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New Yorker piece on Bryan Fischer


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Right wing watch has a piece on Fischer's response to the New Yorker interview:


An excerpt from RWW:

“If I was a journalist,†said Fischer, “I'd be embarrassed frankly to be associated with a piece of tripe like this.†But I think it’s safe to say that he has a weak grasp on what journalism is. Regardless, Fischer says he’s going to take his ball and go home: “This is it. I am never ever gonna cooperate with an organ of the mainstream media for a profile on me ever again.â€

If you read the New Yorker article you will see that it is mostly Bryan Fischer's own words, his own ideas, and very little analysis.

Yes, Bryan, the article portrays you as an insufferable prick because you ARE an insufferable prick.

Laura, thank you for the Fresh Air link, I'll have to check that out.

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“We’re not animals in heat that have a biological compulsion to yield to every sexual impulse,†Fischer said. Gays, he said, can experience a “reorienting of their sexuality—it can be done. Like the saying goes, ‘I’ve never met an ex-black, but I’ve met a lot of ex-gays.’ If one person can do it, two people can do it.â€

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012 ... z1xsZhZiUX

That said, I've met a lot of EX ex gays in my life. I've met people who were trying SO hard to fit in to a box labeled "STRAIGHT I PROMISE!", and sadly a lot of those people killed themselves. I've met people so at the end of their rope trying to appease these assholes that they tried to take their own life. I've been one of those people who planned my suicide because if my family couldn't love me, who would?

It's people like this man who drive children to killing themselves with their words and hateful indoctrination of the public. His hatred is the opposite of family values. My family now loves me for who I am, and not a damn bit of them are biologically related to me. My family now is my friends, people I've found to surround me and help me learn and grow, my In-Laws. Family is so much more than popping out a baby and raising them how you see fit. Family is so much more than just requiring all precious snowflakes me born, then not giving a shit what happens to them. Family is so much more. This man represents NO family I've ever met, especially in regards to homosexuality. He, and his whole organization, makes me sick.

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I was going to post this yesterday but hesitated.

Bryan Fischer was the minister for my wedding but I just don't even know what to think of him anymore. Every time he says or does something outrageous and gets called on it he just doubles down with more outrageousness.

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Oh good, now you can see the entire piece (up until yesterday, it was for subscribers only).

Bryan Fischer is a real piece of work. Even beyond the anti-gay hysteria, he's stuck his foot in and twisted it around for a LOT of different things. Examples abound (I'm only going with one subset):

Bryan Fischer: Native Americans have never had morals - http://wonkette.com/437399/bryan-fische ... -americans

Bryan Fischer: Obama wants to give America back to the Indians - http://wonkette.com/433058/afas-bryan-f ... he-indians

Bryan Fischer: Pocahontas shows what could have been (i.e., lose your cultural identity and die young!) - http://wonkette.com/438388/afas-bryan-f ... -have-been

Bryan Fischer: Native Americans are savages (and this got his column pulled from the AFA website): http://wonkette.com/438136/afas-bryan-f ... umn-pulled

There's a lot of reasons for why the Southern Poverty Law Center put the American "Family" Association on its hate groups list (see http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/i ... ssociation). Bryan Fischer is pretty close to the top of that list of reasons.

This guy has a radio show that's supposedly on 200 stations *gagme*. He was not happy about the profile at all:


(All of these links are not broken because they go to Wonkette, the SPLC and Right Wing Watch's YouTube page--and they don't care.)

He can bitch, whine and moan about the profile being inaccurate. However, the New Yorker is infamous for its EXTREMELY METICULOUS factchecking. When the magazine published an article last year about Scientology, there was not a thing that Scn's attorneys could complain about from a fact perspective and no lawsuit forthcoming. So Fischer can just be a crybaby.

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Bryan Fischer made quite a name for himself in Boise for a few years. When he moved to Tennessee, there was an article about his move in the local paper. A lot of the online comments on the article were of the "Don't let the door hit ya in the ass" variety. If only he'd taken Boise's own Fundie Barbie/Crisis Pregnancy Center Director/Famewhore Extraordinaire Brandi Swindell with him...

Back to reading the New Yorker article.

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Ever since he was fired from being senior pastor of our church it seems he's gotten more extreme with every passing year.

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He can bitch, whine and moan about the profile being inaccurate. However, the New Yorker is infamous for its EXTREMELY METICULOUS factchecking. When the magazine published an article last year about Scientology, there was not a thing that Scn's attorneys could complain about from a fact perspective and no lawsuit forthcoming. So Fischer can just be a crybaby.

If the article on Scientology is around I'm going to have to read that too. The fact that Scientology was not able to find anything like a mistake in the New Yorker's article speaks volumes. The Scientologists are some vicious creeps. They will crawl over an article with a microscope searching for anything that might possible in some sort of way be grounds for some kind of lawsuit.

I noticed that Bryan Fischer did not provide one single specific example of how the NY article was inaccurate, just generally said that it was bad.


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