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Stupid shit people say on Duggar fan pages


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A few more...

"I cried out to the Lord!"

"Sweet, sweet fellowship!"

"______ is such an encouragement!" or "we try to be an encouragement"

"I'm convicted to______"

(On the teen girl fundie blogs) "A girl should be so lost in her love for the Lord that a man needs to seek Him to find her"

"Lover of the Lord"

"Daughter of our King"

PS I hate when people get the phrase "Buy used and save the difference" wrong and say "Buy, use, and save the difference".

First sorry about my dismal spelling, I hate my Nook sometimes.

I also need to add my favorite;

"I used to do ________, but the girls just keeping doing it, because they love to (insert chore name here)"

Kelly had this all over her Primetime special, about the girls volunteering to do all the chores. I guess teen fundies, love nothing more then cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry.

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Wanda Kozakevich

Has anyone had two or more children in a row? Just wondering

Um. I gave birth to a puppy, a kitten, and a hamburger in between? WTF?

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ITA. I don't blame the girls for not wanting to leave if this is what they face outside the compound. I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew someone felt that way towards me, but I also grew up semi-sheltered.

This is exactly how the show makes them even more sheltered. It's like hiding in plain sight. So sad...

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We should totally make a list of Sh!t Fundies say! :dance:

Some ideas:

In this season of life

Each child is a blessing

In our family we...

We purpose to...

We really enjoyed fellowshipping with the Bates

We live debt free

Encourage, encouraging and encouraged. Any statement that ends with a daughter wanting to be a SAHM or wanting as many blessings as the Lord will allow.

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Originally posted by Abagail 2:

I have been a faithful fan of your show since you first aired on TLC here in Toronto, Canada and I am wondering how do you manage to maintain your calm and you never seem to get angry with anyone how do you do this I would love to know what your secret is?

Thank- You



I got a laugh out of this one.Next on 19 kids in counting Michelle does a class on to stay clam with your kids lol

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