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Best Bets for Duggar Women to Marry


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Since Zach Bates is out of the picture for Jana Duggar to court/marry, any suggestions or predictions on realistic courtships for any of these women? Would Jana as the oldest be the first girl to wed? Is there any protocol in ATI criteria about which of the daughters marry first?


Also, it seems from reading on several boards that some of the "royalty" [gags] of the ATI wouldn't want to marry their sons/daughters to the Duggars and vice/versa (either because they are beneath them or because the women are too liberal for them). Isn't it ironic how there is always discrimination/prejudice within every type of group? Is it possible that any of these "royal members" would marry if good old Gothard put a bug in the ear of the Daddys' and told them it was what God wanted? :mrgreen:


Would Jim Bob allow his daughters to leave and go live with her hubby in another state or do you think part of the deal would be to build each of the girls a house on the property to keep them all close at hand? Sometimes I wonder if Jim Bob wants his daughters to even marry. I think he really loves them (well in his own Jim Bob way) and I wonder at times if he wants them to leave. Michelle, I don't think she cares other than she needs them as maids, cooks and nannies.


One last question for now, can a child be forced into a marriage? I mean truly forced? Mom and Dad make the arrangement and say Jill says, "oh no no, I don't really like him. I've prayed and I don't feel God is sending him to me as my life partner". Now if she truly feels this way, but if the groom to be and the parents all want the wedding, can it still happen? Do you think the Duggars would put aside Jill's happiness if they thought her feelings were wrong?


As I said on a post last night, I'm fairly new to viewing the Duggars. I've known about them and read about them over the years, but I've only begun watching their shows this year. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around their way of life and philosophy.

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I hope and pray that Jana can escape, err, get married first since she's had to deal with this crap the longest.

She could marry someone a little younger than her in the Bates family, like Lawson. Although then there'd be more pressure for her to have 15+ kids.

There are also the Staddons. As boring as they are, they do seem genuinely nice (even if they do believe in the whole submission thing) and not into making their kids be unpaid, overworked nannies. From what I've seen on their blog they eat actual food (they even grind their own whole wheat!) so at least she'd be well-nourished. :)

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Would the Botkinettes or any of Doug's spawn be acceptable? Wait, this is restricted to the Duggar girls. That makes the Botkinette possibility even more funny. In any case, I hope they can marry someone nice or nicer than their family. Do the Mortons have any boys?

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Anna has had her baby. Michelle looked to bright and glossy to be new prego (and she was drinking a caffeinated starbucks mochachino - yes, I looked)... ratings baby... someone's gonna get hitched...

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Well, obviously, they can't physically force her into marriage, but I'm sure with all the training she's received over the years, she could be guilted into a marriage she didn't really want.

I feel sorry for the oldest girls. Michelle has made the comment often that God sent them so many girls at first so they would be able to "help out" with (aka take over) the household duties. How well would that household function without the older girls? Not very, I'm thinking. Michelle, for all her single-minded focus on babies, has pretty much checked completely out of child-RAISING activities, and would be hard-pressed to step back in again. She obviously doesn't WANT to, in any case.

Then there's the "whom to marry" question. Josh sort of evaded this situation, since his courtship occurred so early in the show, but the girls now have to figure out who is actually interested in them, who just wants a ride on the gravy train, and who is just a "weirdo" (as one of them so eloquently stated). Even (or especially) fundies are susceptible to the fame and fortune monsters, and I imagine that any potential suitor would be subject to some pretty strict investigation on those points. Interesting point - wonder if JB would make a suitor sign a pre-nup?

As for the "leave and cleave" issue - another interesting conundrum for JB. If the girls leave both the family compound and the spotlight (i.e., leave the show completely to pursue a private married life), what happens to the value of the show? "19 Kids, but now we're down to 15" doesn't have the same attraction.

I'm thinking Jill is most likely to stay unmarried. She seems shy/introverted, which will make it harder for her to meet potential husbands. Plus her interest in nursing makes her the perfect candidate (via a boatload of guilt encouragement from mom and dad) to become Josie's real mom, as she will continue to need more care than a full-term baby for some time to come. And if Michelle manages somehow to pop out #20, she'll be there for any similar problems. And of course, she can be there to take care of Gma Duggar and/or JB and M as they age.

Sadly, I also think she's the one who most needs to be married, because I think that will be her best chance (given current circumstances) to have her own life, and not be subsumed into JB and M's lives. Although I hate to see a person use marriage as an escape vehicle, I would fully understand it.

As far as possible suitors? Thankfully, I'm not familiar enough with the potential candidate pool to have any opinions on that. :D

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As far as possible suitors? Thankfully, I'm not familiar enough with the potential candidate pool to have any opinions on that.

We've seen the girls show up w/ friends (such as the Query girls), but we haven't really seen the J-boys show up w/ guy friends who might be potential suitors for the girls. What gives?

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I can see Jill "sacrificing" herself to care for the family. Somehow I get the impression that she's deadly afraid of sex. I've heard her mention she would like to be a nurse, or midwife, or even a missionary, but I don't think I've ever heard her express a desire for a husband and family of her own. Jana, on the other hand, has stated her wishes for her own family many times.

I don't know enough about the potential candidates to hazard a guess, although I wouldn't be surprised if Jana married someone no one has heard of before, much like Josh did with Anna.

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Would the Botkinettes or any of Doug's spawn be acceptable? Wait, this is restricted to the Duggar girls. That makes the Botkinette possibility even more funny. In any case, I hope they can marry someone nice or nicer than their family. Do the Mortons have any boys?

Just Cleve and I suspect he's what we used to call a "confirmed bachelor". I'm beginning to wonder if maybe fundies dont want to marry off the oldest daughter because she's so indispensable. Isn't Martha Morton quite a bit older than Dorothy, but not yet courting?

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I think that at least some of them will end up marrying men who are fame whores but have nothing to show for themselves so they're willing to do anything, and the men will be completely submissive to JimBob and essentially act as sperm donors to further the family. Or they might find some really shy men who want to escape from fathers who are even worse than JB and the situation will be the same. I see the daughters building houses on the compound moreso than the sons.

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Just Cleve and I suspect he's what we used to call a "confirmed bachelor". I'm beginning to wonder if maybe fundies dont want to marry off the oldest daughter because she's so indispensable. Isn't Martha Morton quite a bit older than Dorothy, but not yet courting?

Martha is 2 sisters younger than Darthy. The only one not to be married as an adult is hunky Cleve.

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The Arendts have a bunch of older boys who all live at home.

Will any of them ever get married?

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The Arendts have a bunch of older boys who all live at home.

Will any of them ever get married?

I'm kinda turned on by the one with alopecia. He's the best looking/least geeky of the older boys.

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I'm kinda turned on by the one with alopecia. He's the best looking/least geeky of the older boys.

This family knocks the top off the weird-o-meter.

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The Arendts family :o Someone pointed them out last week in a post and I meandered over to their website. I'm still in shock. They make the Duggars seem normal and sane. I wouldn't wish for any of the Duggars to marry those ummm men. No...uh no way...nope! This is a horrible thing to say, but my first thought was that whichever girl was married to one of them would be sexually frustrated and the guy for some reason would be happy, but I imagine him crying during sex :cry: Yuck!

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Martha is 2 sisters younger than Darthy. The only one not to be married as an adult is hunky Cleve.

Seriously?!? Martha looks older than all the rest, except Cleve and the married-off sisters. I don't mean that in a negative way--I think she's drop-dead gorgeous. Dorothy looks a lot like her.

I need a reference guide for the Mortons and the Sanders. I really can't keep track of who is old enough to marry and who is not.

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The Arendts family :o Someone pointed them out last week in a post and I meandered over to their website. I'm still in shock. They make the Duggars seem normal and sane. I wouldn't wish for any of the Duggars to marry those ummm men. No...uh no way...nope! This is a horrible thing to say, but my first thought was that whichever girl was married to one of them would be sexually frustrated and the guy for some reason would be happy, but I imagine him crying during sex :cry: Yuck!

Is this just from pictures? Or are there some creepy blog entries or something I should know about? I mean yeah it's a little off putting to have SAHS who are into their thirties and still living at home. But they'd be the rare fundie family who'd probably embrace the TLC filming experience wholesale. That family is obviously itching for a tv show on a major network, they have some shows on this online "tv" channel for fundies. I think their home business is being wedding/'special occasion videography. And it does seem a bit wrong to pair up a 30 year old with someone who is barely 21

On the other hand really I keep wondering how badly Jana wants to court becuase she wants to be a wife and mother and how badly she wants to get married so she move out of her house and away from her 18 or so people who depend on her. I keep hoping that the longer Jana is blocked from courting, it might hasten the realization that sitting around and waiting for prince charming (read waiting for your parents to reluctantly make all your important life decisions for you) isn't working

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Can someone please link me to the Arendts family? I have never seen them, and some of the stuff y'all are saying about them is stuff I never thought I would read anywhere, LMAO!

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There are lots of Arndt sons to go around. Luke is nice looking; he is very religious from his posts. There are several who are older or about Jana's or Jill's ages. Sarah Maxwell could even find a mate there, however, they seem to eat, drink and breathe baseball in the Arndt family so I think Papa Maxwell would have to ignore God's call if He wanted Sarah and an Ardnt son to court. JimBoob would be more accepting. At least he enjoys fun.

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I'm kinda turned on by the one with alopecia. He's the best looking/least geeky of the older boys.

:shock: Me too! :oops: Maybe it is because my mother's father had alopecia and I still have fond memories of that grandfather. :shifty:

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Bows my head in shame...well I have read some of their posts, but my snark is based mainly on their pictures, I'm superficial like that :lol: I can't help myself, but every time I glance especially at the son with that tucked in shirt and those jean shorts....shudders...crying during sex, I tell ya!

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I'm kinda turned on by the one with alopecia. He's the best looking/least geeky of the older boys.

It's too bad they aren't friendly with the Maxwell family so Sarah could meet a few of the boys. I like the one with alopecia--he'd be a good pick for Sarah. However, there is the fact that they do like their sports and Steve would never agree to a courtship with someone who not only likes sports, but plays them.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Dugger girls married one the Maxwell boys.

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Ah! I just can't get over the fact that the Arendts have THIRTEEN boys and ONE girl! I guess most of the boys are alright, but those jorts are quite something. :? And I didn't believe it until I saw it, but a couple of the guys are literally over thirty. Nice.

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It's too bad they aren't friendly with the Maxwell family so Sarah could meet a few of the boys. I like the one with alopecia--he'd be a good pick for Sarah. However, there is the fact that they do like their sports and Steve would never agree to a courtship with someone who not only likes sports, but plays them.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Dugger girls married one the Maxwell boys.

I would hate for any of the Duggar girls to marry into the Maxwell family. At least the Duggars sometimes do have fun.

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The Arnendts haven't been very good about keeping their web site up to date. The profile of the youngest has him speaking like a baby (using the word 'yike' for 'like' and calling 'family' 'famee'), yet he was born in 2003. There's a beautiful picture of the only girl, but again, it's from 2007.

I also find it odd that, in each profile, the kids are asked about a family memory, instead of providing more up to date information such as what they are currently doing.

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