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Unwanted babies can just go live at convents


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This is what happened to unwanted babies before abortion:


A common practice in rural England was to feed newborns to the pigs, to dispose of the evidence.

Despite the tremendous toll it took on the lives of innocent children, the Victorians' fear of government intervention into social reform and the Victorian ideal of the inviolability of the family prevented its reform until the end of the 19th century

The quote is from Artemis' link.The fear of government involvement sounds very similar to right wing logic today.

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I guess Oliver Twist isn't on the reading list then?

I bet a lot of awful things happened back when an unwed mother was treated so badly.

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I remember Newt suggesting orphanages in lieu of paying welfare to parents who couldn't support their children.

Before abortion was available some women used herbs like blue and black cohosh, algelica, and pennyroyal were taken to encourage miscarriage.

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I would suspect that at lot of convents, the very few young nuns there are today's convents are more busy taking care of aging nuns and would not have time to take care of dozens of unwated babies.

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It's bad enough there are a lot of unwanted children lingering in the system. My province has a website that shows children available for adoption. There are over 30 and those are only a small sampling of what is out there. Why do anti-choicers put such a premium on human life but don't lift a finger when the already-born need help?

My grandfather was an orphan in England. His mother died in childbirth. His father probably couldn't care for an infant. The saving grace for my grandfather was that his adoptive mother wanted a child so badly. He had definitely the best outcome possible. Very few orphans were as lucky as he was.

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FFS. I love the new drama queen who posted on this topic on the non-Thinking Housewife's blog:

http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/201 ... more-37129

This commenter claims that the issue of babies being left on doorsteps in Italy is "very personal" for him because he descends from one such baby who was left on a doorstep centuries ago. I'm sorry, but that's not "very personal." I mean I suppose in an existential sense, OMG, said commenter wouldn't exist if said baby had died centuries ago. But hell, I wouldn't exist if my mother had married the hot quarterback in high school instead of traveling the world and postponing family until she met my father.

Newsflash to commenter: It's not all about you. How about some compassion for your ancestor, the poor girl who had the baby? How about some compassion for the baby? And how about some compassion for all the people over the centuries who might have existed if your ancestor had been able to plan her family?

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FFS. I love the new drama queen who posted on this topic on the non-Thinking Housewife's blog:

http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/201 ... more-37129

This commenter claims that the issue of babies being left on doorsteps in Italy is "very personal" for him because he descends from one such baby who was left on a doorstep centuries ago. I'm sorry, but that's not "very personal." I mean I suppose in an existential sense, OMG, said commenter wouldn't exist if said baby had died centuries ago. But hell, I wouldn't exist if my mother had married the hot quarterback in high school instead of traveling the world and postponing family until she met my father.

Newsflash to commenter: It's not all about you. How about some compassion for your ancestor, the poor girl who had the baby? How about some compassion for the baby? And how about some compassion for all the people over the centuries who might have existed if your ancestor had been able to plan her family?

hell a day or so before or after and none of us would be here lol I love how just arbitrary this whole thing is.

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