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Josh gets Political


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OK So just checked out his instagram and was floored by his openly political stance...


I spose we always knew these things, just at least how we know for sure... Bold is Josh's words.







championnwa Not a supporter, but on the email list to keep an eye on the enemies! #aclu #liberals #$ 7h




mrscappel I never want to receive an email from. Even if it's to "watch" the enemies. I hate the whole thing! 7h


championnwa Ok, occasionally we are on the same side (i.e., right to peaceful protest)...but most of the time they push the limits on free speech advocating for illegal and illicit activities, homosexual rights and pushing everyone to accept it, illegal drugs (marijuana, more), "women's rights" meaning they can kill their child before its born, freedom of religion...only if your anything but Christian, then it's "Separation of Church and State" just to name a few! 7h


rhafling Does that mean you are not open to other people? 6h


cwadesinclair The ACLU has done more to destroy society than most other entities (save Barack). "open to people is a loaded question". it's our nations proclivity to turn to sin and in the process turn from God at the heart of the matter . The ACLU works every day to ensure that conventional convictions are mowed down and nothing can stand in the way of those who want to run, individually (taking the country with them) to destruction. 6h


rhafling Well I guess I mean would you hate someone because of their beliefs or lifestyle or would you be turning your back towards them. 5h


championnwa Pushing the opinions of the FEW on ALL... in the name of freedom? The line must be drawn in a place further to the right! 5h


championnwa I would never hate anyone...but disagree, yes! 5h


sinnersavedbygrace The ACLU is wrong because they wrongly say that my belief in those things being wrong means that I "hate." When, in reality, me not wanting people to be led to believe that those things are right is because I love them and am trying to show them the truth. The ACLU is one big mass of smoke and mirrors and it's ruining America's moral compass. :( 3h

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Dear Josh,

As one of those nasty, nasty, baby-killin' liberal feminists, I may disagree with everything you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

I'm also going to call you a moron and continue only to consider political commentary from people who know the difference between "your" and "you're."

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I agree with fighting to the death to give us all the right to say what we believe, even if we disagree (which I do with about everything Josh is saying). Good point though.

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Dear Josh,

As one of those nasty, nasty, baby-killin' liberal feminists, I may disagree with everything you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

I'm also going to call you a moron and continue only to consider political commentary from people who know the difference between "your" and "you're."

I was thinking this exact same thing! Misusing your/you're is a dead giveaway for YOUR shoddy SOTDRT education. Oh Joshie, and you think you can go to law school... :doh:

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Joshie, the one the ALCU is committed to is to protect the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. Read it and the amendments sometime. You might get excited. It's an amazing document.

Too bad you're so dense.

An old hippie liberal pushing 60.

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If Josh is going to go to law school and be the counsel for fucktards like FOTF, etc., then by God! Let's write him some strong recommendation letters!!

(loves me some ACLU, btw!)

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Well, Josh, I'm sure you won't be bitching about the opinions of the few being protected when you're in that minority. Then you'll be complaining that they aren't protecting you more.

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Dear Josh,

If you actually open the ACLU website and read, you will find out in many instances they advocate for the constitutional rights of religious folks, xtians to be specific.


Card carrying member since 1969

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As others have said:

Your vs. you're

its vs. it's

Judging on the size of your face, you eat trash and judging on what you say, you spew trash.


*and eat some veggies for the love of the baby Jesus

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I wish this would get reported on. I see lots of "Well, I don't agree with the Duggars, but they're just such nice people!" comments, and I wish they'd realize how awful and ignorant the Duggars really are.

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As others have said:

Your vs. you're

its vs. it's

Judging on the size of your face, you eat trash and judging on what you say, you spew trash.


*and eat some veggies for the love of the baby Jesus

Veggies not from a can that is....

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Wot, they actually want civil rights for homosexuals and women? How dare they!

Josh, you ignorant fuck, I've just renewed my ACLU membership in your honor. Thanks for reminding me about it.

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Josh- If you were a true Christain then you would have repect for all people, no matter who they are. We are all part of humankind. So put your big boy pants on and start accepting that fact.

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Coming from someone who had to have one of those "evil" abortions in order to save her life, Josh can bite me. Also, I have yet to find anyone who doesn't think separation of church and state applies to all religions, not just Christianity. All Josh has done with his little post is prove what a complete imbecile he is.

*leaving to go donate to the ACLU

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Pushing the opinions of the FEW on ALL... in the name of freedom? The line must be drawn in a place further to the right!

I suppose Joshie doesn't realize that his skewed right opinions are, in fact, ones of the minority. He also doesn't realize that organizations like the ACLU actually DEFEND the Consitution and the rights of ALL Americans.

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But wait! There's more! From a picture of an Obama/Biden sticker: "Don't blame us for this mess...it's your fault! (...and the others like you that voted for him)".

A couple years back, I saw this list of "Ways to be defriended on Facebook" and one of them was "Too many political posts". Another was "Posting too often". I think of that list whenever I see Josh's page, ha! Okay dude, we don't need a picture of every single thing you see.

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AND it continues:


championnwa: Don't blame us for this mess...it's your fault! (...and the others like you that voted for him) #economy #fail #worstpresidentever 4h

wtf??? Why is he suddenly being so politically aggressive? and playing some type of political blame game!?

He's such a freaking douchebag its not even funny...

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