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Stupid Question but I'll ask anyway...

0 kids n not countin

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Forgive me for asking, but I never quite understand, if we are all born with sin how is it that children are blessings? The two seem opposite to me, thus I don't quite understand how it works, how can someone who inherently has sin be a blessing at the same time?

Pardon my stupidity. :oops:

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If you beat the sin out of them they become good!

Besides God gave them to the parents, so the parents now own them thanks to a gift from God which makes them a blessing.

This is of course negated in the case of single and/or teen parents. Those children are punishment for their parents sins.

And children with LGBTQ parents need to be rescued from their unholy, lust filled home...

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Forgive me for asking, but I never quite understand, if we are all born with sin how is it that children are blessings? The two seem opposite to me, thus I don't quite understand how it works, how can someone who inherently has sin be a blessing at the same time?

Pardon my stupidity. :oops:

You're assuming that there's some logic here, or at least a lack of blatant contradictions.

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We're not born with sin, we're born with the ability to sin and we do it almost immediately after birth. That's what I was told anyway.

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If all people were only born with the ABILITY to sin in Christian doctrine, there'd be no need to baptise babies to clean them from "original sin", would there?

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We're not born with sin, we're born with the ability to sin and we do it almost immediately after birth. That's what I was told anyway.

Did whoever told you that explain how a baby who has just been born could possibly sin?

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Did whoever told you that explain how a baby who has just been born could possibly sin?

Probably by eliminating the "J" and the "O" from the JOY equasion. Because we all know babies are *super* selfish. ; )

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