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Another "saving the first kiss" manifesto


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Also, the first kiss with your special someone will be special irrespective of if you have kissed anyone before or not.

This. So this.

And, if it isn't special, consider yourself lucky that you found out before you married that person. This is very good information that you wouldn't have otherwise had if you had kept yourself "decent and pure".

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Another thing that is a known fact that cause guys to stumble, is when a girl puts lipstick/lip gloss, and even chapstick, on in front of them. It draws attention to the girl’s lips, and…that can lead to impure thoughts.

:naughty: Make sure there are no men in the vicinity when you smear on some Chapstick, ladies! Might lead to a rape!

Don't you just love it when babbling babes (or nattering neonates if you prefer) give advice? See also Lauren @wearinghispurity for more of the same...

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Oh, it gets better! Her heart breaks whenever a school bus goes by and she sees all those sad little 4-year-olds whose parents have discarded them! And this is why she is going to homeschool her future unborn!

Seriously I hope she has, like 6 kids in three years, and we can see how much joy she finds in sheltering their blessed hearts day in and day out.

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I would encourage you to remember – and I guarantee this! – that your husband will delight in your kiss even more, knowing that no other man has touched your lips.

Can’t you picture yourself thinking: ‘I wonder if he thinks my kisses are as good as hers were?’ or ‘When he kisses me, does he think of the times he kissed her?

I hate hate hate this teaching. Seriously, it's given me a lot more grief and is a lot harder to overcome than a lot of stuff. My husband kissed his ex, and I'm ok with that...probably because I know I'm better than her haha...but in a lot of other things, I'm worried that he would compare me to hot girls or whatever, and since I'm really unhappy with the way I look (and low self esteem...working on that), the thought makes me really upset. That and because I read too many articles that said "if your husband looks at porn he's going to compare you to them!". Thanks a lot. lol :?

I helps me to see all your thoughts.

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:naughty: Make sure there are no men in the vicinity when you smear on some Chapstick, ladies! Might lead to a rape!

Don't you just love it when babbling babes (or nattering neonates if you prefer) give advice? See also Lauren @wearinghispurity for more of the same...

Just to be safe, girls probably shouldn't talk. The sight of their lips moving might lead to impure thoughts.

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Just to be safe, girls probably shouldn't talk. The sight of their lips moving might lead to impure thoughts.

We shouldn't breathe either; heaving bosoms and all...

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I think the purity thing is just ridiculous. I grew up in a home were purity was expected, but I was sexually abused at the age of 6. I didn't even know how to talk about it, and nothing was ever done, except that the visitor who hurt me went back to Germany, were he probably went on to abuse other girls. I was taught that good girls didn't really spend time with boys until they were married, so my history made me feel like damaged goods. It wasn't until recently, at 28 years old that I learned to trust a man with all of myself. I've come to hate the emphasis on purity, because all it does is put all the pressure on young girls, even when they can't prevent their circumstances, they are still blamed.

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I was pretty into the whole purity idea when I was in high school. My mom was constantly talking about how stupid it was to try to prevent teenagers from having sex because they're going to do it anyway. The way she talked it sounded like all teenagers (boys and girls) wanted to do nothing but have sex all the time. And I didn't. I just had no interest in dating or boys or sex or anything, so I assumed everyone would think there was something wrong with me if I admitted to having no desire to be in any kind of romantic relationship, particularly a physical one, so I latched on to the whole purity idea instead. It's probably a good thing I had never heard of courtship at that point or I probably would have been promoting that idea to anyone who would listen.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, when I was itching to break up with my first boyfriend and trying to figure out how to explain it to all the friends who had been so excited for me to go out with him. It wasn't like there was anything wrong with him. It wasn't like he had done something unforgivable and I never wanted to see him again. I just...didn't want to go out with him anymore. And finally I said to myself, forget it, that's a good enough reason. I have had some people look at my like a crawled out from under a rock when I say that I just really don't want to go out with anybody right now, but I don't care anymore.

Anyway, I'm not sure what my point was. I haven't read this girl's blog, and I'm sure I don't agree with her "dating will ruin your life" paranoia, but I DO think we live in a culture that teaches that it's impossible to be happy without a significant other and I can see how someone who's not interested in that, for whatever reason, would be trying her hardest to justify her position.

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