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Personhood USA to assist in Europe


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Oh yeah, let's bring it to Europe. I'm sure it will go over really well there :roll:

Hmm...I wouldn't be so quick to write it off. There was an antiabortion protest in Edinburgh earlier this year. We counterprotested, and my protest maths are not excellent but I reckon they outnumbered us. Only just, but they did. And they had adorable kidlets holding signs.

I don't think it's a huge movement here - they would have had to bus people in, probably from England - but it bears watching.

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I have hope for NI and ROI...in fact, the ROI the Catholic Church is in steep decline after the abuse scandals broke. I've visited Ireland several times in the last few years and it seems to be more and more progressive with every visit. At least in the larger cities that is true.

NI TBH I don't know as much about, but now that the troubles have wound down and Belfast is rebuilding people might turn their focus more to the abortion issue than just plain getting through a day without being worried about physical harm.

I have hopes for the ROI too. Things have got better there, as far as I'm aware. Supermarkets carry condoms, and abortion is legal to save a woman's life, which is a huge improvement. The Catholic Church has definitely lost its grip, but Catholicism is still embedded in the constitution as far as I'm aware*. Not a huge issue, but an issue nonetheless. Women from the ROI still have to travel to get abortions. Here is last Friday's Guardian article on the issue: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/ju ... se-studies

(I know, I'm preaching to the choir, citing the article. :oops: )

As for NI, it's a disgrace. I fully understand that people may not consider this at the top of their agendas, so my beef lies with Westminster. The rest of the UK gets legal and safe abortions, except for NI, which is part of the UK. I have no sympathy for Westminster making Northern Ireland's women's lives even more difficult. :evil:

*My memory is hazy on this one, please do correct me, if I got that wrong!

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40 Days for Life pitched up near my work in London this year. It was literally two little old ladies with tea and a very polite sign most days. When I explained the group to my co-workers, the response was mostly "Oh, why?" - as many people have said, it's honestly not that much of an issue here. Assisted dying perhaps more of an issue, but still not enough for them to piggy back on in the way I'm sure they'd like.

I know quite a few pro lifers and mostly they're embarrassed and shocked by the importing of US-style tactics over here.

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This past weekend I had the pleasure of driving past an anti choice protest. Of course the usual signs of aborted fetii being held up and people with small kids. I was kind of surprised, since this was in Evanston, which is a very liberal suburb of Chicago. At a stop light a lady came up to my car to try to had me a pamphlet....I rolled down the car window and stated I was pro choice. If I had a hanger in the car I would have offered that to her instead.

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