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A girls message to all Christians


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A friend of mine sent me this. I think you will agree with her message.


Guest Anonymous

Its sweet-though-much-too-long. (although as I am not a Christian it is, of course, not addressed to me and, of course, I don't agree with the Christian part of the message).


Awesome. It's nice to see a Christian really own up to her/his mistakes and call on others to do the right thing: stop judging.

But what "movement" is she talking about? :?


Very long but I liked that she realized that she wasn't acting like a christian just pretending to be one. I know many people that fit her "before" actions.


Meh, I really don't like it. I read it as an evangelical 'break through' on a new way to evangelize non-Christians.

I hear the young woman as saying "I used to think I was good for following rules, but I was wrong... now I've learned that I'm good because I love even the non-Christians. I am being like Jesus now".

Personally, I also find it a little melodramatic in regards to some of her facial expressions, pauses, and underlining.


I like the sentiment but it's too saccharine for me. Can't help but think, too, that her message will miss its intended target.


it was well done. but the love thing got old.


kind of reminds me of the I don't believe in religion but I am a christian video's


I thought it was cute. It seems that she targeted it towards people that were already Christians and atheists probably wouldn't watch this on their own, so I don't think there was a hidden agenda.

Although to those that thought it was a new Evangelical way to preach to non-Christians, I don't blame you for thinking that... There are enough of those "marketing campaigns" going around.


This whole holding up cards to music thing is becoming asinine.


Can we send this to Zsuzsu?

This whole holding up cards to music thing is becoming asinine.

Ugh, yes, this. I only watched the first ten seconds and all I could think was "why is she wearing headphones?" I think I missed the point.


I get the point. I think this is for a much younger audience than me. I don't question her salvation - she may have been acting how she thought she was supposed to act, how she saw other Christians act.

This whole holding up cards to music thing is becoming asinine.

This!! WHY do people do that? I just don't get it. :?


I liked the video for the most part. She owned up to her mistakes and mistakes of some Christians. I didn't like the music part though.


This!! WHY do people do that? I just don't get it. :?

I did not realise there was music as I hadn't plugged my headphones in properly.

I think it is better without!


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