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Pearls 2: Michael, Shoshanna, et al

Coconut Flan

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Or she's pretending to be a born again virgin for social media (and her parents) while they've been making the beast with two backs for months. 

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3 hours ago, TrueRebel1 said:

Maybe for her it's all about making a statement to James, who she's insinuated wasn't handy with home improvements.

IIRC, she & James are the ones who remodeled that house from a community church structure into their home. Again, IIRC, much or all of that remodeling work was DIY - by her & James, who NGJ describes as an "inventor and a builder."

Easlingbios.thumb.png.919e523ca0f5aeb6c1531dd47cc3c2d8.pngSo, just who is responsible for their screwed up plumbing & unsafe deck rails?


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3 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

Or she's pretending to be a born again virgin for social media (and her parents) while they've been making the beast with two backs for months. 

I think Shoshanna and James didn’t actually have a real wedding. I think they just wanted to have sex so they had their own type of wedding in the woods or something.

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Didn’t they end up having a real one a few years ago? Iirc, the general consensus was that the IRS may be catching up with them, but my memory is a little fuzzy.

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According to Hoipolloi in this comment:

They did later get married legally as well.

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2 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

They did later get married legally as well.

Yes. Thanks for linking to my prior comment.

Shoshanna posted all of that on her IG but later removed it which is par for the fundie course. Nonetheless, I have screenshots of everything. 

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So shalom surprised her kids with a visit home this past weekend. They obviously missed her a lot. They are staying with her parents while they are gone. Shalom said they are staying until June 20. But he’s being treated while staying in a nearby Airbnb. What I hate about this is that these kids are losing out on time with their dad. I know they think they are curing him and he will have plenty of time to see the kids then. But that’s likely not going to happen. And I’m afraid they will look back and regret not spending almost 2 months without their dad before he died. That’s just heat breaking. 

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7 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

So shalom surprised her kids with a visit home this past weekend.

I am sure they have missed their parents. I agree that the kids are being cheated out of time with their dad while the family is being robbed of thousands of dollars for this glorified spa.

This man tracked H4C patients, using information from their GoFundMe accounts:

The whole thing is so sad. 

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9 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

I am sure they have missed their parents. I agree that the kids are being cheated out of time with their dad while the family is being robbed of thousands of dollars for this glorified spa.

Time that they could have spent together, time they could have planned for how to manage the future with, time they could have used to access actual or palliative care. Time they could have been on holiday together.

I find it both so sad and so utterly enraging.

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I’m just sad for Justin and Shalom. I think they were lied to. And I’m enraged at Hope4cancer. 

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YOUR PARENTS encourage women to stay in abusive relationships Shoshanna. 


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29 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

YOUR PARENTS encourage women to stay in abusive relationships Shoshanna. 


"God hates abuse"

Yes, Shoshanna, God hates abuse but your parents are the ones who told abused women that they HAD to stay to please GOD. They were not naive, they knew the ramifications of their teachings. AND THEY ARE STILL SELLING THEIR BOOKS THAT TEACH THIS! Just call your parents out for the false teachers they are. Just say out loud that their influence got you into an abusive marriage. 

Do we really think this "best friend" exists, or is this like all the "stories" that Debi Pearl and Lori Alexander make up in their writings to tell on themselves?

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And that's because the Pearls - and people like them - like to move the goalposts. Sure, if it's REAL abuse you're allowed to leave (as long as you give your husband plenty of chances at reconciliation) but are you really, really sure you case IS abuse? Aren't you just being a little too worldly, too vain, too resistant to a bit of discomfort? Aren't you the actual problem here and wouldn't things be salvageable if you just smiled more, submitted harder, and had no standards at all? Because obviously it can't be abuse if your husband claims you forced his hand. Look at what you made him do!

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Shoshanna's legit delusional. The fact that she can't admit how abusive her parents are is unreal. 

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30 minutes ago, TrueRebel1 said:


Yep. Mike & Debi Pearl have only recently, within the past few months, started putting out statements about individual rights and not having to take abuse from a spouse. 


Of course, they claim that they have never condoned abuse but that their followers were either "doing it wrong" or that "people have changed."

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Debi Pearl: gaslighter extraordinaire

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2 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

Debi Pearl: gaslighter extraordinaire

Yes. Looks like Shoshanna has learned how to gaslight, including the NPCs with the made-up stories.

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It's interesting these seem to be coming from Debi and Shoshanna and not Michael. Has he appeared publicly since his stroke? I wonder if Debi's sudden change is because he's incapacitated so she's lying and pretending like he didn't really mean all the things he taught for all those years and was explicit that he was serious about. For all Debi's talk post-stroke of neuroplasticity it's still her discussing it, not Michael appearing in pulic saying "look how great I'm doing." Neuroplasticity is a real thing but my guess is he's not fdoing as well post stroke(s?) as she wants everyone to believe. 

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13 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

It's interesting these seem to be coming from Debi and Shoshanna and not Michael. Has he appeared publicly since his stroke?

I'm pretty sure there have been recent articles supposedly authored by Michael, as well as his newer book "Good and Evil", unless I'm mixed up on the timeline. Don't believe I've seen recent video presentations by him though. 

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Well sure, if he’s beating her for no reason… Why hello there, movable goal post!

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This makes me much more angry than just ignoring the usual criticism. They are gaslighting, denying, and pretending like they had no idea there were men who beat the shit out of their wives when writing their heinous books. 

Debi, “what?!? You mean there are men who beat women? I’ve never heard of such a thing!” 

Fuck off.

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19 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

This makes me much more angry than just ignoring the usual criticism. They are gaslighting, denying, and pretending like they had no idea there were men who beat the shit out of their wives when writing their heinous books. 

Debi, “what?!? You mean there are men who beat women? I’ve never heard of such a thing!” 

Fuck off.

Agreed. If Mike and Debi came out with those anti-abuse articles AND acknowledged how their books enabled abuse AND pulled their books off the market, that would indicate a change of heart. The current articles, without the other things, are just disgusting damage control. Pretending that 20 years ago women were lacking submission and now they're not? That men weren't abusive then but now they are? Bullshit.

I had some hope, over the past couple years, that maybe Shoshanna was seeing the light. It seemed like she was deconstructing and getting ready to stand up to the old teachings. But now? This is worse than before. This is beyond insulting and harmful to victims. I'm angry too, for myself and so many women who were wronged by the Pearl's teachings. Sadly, there will be a lot of women who read Debi and Shoshanna's updates and believe that the book was never the problem, it was all their imagination, or all their own fault for doing it wrong. 💔


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So I want to point out out another aspect to Shoshanna's beliefs that I find chilling.

The ableism.

The idea underlying her herbal woo-woo and Plexus shilling is that it is God-ordained to be healthy while simultaneously being FREE from anything related to modern medical care. So she hugs poison ivy. And does weird calesthenics down by creek. And speaks in word salad that she calls poetry.  Because she is healthy! Because God loves her!

But wait. Now she is admitting to prior health problems due to stress from being abused.

Except now she is healed and you can be healed too if you buy into her beliefs and her product.

The misogeny and child-beating is horrific. But so is the idea that you are somehow spiritually superior if you are in good health.

It's very twisted and obnoxious and, underneath it all, she is not well.


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4 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

Yep. Mike & Debi Pearl have only recently, within the past few months, started putting out statements about individual rights and not having to take abuse from a spouse. 


Of course, they claim that they have never condoned abuse but that their followers were either "doing it wrong" or that "people have changed."

Subjection was what was lacking. They had no idea that abusive marriages were out there! Debi is basically in deep denial about her own marriage, and the lacking was only from Michael's viewpoint that he should be deferred to and worshipped. I am petty and vindictive enough to hope that Michael is incapacitated and discovering powerlessness from the other side

Has Shoshanna come out and said that her marriage was abusive, or is it being heavily implied? 

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