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Bill to require women to carry stillborn fetuses to term.


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Guest Anonymous

Eh? It is not stillborn unless it is born. Do they mean you have to keep a dead foetus inside you for a long as it takes to expel itself from the womb? Even if it starts to disintegrate inside and kill you? WTF?

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As if that insensitivity wasn’t enough, he then referenced the livestock on the farm where he once worked and how they had to sometimes deliver stillborn animals:

Life gives us many experiences…I’ve had the experience of delivering calves, dead and alive. Delivering pigs, dead or alive. It breaks our hearts to see those animals not make it.

In other words, if a cow or pig can give birth to a dead baby, then a woman should too.

What the hell? He is not simply talking about late term abortions which are already illegal in most instances. He si talking about the fact that a woman- in his eyes- has no more right to her own body than livestock that we use for meat. Remember,, this was not an off the cuff statement that just came out wrong. He said this in front of other representatives while giving a speech. That means that he thought this statement through and still didn't understand why it was offensive.

There is a thread on this subject already but I don't mind discussing this again

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And just how do these people propose to prevent a woman from miscarrying a dead fetus/embryo? Will a republican senator have to hold the woman's legs together so that her body does not expel the dead fetus/embryo as physiology would normally dictate? Will the senate be there in the hospital monitoring to make sure that no doctor tries to save the woman's life if she starts bleeding or goes into sepsis? These people make me furious.

These laws are slowly but surely turning me from a casual observer to a feminist to a militant feminist.

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I apologize if this has already been posted.

http://blisstree.com/live/georgia-rep-w ... ws-do-693/

Georgia law maker has proposed a bill to require females to carry a stillborn fetus to term just as cows do.

I lack the words to express my disgust.

Not that I think women should be treated like livestock anyway, but cows can and do get sick from carrying dead fetuses. Compassionate farmers will not let them carry to term (I have heard in graphic detail about the joys of disassembling a decomposing calf fetus from the inside for just this reason). So actually they are advocating treating women *worse* than livestock.

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That's complete crap.

My mom actually was required to carry a miscarriage for 4 weeks by her doctor until she was induced at around what would have been her due date and had the stillborn child. She also wasn't allowed to see the child and she never knew whether is was a boy or girl. This was in 1975 in upstate New York, and it took her 4 years to conceive me after that. Not only because of the actual amount of time to conceive (though that was a part of it), but also because it took a long time to recover emotionally. She was very mentally scarred from it. I recently asked more about the situation, since I'm at a point in my life that the possibility of kids isn't too far off, and I hadn't realized how horrible it was for her. I didn't know, for example, that she had to carry the fetus for 4 weeks until very recently. I can't imagine what she must have gone through during that time.

She's told all of us that if we were ever in a similar situation, she'd be there, insisting to be able to do all the things (have the ability to see the child and say goodbye, not let the doctor make us wait the time, anything else that we needed) she never was able to.

I can't imagine these lawmakers have ever talked to someone that has been in a situation like this, and what that does to them emotionally.

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