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What's up with fundies comparing Santa to Satan?


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What's up with fundies comparing Santa to Satan? I found this article about a person in Tennessee who put up a huge display, composed of Christmas lights, that compared Santa to Satan. Has anyone else seen this?


CARTER COUNTY, Tenn. -- Drive around at night this time of year, and it won't take long until you'll find a display of lights. But one local light display is upsetting residents.

It's not a light display you'd expect this time of year. "I was just horrified, horrified," Deborah Jones said of the first time she saw the sign.

Bright red letters saying "The Devil's Inn is closed until Judgement Day", along with a message reading "Satan Satan Hear My Plea, Satan Satan Come To Me" illuminate the side of Highway 19-E each night.

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I've heard this also. It is so ignorant. English isn't the only language in the world and other European cultures have a Santa figure. There isn't really a way to get the name for the devil from Santa's other names. If god was trying to tell us something, he would do so in every language, wouldn't he? Besides, how clever can Santa be if he just switches a few letters around to hide his identity? LOL

Also, Santa is a fictional character. Sometimes I think that fundies don't understand make believe. The parents are leaving out presents, not Santa.

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I've heard this also. It is so ignorant. English isn't the only language in the world and other European cultures have a Santa figure. There isn't really a way to get the name for the devil from Santa's other names. If god was trying to tell us something, he would do so in every language, wouldn't he? Besides, how clever can Santa be if he just switches a few letters around to hide his identity? LOL

Also, Santa is a fictional character. Sometimes I think that fundies don't understand make believe. The parents are leaving out presents, not Santa.

It's just like Voldemort switching around a few letters in Tom Riddle to hide his identity!

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Sounds like someone took the Dana Carvey "Church Lady" skit a bit too literally.

I was coming here to post this. It is an anagram for Satan! Just like in Rosemary's Baby: "All of Them Witches".

Well, he is male, has a beard, wears red, and their version of him is a fairy tale, so, I guess there is some similarity.

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What about fundies that speak another language (do those even exist?) The Santa/Satan thing wouldn't work then. They probably just think English is the only Godly language just like American is the only Godly nationality.

They probably don't like Santa because he brings presents and joy to children. And they think all children need is some nice shelves to sleep on so can't get them wanting things too much

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Because the idea of Santa is socialist? "Santa" gives kids gifts and wants nothing in return?

That must be it. The little grifters don't lift a finger to earn those gifts!

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It always cracks me up when they make that comparison. Santa Claus = SAINT Nicholas. Santa means saint. He's based on a holy figure. Granted, saints are part of the eebil Catholic religion, so perhaps that's why he's Satan?

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That must be it. The little grifters don't lift a finger to earn those gifts!

Hey, my brother & I worked very hard each year leaving out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk! :character-cookiemonster:

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Hey, my brother & I worked very hard each year leaving out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk! :character-cookiemonster:

From each according to her abilities, to each according to her needs ;)

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It always cracks me up when they make that comparison. Santa Claus = SAINT Nicholas. Santa means saint. He's based on a holy figure. Granted, saints are part of the eebil Catholic religion, so perhaps that's why he's Satan?

This. "Santa Claus" IS based on an actual historical figure who gave copious amounts of money away (an inheritance he received from his parents after their death when he was a teenager). He worked hard to make sure no one knew it was he who was giving the money away. He lived within very humble means so that he could distribute his wealth to those in need. Imagine that.

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Hey, did you guys hear the story about the dyslexic devil worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa!

/stupid middle school joke

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