do. But who knows what they would do in a terrible situation like that? It is easy to judge after the event.

My own child - they would have to drag my dead body out of there. I would expect for my future husband to show the same degree of concern for my child, or like I said, I would very quickly have an ex-fiance.

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Oh dear God there is no way anyone with a concealed weapon in that scenario could have taken the shooter down. They only would have added to the casualty toll.

I'm very comfortable judging in this case. He left behind a partner, a toddler, and a baby and did not go back to fetch them until his partner called him on the cellphone. No pass. :snooty:

He had swat level body armor on. There is no way having armed citizens in the theatre would have changed the outcome. I could have emptied my 9mm and it would have knocked the wind out of him but not before I got a bullet in my head.

The gun jammed. Clearly that was "gods will" to save the rest of those... Gag...

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Dropping the child, that I like to think I would not do. But who knows what they would do in a terrible situation like that? It is easy to judge after the event.

My own child - they would have to drag my dead body out of there. I would expect for my future husband to show the same degree of concern for my child, or like I said, I would very quickly have an ex-fiance.

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My own child - they would have to drag my dead body out of there. I would expect for my future husband to show the same degree of concern for my child, or like I said, I would very quickly have an ex-fiance.

I would expect the same of my husband. I don't expect him to die for *me* because I am a grown-ass woman (although I really think he would) but the babies? He'd better be willing to save them. I don't think mankind would exist if human parents were not naturally defensive of their young. All humans come from the same place, a place full of lions and things that see your children as prey.

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Hey guys - Dougie will get around to exploiting the mass shooting -- maybe even a whole conference or at least one session on it! -- but in the meantime he's just too busy peddling (visionforum.com/news/blogs/doug/2012/07/10322/) Saddleback Leather camera bags (http://www.saddlebackleather.com/Gadget-Bag) to worry about other things.

ETA: Doug Phillips is a Tool

Obama Romney Doug Phillips is a Tool Libor

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I would expect the same of my husband. I don't expect him to die for *me* because I am a grown-ass woman (although I really think he would) but the babies? He'd better be willing to save them. I don't think mankind would exist if human parents were not naturally defensive of their young. All humans come from the same place, a place full of lions and things that see your children as prey.

I'm withholding judgement because the brain is a funny thing.

If someone pulled a knife, I couldn't imagine not putting me between that blade and my kid.

If I thought I was drowning (I have a bit of a water phobia, to put it mildly), it doesn't matter that I can sit here and say I'd rescue my kid, my phobic reaction would probably not be good for my kid's survival. I've pushed people down to get out of water before (nevermind that I can swim :roll: ) and I know it's awful...but it is what it is.

I don't know that guy's reason for acting as he did.

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This, Dawbs, so much. I'm not sure what happened to the guy and he wasn't sure by all accounts what happened to him either that he left the kid. He was very ashamed and embarrassed but couldn't work out why he did it.

I've done stuff I am absolutely ashamed of - nothing like that, but things I look back on and cringe - and I can never give a good reason apart from stupidity, panic and (sometimes) drink. It happens to us all, so I hesitate to condemn him.

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