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Fundie/Duggar Dreams MERGED


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Last night I was called by the Rodrigues family because I should potty train their children as none of them was potty trained so far. Jill told me that I should potty train Gabriel and all his younger siblings while she was going to potty train Nehi, Newman and Kaylee's baby in the womb as you can never start too early.

Then I went to an optician to buy new glasses and realised that Phillip and Samuel were working there. Phillip wanted to do an eye exam with me but in the middle of the exam he dissappeared. I asked Samuel if his brother would ever come back and he told me that he won't because he had to write the QJI(Queen Jill I.)-bible. Then he also left to enter a courtship with a maple tree in Canada.

After Samuel had left I realised that Phillip had taken my glasses and without my glasses there was no way that I could safely go anywhere. So I called my husband. He told me he couldn't come to pick me up because he was fishing with David. I asked him why he was spending his time with a Trumpist like David. My husband told me that David was only pretending to be a Trumpist for Jil. In reality he was a true socialist and they were currently discussing "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx. He also told me that David was fluent in Polish and German.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I dreamed that my husband and I were living in a two room apartment and I was pregnant with my 4th child (despite my husband have a vasectomy and I kept calling it hod's plan) and it wasn't really a fundie dream but I feel like dream me had somehow turned into Erin Paine and it was very disturbing. 

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Dropping a few here because I just discovered this thread

- one where I was dating Lizzy Kingery (who is apparently 4 years older than me??)

- various dreams where if I go look at a family blog too much I’ll have a dream where I’m hanging with them (no like we know you’re on our blog just straight up hanging out with them)

- had to go to a church service at an IFB in college and had a dream the night before that the Neelys pulled up and preached and I had to shake Dad Neely’s hand after the service.

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  • 1 month later...

Last night I dreamed that Kendra and Joe Duggar only had one child, their first born Garrett, and there was lots of speculation going on why they didn't have another one in the past five years. Some people here thought they wanted to limit their family size while most people where convinced that they had fertility issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamed last night that I was going to a Plexus convention with Jill Rodrigues. Lots of details I don’t remember, but the bulk of the dream was taken up with going through a lot of stuff strewn across a table - mostly Plexus brochures and other Plexus materials, but some random stuff as well - and trying to organize it for packing. I was afraid I would forget something. Jill was there (which did t help my packing nervousness) but uncharacteristically silent. 

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Last night a rodent ran across my living room floor and I had a huge panic attack and flood to my moms, who lives a 10 minute drive away, and took my super strong panic pill, which resulted I think in a very weird dream at the end of the night where the Rodrigues kids really really really wanted an education so much and somehow I was responsible forgetting them to school and they were begging me to go to school, but Jill kept getting in their way and saying that they could not go to school, and we were showing some education official how behind they were, how they could not do math or reading, etc., and it was so sad. When I woke up I don't know if they ever got to school or not. But I know that in real life they won't, and that is just really really really sad.

Thankfully, my life is better than the dream and the exterminator came this morning and plugged the hole.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a whole hurt/comfort story play out in my dream last night about the Rodrigues family. It involved them somehow coming to stay at the house at my mom and I moved out of 13+ years ago, which is a big house, and they left messes absolutely everywhere and it was really filthy. My mom was in the house and I was upset because she doesn't like messes, and somehow my arm got injured, and I needed a tetanus shot (this was inspired by real like family events recently) and I had to go to the hospital. We drove through snow, up and down hills, to a hospital, with David and Gabriel along for the ride.

At the hospital, it came out that Gabriel could not read despite being like 16 or 17, and then there were social workers and volunteers everywhere, and this whole small town found out about the deplorable conditions that the children were in, and got them nice clothes and a lot of books and taught them how to read. David went along with everything and started to shape up, but Jill was very upset.

I am still reading ‘the body keeps the score’ and have determined that one reason I love hurt/comfort stories is because I love the rescues, and I love the rescues because nobody ever rescued me as a child. So I don't think it is surprising that I keep dreaming about somebody rescuing this real life family. And my arm being injured in the dream was definitely not a coincidence, as I woke up with my fibromyalgia flaring badly in my arms, due to the cooking I did last night.

I wonder if the Rodrigues children have any idea how much people want them to be rescued and how much people want them to be well, despite the fact that none of us share their family’s strict interpretation of Christianity.

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  • 3 months later...

I dreamed last night that Lawson, Carlin and one of the other Bates girls (possibly Josie or Katie) came to visit me for a couple of days to help me deal with some house stuff. After a successful first day, they arrived in the morning for day 2. Lawson and I were sitting in my office and he was asking what I most needed done. I was telling him that what I most needed was to go through a lot of boxes, drawers and closets and do a house purge (mobility issues these past couple of years have meant that I am badly in need of getting rid of a ton of stuff). For some reason, Lawson was refusing to listen and wanted to do his own thing.

Meanwhile, one of the Bates women was walking through wearing short shorts and a strapless crop top that had two squares of material over the breasts. I was wearing something similar, except with a shrug over my shoulders (even in my younger and thinner days, this would have been far too skimpy for me). I wanted to say something about how different the outfit was than what they’d worn when I first started watching them, but didn’t want to make them self-conscious. Outside of the fact that Lawson wouldn’t shut up or listen to me, I felt very comfortable with them.  

Dream ended before they actually did anything, but I woke wishing I really could get the Bates to help me out. If I could get them to listen, they could help purge my house and take care of a ton of minor repairs. 

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  • 1 month later...

I had a dream where Alyssa Webster was singing Christmas carols with Celine Dion on backup, and everyone listening was in agreement that it should have been the other way around.

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Just for context: I work as a proposal writer and as a result have developed an interest in professional headshots. As a result of that, I’ve gotten really into intermittently going on websites for different family bands and seeing if they’ve updated their stuff. (I blame it on the fact that I’m about 99% sure I’m on the spectrum).

This comes with the side effect that I have dreams about once a month where I’m personally interacting with these families. It’s not awkward by any means- there’s no “why are you looking at our website” but it does put me off of checking their site for a bit.

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  • 1 month later...

Last night, I had the first dream I've ever had (well, remembered - who knows if I've had many) about fundies.

I was shopping at a supermarket with the Rods. We were checking out, and I was helping to put paper bags of groceries into a cart Janessa was standing in. She and Jill were grinning at me, waiting, it seemed, for me to comment on how adorable her being in the cart was, while another Rod child and I were trying to find space for the bags.

I knew I had a coupon for either $20 or $40 off of the order (it varied at different times in the dream) - one of those coupons you can use if your order is large enough. I offered to let them use it.

Someone who vaguely seemed like David's mother put an expensive, complicated-looking thing that seemed like a mix of a kitchen gadget and a decorative tchotchke on the belt, after hearing we weren't spending enough to use the coupon.

I went digging in my purse for the coupon, and kept coming up with other coupons, from other stores or for items we weren't buying. The cashier got impatient, scolded me, and started ringing up the next person's order, adding their items to our order. I tried to get her to stop, and she got even more annoyed with me.

I found the coupon, and it turned out it was only usable after spending $1000 at that store in a certain period of time.

Meanwhile, the Rods had gone outside already, which was the first inkling I had that I was expected to pay for the order.  David came back in, annoyed, to ask what was taking me so long. And that was the end.

Least realistic aspect of the dream? Jill was not filming any of it.

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I had a dream that I was staying at a house with Erin Paine that had a broken window. She told me, "Oh, Chad will take care of it," even though Chad was off on a fishing trip with a friend somewhere without cell phones.

Then, Erin called a forest ranger who managed to track Chad down to tell him he needed to come home early to fix the window.

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  • 3 months later...

I never have anything to contribute, but I had my first fundie dream last night!

I caught the Rodrigues family sleeping in a grocery store overnight (Jill had literally cleared a shelf in the bread isle and was laying down on it as her bed). I reported them to someone, and the rest of the dream was about them harassing me on social media because “sooommmeeeeone wouldn’t just let them sleep.” Hahahaha

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I had a fundie dream a while ago. Lawson and Tiffany's dad were sitting in a tree and he went on a long rant about how he wasn't good enough for his daughter.

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