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Details RE: Kelly taking her kid to the vet for stitches??


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I mentioned the previous YUKU Free Jinger discussion of how Kelly Crawford bragged on her blog about taking her kids to the vet for stitches to save money. I read there that she deleted the post when someone pointed out that she could get into serious CPS trouble for making this public.

Does anyone remember what Yuku thread discussed this, or can anyone share the details that they recall?

(I think it is another example of the religious addiction of documenting your life in photos to such an extent that you lack all discernment. To me, it's akin to making beds out of Costco industrial shelves and talking about rat control online, as if this is what you want and need to tell the world about how you manage your family.)


Edited to Add:

Effie on page 2 of this thread produces the discussion with which I am familiar:

http://freejinger.yuku.com/reply/128902 ... ply-128902

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Over on this thread:


I mentioned the previous YUKU Free Jinger discussion of how Kelly Crawford bragged on her blog about taking her kids to the vet for stitches to save money. I read there that she deleted the post when someone pointed out that she could get into serious CPS trouble for making this public.

Does anyone remember what Yuku thread discussed this, or can anyone share the details that they recall?

(I think it is another example of the religious addiction of documenting your life in photos to such an extent that you lack all discernment. To me, it's akin to making beds out of Costco industrial shelves and talking about rat control online, as if this is what you want and need to tell the world about how you manage your family.)

I'm not surprised Kelly did that. I don't remember the thread about that and it could have been before I started posting on the Yuku FJ.

Kelly could have very much gotten trouble with CPS and also the vet could have gotten in trouble as well because of licensing issues.

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I have often said I wish my vet was my doctor as well but in truth I do not find vet care to be any less expensive than care for humans or at least not in NYC. I do love my vet and the time she takes with her patients and she calls to ask how they are and follows up immediately. I cannot say the same for my doctors.

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Kelly must have watched the South Park episode where Butters is injured by one of those Ninja stars (no idea what they're really called), so the boys disguise him as a dog and drop him off at the vet.

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I just paid $175 for a stray cat to get shots, vets are not cheap!(and I had to hold the cat and she scratched me!) My vet is insane though, he is exactly like the "soup nazi" from Seinfield. It is just him,YOU are the vet tech and hold your own pet and he gives you orders. It used to be cash only and you would never know how much to get out,but he just got a credit card machine.

My husband plays on a hockey team and he got hit in the face and cut his cheek open once. One of the other players is a dentist and told my husband he could take him back to the office and sew him up if he wanted. My husband opted for the ER only because it was close to his eye and he wanted a plastic surgeon to do it. If it were farther from his eye or anywhere else, he would have went to the dentist and saved the ER co-pay. :)

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I know that this has dropped back further in the list of topics, so I wanted to bump it back up to the top.

Can someone share the details regarding this or does someone remember the thread at YUKU where this was discussed in great length?

The search parameters over on the old Yuku site don't seem to function anymore, and there may be large posts deleted at this point.

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I don't know how to find the original discussion :(

I do remember reading what someone had copied or screencap'ed from the OP, and I'm pretty sure the vet was a family friend. That's the only reason that they saved money on it, because he didn't really charge them like he would a typical patient.

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I just paid $175 for a stray cat to get shots, vets are not cheap!

i concur, vets are definitely not so much cheaper than doctors! while i was taking care of my dad's dogs, i was always taking them to the vet [they are older and one of them has diabetes] and the bill was always well over $100 per visit. thank god for credit cards, i guess.

oh wait, i forgot, no credit cards allowed! :naughty:

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I know a couple of kids in medical school and a couple in vet school.

The vet students always talk about how stupid med students are-- and that, supposedly, vet school is a lot tougher than med school (this is what they tell me, I've been to neither school lol). If it were cheaper, I might go see my vet instead of my doctor-- paying for things out-of-pocket, for me, is better than dealing with insurance. But the vet is NOT cheap-- the first year I had my 2kittens (got them at 5 weeks old), I spent over $1000 for shots, check-ups, flea treatment, numerous medications, and spay surgery.

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Guest Anonymous

True confessions time. Her Maj kept getting rashes and the pediatrician kept saying it was ringworm. My veterinarian uses a blacklight to diagnose ringworm (it glows in the dark?) - anyway, after about three or four visits to the ped., I asked my vet to take a look at the baby. It was not ringworm. And she didn't charge me, although I did bring her some banana bread.

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True confessions time. Her Maj kept getting rashes and the pediatrician kept saying it was ringworm. My veterinarian uses a blacklight to diagnose ringworm (it glows in the dark?) - anyway, after about three or four visits to the ped., I asked my vet to take a look at the baby. It was not ringworm. And she didn't charge me, although I did bring her some banana bread.

well something like that, i don't think is too bad. stitches are major, though.

it's nice that she didn't charge you.

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Guest Anonymous

To be fair, I knew Dr. R. probably had a lot more experience diagnosing ringworm than the pediatrician. Exhibit A. being 3 mangy looking rescue kittens we scooped from our flower bed the previous spring.

I told the pediatrician he needed to invest in a black light.

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But one has to have a license to practice medicine (on humans, I mean), right? I think asking one's vet to do much more than shine a light on a rash would be putting that person in an awkward position. . . I really don't know.

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Guest Anonymous
But one has to have a license to practice medicine (on humans, I mean), right? I think asking one's vet to do much more than shine a light on a rash would be putting that person in an awkward position. . . I really don't know.

Agreed, and while Dr. R. can probably suture with the best of them (after all she probably does more surgeries on animals than a human surgeon does on people in an average week), I wouldn't have asked her to, nor would she. Even if the licensing boards didn't go nuts the insurance companies would. If I hadn't known the trick about the black light (and been to the pediatrician 3 times) it would not have occurred to me to consult a veterinarian in this situation.

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In an emergency I wouldn't mind having a vet stitch something up -- assuming that, for whatever reason, there were no human docs or nurses or whoever can do stitches available. But a) a vet would certainly not be any cheaper, especially without insurance and b) it'd have to be a pretty serious situation, I'd think, for any vet to be willing. I can't see popping in next door with a nasty cut and asking them to fix me up, I really can't!

I've heard the "vet school is harder than medical" and there was a pretty good reason; med students only have to learn about one species. Vet students deal with a whole bunch!

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If the vet was in town but the Human Dr was a zillion miles away, or for some other reason inaccessible.. heck, I might use the vet too. It would just depend on what it was we were trying to fix.

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Semi-related and I thought I'd share just because it's pretty scary stuff even if it doesn't involve fundies. When I was in law school, there was something of a minor scandal in legal circles because it came out that at least one of the federal prisons was using a large animal vet as its clinic doctor to see prisoners. Supposedly he just treated minor stuff and referred them on to the hospital for major things.

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Vets could lose their licenses to practice by treating humans. Nevermind the potential for litigation. Dentists, likewise, are bound by law with what they can practice. (It would, however, include stitches in the mouth). Except in case of extreme emergency- I mean out in the sticks with no way out- I would never ask either my dentist or my vet to put him/herself in such a position.

And the statements by vet students that vet school is harder than medical school-- Gah! Not exactly an unbiased source.

Just saying.

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I remember this from the original post that Kelly did a couple of years ago. One of her daughters had an injury, and Kelly DID brag that she took her to the local vet - who was indeed a family friend - for the stitching. She thought it was an incredibly good idea, and I got the feeling it wasn't the first time either. It was part of a post that was anti-healthcare bill etc. There were lots of postings under it about using crazy glue for closing sutures, too. [Which is fine except isn't it possible that it isn't as antiseptic as it could be? What about infection from a less than clean hand?] I found it troubling that Kelly has a billion kids without health insurance [and Samaritan is a joke], with the possibility that she could not afford to take care of a child with a life-threatening illness. This anti-modern medicine because it's just too expensive is about the worst part of the fundie lifestyle. Although I guess if the kid was REALLY sick they could take it to the vet and have her put down, right? ;) [JOKE]

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