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WTF Michigan


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Jesus kissed a pigs snout god Christ what a bunch of asshole Christians ( well they are not Christians in deed) And Christians think they are persecuted. When your beliefs make you better then everyone else you have become less then everyone else.

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When did Michigan become so awful?

There has always been a lot of prejudice in Michigan against Muslims, people who might be Muslim, Chaldeans, and everybody else who looks like they might be from southwest Asia. I think 9-11 just gave people an excuse to say what was already in their heads. Cause, you know, all Muslims are terrorists, so we must get rid of them. They are an abomination unto the Lord. :evil:

That's twice in just a few days that I've been made ashamed of my state. I thought I left the fundies behind when I moved away from Kansas and South Carolina, but apparently not.

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*Sigh* Here's the thing...this situation is terrible, but how do we know the hate group was from Michigan? It could have been the WBC or a knock off of the WBC (Insert vision of a group of fundies getting sold on Canal Street in NYC for $20 alongside "Chanel", "Fendi", and "Prada" bags). I'm originally from MI so I am holding out hope that not all of the awfulness occurring in MI is being perpetrated by MI residents (*fingers crossed to the point of loss of circulation*).

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Michigan has a very high Arab population which includes also a lot of Muslims. Taking a step back, the pattern of human behavior toward these groups of immigrants is pretty typical. As a group, they are mainstreaming into American Culture while holding onto a flavor of the culture of origin. The people who live around them are by and large accepting of their new neighbors and appreciating the new tastes and sounds and patterns. Then there are a handful of haters who behave terribly. They will be the ones who lose.

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The link to the article about Troy's mayor was pretty messed up, too. You know what I don't get? I just don't hear about any of this stuff, and neither does anyone I know. I feel like all this insanity is happening and my relatives in other states hear about it before I do. I'm really bummed out about all of this. Where to move where to move. Hmmm.

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